Graduate School Finder Based on GRE/GMAT score

CollegeHippo has aggregated GRE (Graduate Record Examinations) scores from over 2100 American universities. With this data, we help you find the right school for your graduate or doctorate program.

It is very easy to begin the search for your perfect school. First, choose your desired field of study. If you know the specialization, select it from the drop-down list. After you have entered your GRE score and other details, press "Find" and you will see school results in three different categories. These categories are based on US news rankings, as well as data sourced from the schools themselves. Remember that this categorization is based on the scores aggregated from the universities websites, and in no way should be taken as the final advice when applying.

Universities consider the complete application which includes your GRE score, SOP (Statement of Purpose) / Essay, and extracurricular activities. A low GRE score may be offset by stellar performance in another area.

Grad programs based on GRE, GMAT score

Do you require GRE/GMAT for Graduate school?

The Graduate Record Exam and the Graduate Management Admission Test are two examples of standardized exams used to gauge a student's proficiency in concepts like analytical reading, critical thinking, and mathematical reasoning. It is not surprising to see many higher education institutions add a second layer of the admissions process, the GRE or GMAT, given the expanding number of applications submitted each year. Depending on the graduate program and school you are applying to, you may need to take standardized examinations like the GRE or GMAT. 

Some graduate programs, particularly those in the humanities, sciences, and engineering, could ask for the GRE as part of the application. The GMAT or LSAT (Law School Admission Test) may be required instead for admission to some professional schools, such as law school or MBA programs.

It's important to note that several graduate schools and programs have started reducing or removing the requirement for standardized tests in recent years because they believe they are not a reliable indicator of success in graduate study. Due to test center closures and other logistical difficulties brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, some schools temporarily suspended or made tests optional, accelerating this trend.

Who can give LOR for Graduate school?

For graduate school, letters of recommendation are often provided by people who can attest to your academic prowess, capacity for original research, character traits, and likelihood of success in the program. Letters of recommendation are frequently very well written by professors who have instructed you in pertinent coursework, oversaw your research projects, or guided you in your academic endeavors. 

It's crucial to choose people who are familiar with you, can speak highly of your skills and potential, and have a solid reputation in the academic or professional field when choosing those to write your letters of recommendation. Be sure to give your recommenders enough time to compose the letters and any material they require to back up their recommendations.

How to get good recommendation letters for Graduate schools?

You could have to write recommendations as a student for graduate schools or even for scholarships. Recommendation letters are letters of support from professors, managers, and/or colleagues who are willing to speak highly of you for use in graduate school applications. They talk about your abilities and academic successes, your professional and research experience, and your character traits. An essential component of the graduate school application process is having a reference letter that is well-written and comprehensive and comes from someone who knows you well.

Here are some tips to get a good recommendation letter. How to get a strong recommendation letter for US admission

How to get good essays for Graduate schools?

Applying to graduate school is a stressful process. In addition to the application itself and any standardized tests, you need to write an essay. The essay is your opportunity to set yourself apart from other applicants, so it’s important that you choose your topic wisely.

Here are some tips to get a good essay. College Admission Essay Writing Tips.

And also look at 6 Best Online Courses to Get Good with Words and Write My Essay

What is the average GPA for a Graduate school? Can you get admission with a Low GPA?

The grade point average is a calculation that gives you a measurement of your academic achievement. The GPA is calculated by dividing the sum of the numeric value of grade points by the number of credit hours that you have taken. 

A competitive GPA for graduate school is often considered to be around 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale. However, many graduate programs, particularly those that are highly competitive or prestigious, may have higher GPA requirements, often ranging from 3.5 to 4.0.

While a low GPA can present challenges in the graduate school admissions process, it does not necessarily preclude you from being admitted. Admissions committees typically consider a range of factors when evaluating applicants, and a low GPA can sometimes be offset by other strengths in your application. The least expensive programs and regular programs will both have the same admissions criteria. The order of the list, however, may differ based on the university, with California State University-Dominguez Hills coming in top. At CSUDH, graduate students must have a minimum GPA of 2.5.

How do I shortlist the Graduate programs based on GPA and GRE, GMAT scores?

Prior to narrowing down your selection of graduate schools based on your GPA and results from standardized tests (such as the GRE or GMAT), you should first learn more about the entrance standards for the degree programs you are considering. Visit their websites to learn more or get in touch with the admissions departments. Find out whether they have a minimum GPA requirement and if the GRE, GMAT, or any other standardized exam results are required.

GPA, GRE, and GMAT scores are the basis for shortlisting the programs, but once you've done so, it's crucial to consider each program's specialties. For instance, even though a Master's program in marketing has high rankings and is highly regarded by Forbes, it might not be a suitable fit for you.

How do I find Graduate programs that do not require GRE, GMAT, or LSAT for admissions?

