Daily Archives: December 7, 2020

Career Opportunities Available for Graduate Students in Healthcare Administration

Healthcare Administartion is becoming an integral aspect of the healthcare industry. According to the AHA (American Hospital Association), there are 5,724 registered hospitals in the United States, of which 924,333 are staffed. A growing number of patients are creating increasing staff demand, and all administrative activities are essential for the institution’s overall functioning.

How Expensive Can a Master’s Degree be in New York State?

New York is the home for many prestigious colleges in the world, in which Columbia University, Fordham University, New York University, the New School, and many more are some of them. Many of the finest students have these schools and even the finest faculty you can expect. Graduating from these colleges gives the work market a massive advantage. Almost all of the universities in New York City are in the top 10 or top 20 schools (public and private) in the US and have been at the forefront of research, innovation, and student success consistently.