Finding a school with a low stated in-state tuition rate isn’t the only way to make it affordable. It’s no secret that university fees are rising, forcing students to take out loans or seek for subsidies. It’s critical to look at a school’s usual financial assistance package, the average net price paid, and, most significantly, the quality of education you’ll receive for your tuition dollar. When a school can’t give competitive financial aid or doesn’t provide a quality education, it can appear to be a poor relative value.
CollegeHippo has data from 2100 universities where you can compare and find universities at an affordable price. You don’t have to pay sky rocket high tuition to get the Master’s program. For example, see $60,000 vs $18,000 Online Masters degree in Computer science – What is the difference between them? blog post where we have explaind the difference between the universities offering graduate program with high tuition and program universities offering graduate program with low tuition. You can also try Match me with Masters Program to match youself to find the best university of your choice.
Here we have listed some of the univerties that offeres Masters program under $25,000. See, Find affordable masters program, to get the list of universities offering Masters program in an affordable price.
List of Universities Offering Master’s program Under $25,000
Exercise and Nutrition Sciences Master’s Program at University at Buffalo
Prepare for multiple health science career paths with a research-based master’s degree from the University of Buffalo. Students will conduct an independent research study with the thesis option and defend it with a thesis. If students want to gain research experience or if they plan to continue their graduate education after finishing their master’s degree, they should select this option.
Students will participate in a research program and an internship with the comprehensive exam option. If students plan to complete their graduate studies with the completion of their master’s degree or to continue a professional degree program such as medicine, physical therapy, or chiropractic, they should select this option.
The specialization in applied physiology within the master’s program gives you opportunities for advanced exercise physiology and nutrition research. Students will learn to assess research literature critically and to improve problem-solving, research, and laboratory skills.
For more information on the program, visit the Exercise and Nutrition Sciences Masters program.
Tuition and fees at University at Buffalo
The minimum number of credits required is 32 Credits.
The cost per Credit is $471.00
The total cost of the program is $15,072
Know more about the University of Buffalo
Master Of Business Administration (MBA) at Stony Brook University
The MBA degree prepares students for positions in strategic management of firms, health care organisations, government agencies, and non-profit organisations, whether or not they have a background in business. Students will graduate with the ideas, methodologies, and systems necessary for strategic analysis, development, implementation, and measurement of a variety of businesses. It will also contain comprehensive business, accounting, finance, marketing, operations, management, and leadership skills and understanding. There are 36 credit tracks for students with an undergraduate degree in business and a 48 credit track for individuals with undergraduate degrees other than business in both the on-campus and online programs.
For more information on the program, visit the Business Administration and Management -MBA.
Tuition & fees at Stony Brook University
The total Tuition for NYS resident is $8,741.25
The total Tuition for Non-NYS resident is $13,436.25
Know more about Stony Brook University
Master program in Social Work at SUNY at Albany
The nationally recognised master’s degree in social work (MSW) at UAlbany prepares students for a career focused on promoting individual and societal well-being while adhering to long-term social and economic justice commitments. Students can specialise in social work practise with the elderly and evidence-based therapies for people with mental illness at the School of Social Welfare. The Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) has fully accredited this program, which meets the education requirements for master’s and clinical social work licencing in New York State.
For more information on the program, visit the Social Work Master’s Program.
Tuition & fees at SUNY at Albany
Tuition & fees for New York State Residents
- Tuition – $6,540
- fees – $1,092.50
- Total – $15,265
Tuition & fees for Out-of-State Residents Residents
- Tuition – $11,105
- fees – $1,092.50
- Total – $24,395
Know more about SUNY at Albany
Online M.S. in Kinesiology at California State University-Bakersfield
The California State University Online Master of Science in Kinesiology (MSK) program provides students with a broad understanding of kinesiology, with a focus on behavior modification, exercise physiology, program design, movement science, and evidence-based practice in kinesiology. Individual requirements are assessed, fitness and wellness regimens are developed, and individuals and their families are educated. Students can complete the MSK in four semesters (18 months), and they can attend full or part-time.
Tuition and fees at California State University-Bekersfield
The minimum number of credits required is 30 Credits.
The cost per Credit is $600.00
The total cost of the program is $18,000
Know more about California State University-Bakersfield.
Master of Science in Food Science at University of California-Davis
Both master’s (M.S.) and doctorate degrees in Food Science are awarded by the Food Science Graduate Group. The M.S. degrees will give the student with unique educational opportunities as well as equip him or her for a variety of career goals. If you want a graduate educational experience with a nearly equal mix of classroom and research, an M.S. degree is the ideal option.
Tuition and fees at University of California-Davis
The total cost of the program is $13,608.04
Know more about University of California-Davis.
Master of Science in Civil Engineering at Loyola Marymount University
The MS in Civil Engineering program is designed to prepare working professionals and recent graduates with science and engineering backgrounds who want to gain a deeper understanding of the principles needed to solve 21st-century environmental problems and manage our water and infrastructure resources sustainably for future generations. Environmental Engineering, with a focus on the most modern, established, and long-term solutions for protecting and improving water quality in urban and natural environments by effectively managing pollution sources. Students can also pursue three-course certificates in a variety of fields or a Master’s degree in Environmental Science, which focuses on sustainable management and environmental preservation at local, regional, and global scales.
Tuition and fees at Loyola Marymount University
The minimum number of credits required is 30 Credits.
The total cost of the program is $18,606
Know more about the Loyola Marymount University.
Master of Science in Applied Mathematics at Florida Institute of Technology
Graduates of Florida Tech’s master’s in applied mathematics combine their mathematical expertise with other disciplines such as science, engineering, economics, medicine, and finance to solve multifaceted challenges such as weather and climate conditions, network analysis complexities, biodiversity changes, crime statistics, traffic jams, and more. One of the first advantages of a master’s degree in applied mathematics from Florida Tech is its flexibility, which allows graduate students to create a program that suits their research interests and employment ambitions.
Tuition and fees at Florida Institute of Technology
The minimum number of credits required is 30 Credits.
The total cost of the program is $22,338
Know more about the Florida Institute of Technology .
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