As you probably know, most graduate programs require GRE, GMAT, or LSAT test scores for admissions. There are many people who have low GRE scores, a bad LSAT score, or a criminal record (or any other reason) and cannot take those tests. The good news is that many universities are waving off their GRE/GMAT/LSAT scores for admission.

At CollegeHippo you can easily find the list of universities that have waived off test scores for admission to No GRE Admission Master's programs.

How to pick a graduate program?

Choosing a graduate program might be difficult. There are a lot of things to think about, including your interests, future job aspirations, location, and academic specialization, to mention a few. The most crucial thing to keep in mind is that your choice will have a significant impact on the course of your career, so take your time and choose the institution that is the best fit for you. There are numerous factors to take into account, but there are also actions you may do to simplify the process.

At CollegeHippo it’s very easy to find graduate programs. We have listed out all the graduate programs offered by the top accredited universities in the USA.

Search for the program you are interested in. Find a graduate program

What are the average GRE scores required for the Psychology Masters program?

To be admitted into the Masters in Psychology program, prospective students must meet specific criteria; one of which is GRE scores. GRE scores are needed for admission to most Psychology Master's programs, they tend to average around Verbal Reasoning: 155-160; Quantitative Reasoning: 150-155; and Analytical Writing: 4.0-5.0.

Let's take some examples of top universities with their average GRE scores.

  • Northwestern University: The graduate program in psychology at Northwestern University requires an average Verbal GRE score of 165 and an average Quantitative GRE score of 160. 
  • Western Kentucky University: An average GRE score of 303 on the verbal and quantitative subtests, and a 4.0 on the analytical writing subtest is required for the Masters of Science in Psychology program.
  • Wake Forest University: WFU required an average GRE of 315 (combined verbal and quantitative) for the Master’s program in Psychology.
  • Florida Institute of Technology-Online: Frodida Tech requires an average GRE score of approximately 306, the GRE Verbal and GRE Quantitative combined for the M.S. in Industrial Organizational Psychology program. 
  • University of Nevada-Reno: The Ph.D. program in Behavior Analysis offered by the Department of Psychology requires a median standardized GRE test score verbal score of 155, a quantitative score of 148, and an analytical writing score of 4.8
  • Illinois Institute of Technology: Lewis College of Science and Letters at IIT offers MS and PHD programs in Psychology. The minimum GRE score required for this program is 298 (quantitative + verbal) and 3.0 (analytical writing).
  • Midwestern University-Glendale: The graduate program in Psychology offered by this university had an average GRE score of 56% for the previous year's admission cycle.

For more details, visit Average GRE, GPA requirements for admission to Psychology

What are the average GRE scores required for the Data Science Masters program?

For all aspiring data scientists, there are certain educational prerequisites that must be met before taking the necessary steps to pursue a degree in data science. Math and science majors will need exemplary GRE scores for admission into top-performing data science programs. These scores are used as an entrance test into a graduate program for those seeking a Master's in Data Science. The following is further information on what GRE scores may be required by some of these programs:

  • Illinois Institute of Technology: The Master of Applied Science (MAS) in Data Science program offered by IIT requires minimum GRE scores of 304 in quantitative + verbal and 2.5 in analytic writing.
  • University of Central Florida: All students who wish to apply for the Statistics and Data Science Master program are required to submit the GRE or GMAT scores. Students must have a GRE score of at least 1000 on the combined verbal-quantitative sections of the General (Aptitude) Test or a GMAT score of at least 450.
  • University of Memphis: The Master's degree in Data Science program requires a verbal and quantitative GRE score of 70% or above preferred in each area.
  • Rutgers University: The master of science in Data Science requires GRE scores of no less than 500 and 600 for verbal and quantitative results respectively. While there is some room for movement when it comes to achieving a strong verbal score, quantitative results should typically exceed 600. Alternately, applicants who submit GMAT scores should look to achieve verbal marks of 29 or higher as well as quantitative figures of 46 or more.
  • Duke University: The Master's degree in Data Science program requires an average verbal GRE score of 161 and a quantitative GRE score of 167.

For more details, visit Average GRE, GPA requirements for admission to Data Science

What are the average GRE scores required for the Veterinary Medicine Masters program?

The Veterinary Medicine Masters program is intended for practicing veterinarians who want to continue their studies and earn an advanced degree in veterinary medicine. The curriculum offers a full understanding of advanced animal health and care by combining online instruction with practical experience.

Veterinary Medicine Masters programs are competitive and require high GRE scores. Here are some of the average GRE score requirements for Veterinary Medicine Masters programs.

