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Best Education Masters Programs in Virginia
11 universities in Virginia, VA offer master's degree in Education

The Curry School of Education and Human Development is proud to offer a Master of Teaching (MT) degree with licensure and endorsement in Science Education. This is a post-graduate program for those who have already completed an undergraduate degree.
In this program, prospective graduate students who have an undergraduate degree have the opportunity to earn a Master of Teaching (MT) degree from the Curry School of Education and Human Development. This one-year program of study allows you to earn licensure with endorsement in Science Education (6-12). Candidates choose an area of emphasis: biology, chemistry, earth science, or physics.
- GRE Required: Yes
- Research Assistantships: 974
- Teaching Assistantships: 697
- Financial Aid:

Executive Ed.Programs (K-12 Administration, Higher Education Administration, Gifted Administration, and International School Administration).
Online Clinical Mental Health Military and Veterans Counseling.
Denotes programs that allow admission to a Spring semester.
Graduate Programs Deadlines - W M School of Education
- GRE Required: Yes
- Research Assistantships: 187
- Teaching Assistantships: 179
- Financial Aid:

College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences .
The English Education programs at Virginia Tech meld traditional issues of teaching writing, language and literature with newly emerging practices and research in adolescent literacy, new literacies, multimodal technologies and teaching and learning in 21st-century classrooms.
The School of Education at Virginia Tech offers a doctoral program in Curriculum and Instruction with emphasis in English Education. The doctoral program is made up of full time and part-time doctoral students. Every effort is made to secure graduate assistantships for full time students as they complete their one year academic residency requirement. Prospective Students should contact Dr. Trevor Stewart to discuss their application.
The English Education programs at Virginia Tech prepare English teachers, teacher educators, and scholars to be successful in the context of increasingly standardized education reforms. Courses in the program focus on literacy development and consider the roles of language and culture in approaches to teaching that bring classroom content into dialogue with students’ lives in 21st century classrooms.
What You’ll Study The English Education doctoral program emphasizes the following strands of research pertaining to English Education:.
Doctoral Examinations and Dissertation Students enrolled in the doctoral program must pass four exams as part of the degree requirements.
Plan of Study During the second semester, and no later than the third semester of enrollment, the student and advisor should develop a proposed Plan of Study to submit to the Graduate School. The Plan of Study for English Education doctoral students must include the following minimum requirements: Research: 15 hours (includes research practicum and required coursework) Foundations: 9 hours Concentration: 12 hours Cognate: 9 hours Dissertation: 30 hours.
The English Education programs at Virginia Tech meld traditional issues of teaching writing, language and literature with newly emerging practices and research in adolescent literacy, new literacies, multimodal technologies and teaching and learning in 21st century classrooms.
Blacksburg Campus This degree program is offered at the Blacksburg campus. The Blacksburg campus offers students the full services of the university, including an extensive library, technology support, and the Graduate Life Center.
M., Azano, A. Negotiating the rub between cultures: Teacher talk and sustained shifts in practice. English Education, 44,354-374.
Dialogue, inquiry, changing roles, and the dialogical self. Meijers H. Hermans (Eds.), The Dialogical self in education. Cultural psychology of education, Vol. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
T., Boggs, G. Emerging dialogic structures in education reform: An analysis of urban teachers’ compositions. Dialogic Pedagogy: An International Journal, 4, 142-161.
P., Stewart, T. Exploring place and practicing justice: Preparing pre-service teachers for success in rural schools. Journal of Research in Rural Education, 30(9), 1-12.
Students interested in applying to the English Education (Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction) should contact the program leader, Dr. Trevor T.
School of Education 226 War Memorial Hall (0313) 370 Drillfield Drive Blacksburg, VA 24061.
English Education
- GRE Required: Yes
- Research Assistantships: 1592
- Teaching Assistantships: 1520
- Financial Aid:
1061 universities offer the Master's program in Education.
Which one best suits your need?

