Every year, higher education expenses are getting more costly, and with that, persons interested in obtaining advanced education are more cautious to ensure that the qualifications they learn are worth the money they potentially put in. Most jobs are searching for an edge in today’s fast-paced environment to keep themselves competitive and up-to-date. Although the two-year master’s degree program is always a reasonable option, it is not important to ignore the possibility of a shorter-term graduation certificate. For professionals looking to develop their prospects, they will sometimes give the best value for the money.
What Is a Graduate Certificate?
A graduate certificate program is just that, a training program that “certifies” your expertise in a field of study, composed of graduate-level classes. (Graduate certificates also concentrate on a particular sector or work titles, such as urban and regional planning, systems engineering, professional writing, or building management). Certificates can be a perfect choice for those wanting to develop expertise and progress in their professions more rapidly at around 12 to 15 credit hours, less than half the time than certain master’s degrees.
Most graduate certificate programs are not meant to be a substitution for a degree. Instead, they encourage practitioners to learn new skills to step on in their careers, get up to speed in a new area, or satisfy the criteria of state licensing. Graduate degree programs typically fall into one of several classifications, including those targeted at:
- Create a skill set that sets you apart from others, helping you to position yourself in your profession for a better wage or new opportunities.
- Develop skills that improve overall marketability in a new or growing field of specialization, such as data analytics.
- Provide preparation for individual professions, such as paralegal studies.
Credits received through a graduate certificate program can be extended later to a master’s degree in certain circumstances. Conversely, certain master’s degree programs allow candidates to graduate with one or two certificates that show additional expertise along with their master’s diploma. Applicants are typically expected to have a bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, or work experience in an area connected to the field of study of the program in order to be admitted into a graduate certificate program.
How Long Does it Take to Earn a Graduate Certificate?
For graduate certificates, there is no fixed length, but most can be done in nine months to two years. Many degree programs are intended to take part-time since students typically work at the same time, but in order to get the full immersive experience, some may need full-time participation.
While some certificate programs are flexible in how long it takes you to complete the curriculum, some will work on the basis of the cohort, where a group of students advance together through the courses. The cohort model can be perfect for developing working relationships and camaraderie, but if your schedule criteria change, it is less flexible.
It is important to vary the actual number of graduate courses included in a credential program. Some classes, which can consist of just three courses and nine credits, are fairly short. Longer classes, including five or seven courses, are mostly 15-18 credits. In addition, for completion, degree programs can include supervised work experience or capstone projects.
How Much Does a Graduate Certificate Cost?
Certificates for graduates typically cost more than certificates for undergraduates. There is no particular explanation for this other than the tradition that professors who teach at the university level will be more trained themselves to create and teach courses and command higher salaries. For undergraduate degree programs versus graduate degree programs, this trend is the same: graduate tuition is nearly always higher than undergraduate education per credit.
Although some certificates can be very inexpensive at public schools, costing closer to a few thousand dollars, most degrees may run closer to $20k. Make sure to closely compare the programs if you select a specific subject for your graduate certificate, since there is no uniform curriculum for certificate programs. You will find that you are often offered even more training by a more costly curriculum.
For your certificate program, financial assistance may be eligible, but not every program qualifies for federal student aid. Many employers offer services that help people develop more expertise and experience, so look at the incentives that are open to you. If you intend to continue in the organization and you will learn from the expertise you will acquire in your current career, ask the employer if they can help you, particularly though they don’t have a college aid package. Students will also pay out of pocket for certificates that will help them move occupations, but because of the reduced average cost of certificates, this is more manageable.
What Are the Benefits of a Graduate Certificate?
In more ways than one, a graduate degree will prove useful for your career and personal advancement. You will enrich your expertise in a number of fields as graduate degree programs are designed to help students achieve diverse goals.
A graduate certification will also ease the career quest challenge, along with expanding your skills base and understanding the practical uses of knowledge. A graduate certificate can win you a job offer, whether you are looking for employment opportunities for indigenous students or jobs for international students in the USA.
We also mentioned a few advantages of obtaining a credential for graduates.
An Increase in Salary
If your primary motivation to consider earning a graduate certificate is a desire for higher pay, then you are in luck: individuals can expect to receive an estimated 13 to 25 percent increase in salary after earning a graduate certificate, according to a report from Forbes. That’s a high return on investment, particularly given the relatively short time you’ll complete the program.
A Good Professional Network
Like earning any degree, earning a graduate certificate connects you with individuals with whom you may never have crossed paths otherwise. These people will become connections that will expand your professional network, from professors to advisors to fellow students, which can be helpful when you apply for jobs or seek a career change.
Transfer of credits
You can transfer the credits earned in many graduate certificate programs to a master’s degree related to the same field. You can take advantage of the transfer of credits if you wish to pursue a master’s degree in the future.
Get enrolled in a graduate certificate if you are unable to decide the type of Master’s degree, devote time, or arrange for funds at present. It would help, however, if you asked beforehand whether or not the program you have chosen qualifies for the transfer of credits.
Prove existing skills
When working for an organization, each employee learns a variety of new skills to improve their productivity and expand their accountability. The skills you acquire during your tenure of employment should be listed in your resume. But, a lack of adequate educational credentials can make you distrust potential employers.
So, with the help of a graduate certificate suitable for your job position and skill set, you can prove that you have those skills.
Obtain a license
Some professions have national or state licensing requirements, such as mental health therapists, to ensure the provision of safe and quality services by individuals and/or organizations. By obtaining a graduate certificate, you can abide by the regulatory requirements and seek a license.
Similarly, some professions require people on a continuous basis to get an education. You can satisfy this requirement easily with the help of a graduate certificate course.
Switch a career path
Because of either feeling stuck in a rut or finding their passion late in life, many people show a willingness to make a career change. The knowledge and skills required for walking on your new career path can be provided by a graduate certificate. Select a career path that is the best fit for your abilities and interests.
To impress employers and to land a stable and well-paid job, you can use graduation certificates to boost your resume.
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