  • University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign: The Master of Veterinary Science: Livestock Systems Health offered by the College of Veterinary Medicine requires an average GRE composite percentile of 66%.
  • University of Nebraska-Lincoln: UNL offers both Master of Science and Ph.D. degrees in Veterinary Sciences. Students to get admitted to this program must generally rank above 55 percent in both the quantitative and verbal reasoning portions of the GRE.
  • University of Missouri-Columbia: The Online Masters Degree in Veterinary Sciences offered by Missouri requires a minimum verbal and quantitative score of 291 and an analytical score of 4.0
  • Long Island University: The MS in Comparative Biomedical and Veterinary Sciences requires a minimum verbal reasoning of 150 and quantitative reasoning of 150.

For more details, visit Average Gre scores for Masters in Veterinary Medicine

What are the average GRE scores required for the Computer Science Masters program?

The Graduate Record Exam (GRE) is the most common test for admissions to Computer Science master's programs. A good GRE score can help you get into your dream program. Here are some of the average GRE score requirements for Computer Science graduate programs.

  • Northwest Missouri State University average GRE score: Northwest’s Master of Science in Applied Computer Science is a 16-month program that requires an average GRE score of 290 or above for admission.
  • North Carolina State University at Raleigh average GRE score: The PHD program in Computer Science offered by NC State University requires an average GRE score of: Verbal Reasoning 60%, Quantitative Reasoning 87%, and Analytical Writing 49%. 
  • Rutgers University average GRE score: Rutgers's MS in Computer Science program requires an average GRE verbal score of 150 and a quantitative score of 160 for admission.
  • Illinois Institute of Technology average GRE score: The Master’s in Computer Science (M.S.) program offered by IIT requires minimum GRE scores of 300 (quantitative + verbal) and 3.0 in analytic writing.
  • Florida State University average GRE score: The Computer Science MS and PhD programs offered by the Department of Computer Science at FSU require a minimum GRE score of 145 on the verbal section and 150 on the quantitative section. The minimal GRE score needed for admission under the old scoring method is 1100 (Verbal and Quantitative taken together), with a minimum of 650 on the Quantitative.
  • Georgia Institute of Technology-Main Campus average GRE score: The MS Computer Science offered by Georgia Tech's College of Computing requires an average GRE verbal score of 153, a quantitative score of 155, and 3.0 in the Analytical sections for admission.
  • University of Kansas average GRE score: The 2-year Master of Science (M.S.) degree program in Computer Science offered by the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department requires an average GRE verbal score of 152 and a quantitative score of 163.

For more details, visit Average Gre scores for Masters in Computer and Information Sciences

What are the average GRE scores required for the Public Health Masters (MPH) program?

The GRE is the most commonly used applicant test for the Public Health Masters (MPH) programs. Here we look at the average GRE scores of successful applicants to help you achieve a competitive application.

  • Columbia University in the City of New York: The Master of Public Health offered by the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health requires an average GRE Quantitative percentile of 71.3%, Verbal percentile of 78.2%, and Analytical/Writing percentile of 71.2%.
  • University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Campus: The Master of Public Health (MPH) program offered by the School of Public Health requires an average GRE quantitative score at or above the 70th percentile.
  • Emory University: The MPH in Health Policy offered by the Rollins School of Public Health requires an average GRE score of 155 in Verbal, 155 in Quantitative, and 4.05 in Analytic Writing.

For more details, visit Average Gre scores for Masters in Public Health

What are the average GRE scores required for the Physical Therapy and Therapist Masters program?

There are many factors to consider when applying for graduate school, one of which is the GRE (Graduate Record Examinations) score. Although the GRE is not required for medical school, many schools are now starting to require it for graduate programs. The reasoning behind this is that the GRE will give the school an objective measurement of your skills and knowledge on a national level.

  • University of Florida: The Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) program offered by the College of Public Health and Health Professions at UF requires an average GRE verbal score of 151 and quantitative score of 151 and and 4.0 for the writing section.
  • Columbia University in the City of New York: The Doctor of Physical Therapy offered by the Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians & Surgeons requires an average GRE score is 152 (53% rank) for the verbal reasoning, 152 (52%) for the quantitative reasoning portions of the exam, and 4.0 (49%) for the analytical writing.
  • Georgia State University: The Doctor of Physical Therapy offered by GSU Byrdine F. Lewis College of Nursing and Health Professions requires a minimum GRE score of 145 in quantitative and verbal sections and a minimum score of 3.5 in the Analytical Writing section is recommended/preferred. 
  • Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center: The DPT program offered by the School of Health Professions requires an average GRE score of 150/170 - Verbal; 150/170 - Quantitative; 4.0/6.0 - Analytical/Writing
  • San Diego State University: The Doctor Physical Therapy program offered by SDSU requires a minimum combined Verbal and Quantitative score of 300 and a minimum Analytical Writing score of 4.0.

For more details, visit Average Gre scores for Masters in Physical Therapy and Therapist

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  • User from USA, grad school matcher to find program in Data Science with GRE quantitative score of 170, GRE verbal score 165, AWA score 6. 127 numbers of colleges were matched based on his conditions
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