14 Specialization Options:Credits: 57 66100% Online Option: NoOn-campus Blended Option: Yes.
Education Leadership Concentration:Credits: 51 66100% Online Option: YesOn-campus Blended Option: No.
Kinesiology Concentration:Credits: 57 66100% Online Option: NoOn-campus Blended Option: Yes.
Shape the Field of Education with a PhD.
Demonstrate knowledge of significant theories, developments, and practices in one chosen area of study.
Supported professional experiences and internships beyond required coursework support mastery of these competencies, including:.
The PhD in Education is awarded after the successful completion of:.
A PhD in Education from George Mason can help you reach that goal!
Our graduates have attained consequential professional positions such as:.
Analysts and consultants with private companies, political advocacy groups, education or research think tanks, and professional associations.
Our flexible student-centered program structure allows each student to design a personalized, interdisciplinary program of study that helps them to become outstanding educational researchers, practitioners, and leaders in their respective fields.
Have the opportunity to gain research experience on projects funded by federal agencies, including the Institute for Education Sciences and the National Science Foundation.
Receive advanced training in online teaching and learning.
Choose an intensive Kinesiology program with opportunities for experiential learning in state-of-the-art movement labs.
Or, create a custom program of study in fields related to movement and sport sciences, including teaching in physical education and sport management.
The PhD in Education Program periodically conducts information sessions to acquaint applicants with our program and the admissions process. Scheduled sessions are listed at the top of this page.
EDRS 810: Problems and Methods in Education Research (3 credits).
EDRS 818: Critical Discourse Analysis in Education Research (3 credits).
EDRS 820: Evaluation Methods for Educational Programs and Curricula (3 credits).
Most students specialize in a single area of study with additional coursework in a secondary area of interest. Specialized coursework often includes individualized internship experiences.
Note: Students in the Kinesiology concentration follow a prescribed program of study. Note: Students in the Education Leadership concentration follow a prescribed program of study.
Students admitted in this application cycle can opt to begin courses in the summer term that begins in May.
Applications received by the early admission deadline will receive first consideration for available merit-based multi-year funding package offers. Funding package offers will be awarded in subsequent application cycles if funds are available. A range of additional funding opportunities are available regardless of acceptance term (see PhD in Education funding page).
The resume, or curriculum vita, should reflect experiences and accomplishments foundational for a PhD in Education Program.
The goals statement should be 750-1000 words and describe the academic and career goals that a PhD will enable you to attain.
Applicants should address their intended primary professional specialization or concentration within the PhD program.
GRE scores are optional for the Concentration in Education Leadership.
Recommendations should be professional or academic in nature.
Applicants should follow the instructions included within the online application to submit the recommendation form directly to their recommender. Mason does not accept paper recommendations.
A description of evidence of aptitude to successfully complete required statistics coursework, including non-degree coursework taken prior to admittance into the PhD in Education Program.
Three years of relevant work experience may be required for specific professional specializations. Applicants must have a minimum 3.00 GPA on a 4.00 scale in baccalaureate study. The GPA requirement may be higher for some graduate programs.
VA Resident and PK-12 VA Educator enrolled in a CEHD graduate program.
Total cost for VA Resident and PK-12 VA Educator enrolled in a CEHD graduate program.
Internship courses will incur a higher course fee to fund on-site assistance involving intensive clinical training supervision.
A second committee, the Doctoral Dissertation Committee, advises the student in the preparation, submission and defense of the PhD in Education dissertation.
Comprises a description of the program including its structure, program evaluation, and resources for students.
Comprises a synopsis of key applicable George Mason policies and practices as well as additional requirements and protocols of the PhD in Education degree.
Comprises requirements for documenting evidence of student learning and knowledge development throughout the pre-dissertation phase of doctoral coursework.
This page contains forms for the program, including (a) program of study and related forms, (b) individualized course forms, (c) portfolio forms, (d) dissertation forms and resources, and (e) funding applications.
This page allows you to search all courses offered in the PhD in Education Program and filter by: (a) specialization, (b) content interest area, and (c) semester that courses are typically offered.
PhD in Education Student Organization (PESO)Graduate and Professional Student Organization at George Mason University (GAPSA).
This photo includes a few leaders on the Student Early Career Council (SECC) representing the Society for Research in Child Development. (pictured from left to right: Dr. Ashley Stewart, GA State University Dr. Michelle Brown, University of South Carolina Amber B. Sansbury, PhD Candidate at GMU Dr. Josefina Bañales, University of Illinois-Chicago and Dr. Lorena Acevez, Child Trends).
If you're interested in than two programs or aren't sure which program to select, just choose the most relevant and we can discuss your options with you.
Education PHD Education Kinesiology PHD Research Methods Qualitative Research Certificate.
PhD in Education Program - School of Education
- GRE Required:
- Research Assistantships:
- Teaching Assistantships:
- Financial Aid:

