Yale University Graduate Assistantships

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Yale University's Graduate Assistantships serve as a pivotal means of supporting graduate students on their academic journeys. These assistantships encompass a stipend, offering valuable financial support to recipients. Beyond financial assistance, graduate assistants actively engage in research, teaching, or administrative responsibilities within their respective departments. These multifaceted roles not only augment the academic and professional skill sets of students but also cultivate a collaborative and immersive learning experience. Reflecting Yale's steadfast commitment, these Graduate Assistantships exemplify the university's dedication to fostering the intellectual growth and impactful research contributions of its graduate student community, thereby creating a dynamic and supportive environment for advanced studies.

3455 Students Awarded with Graduate Assistantships
1598 Students Awarded with Teaching Assistantships
1565 Students Awarded with Research Assistantships
1844 Graduate Assistantships Awarded to Female Students
1611 Graduate Assistantships Awarded to Male Students
881 Graduate Assistantships Awarded to International Students

Financial aid by Yale Department of Economics for Graduate Students


Information about the maximum allowable hours and the role of research assistant in terms of experience and skills at the Department of Economics is found here:

  • According to the Student Employment Regulation, The maximum allowable work hours in any given week are 19 hours. 
  • If you work for about 10 hours a week for 12 out of 13 weeks in a semester. Then the maximum you can earn is $3,000.
  • This job is good for extracting skills and experience for IDE (presumably a program or department) graduates, particularly in light of the COVID-19 situation.

Here we get the information regarding the maximum work hours and earnings allowed for students under student Employment regulations, discuss a specific research assistant's role and highlight the importance of the research assistantship in providing valuable skills and experience for graduates, especially given the impact of COVID-19.

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