The M.Ed. with a concentration in Equity and Cultural Diversity provides current educators or other professionals programming in educational theory and practice that emphasize diversity. Core courses examine educational research, learning theory, curriculum development, and contemporary issues in education, enabling participants to critically analyze policies, practices, and procedures in American K-12 schools with an understanding of the cultural, social, and political context of these institutions.
The cultural diversity core includes practicum experiences in the College of Education Career Development Academy. Candidates will assist and interact with first generation immigrant adult learners and their family members.
By giving candidates course options, they can shape their program of study to assist them in multiple career options such as diversity leadership positions in academic institutions, public schools, and federal and state agencies.
Equity Cultural Diversity Master of Education
- GRE Required:
- Research Assistantships:
- Teaching Assistantships:
- Financial Aid:

Who We Are Academics Life at CNU Admission Athletics.
Like most colleges and universities, CNU does not offer a pre-med or pre-health major. However, our program can help students from any academic major prepare for admission into medical school and other health profession programs.
With the help of the Council for Health Professions Preparation, programs such as Pre-Med Scholars, shadowing agreements with local practitioners and admission agreements with professional graduate schools, our goal is to help any highly motivated student gain admission into the professional school of your choice.
The Council provides advice and guidance, conducts practice interview session, helps applicants develop their personal statements, and participates in the evaluation of our students during their application process to medical school or other professional programs. This personalized assistance can make the difference between a successful application and one that falls short.
- GRE Required:
- Research Assistantships:
- Teaching Assistantships:
- Financial Aid:

We offer classes during fall, spring and summer terms. We offer in-person classes on the University of Richmond campus in late afternoons or early evenings. And we combine the best of online learning and in-person interaction in hybrid classes, too.
60% less than the standard graduate tuition rate.
Earning Add-on Teaching Endorsements: Classes that can be applied to VDOE teaching endorsements in Gifted Education, Special Education and English as a Second Language.
School of Professional Continuing Studies - Professional Development for Educators
- GRE Required:
- Research Assistantships:
- Teaching Assistantships:
- Financial Aid:

Literacy is the cornerstone of all learning, and this degree is designed to prepare teachers to implement best practices in literacy teaching and learning through collaboration, reflection, critical thinking, coaching, data analysis and authentic assessments, and is flexible enough to adapt to individual school or teacher needs.
The individualized design concentration allows you to take a variety of courses from the other concentrations. decisions, provide guidance in addressing problems they will encounter in educational roles, and present opportunities to inspire change in the environment in which they work.
Administration and Supervision Licensure and Teacher Education Licensure programs have each earned accreditation from the Council for Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP).
The Master of Science in Literacy Education is a teacher-oriented, 30-credit-hour program that addresses the complex field of literacy by offering three core literacy courses for all participants and a choice of concentrations in writing, reading, and early childhood education, with each course of study designed to explore literacy areas in depth.
The degree requirement is the completion of a 30-semester hour program with a grade point average of 3.0 or better. Requirements include the 9-credit Literacy Core and one of the concentrations for 21 credits. One class must be designated a Residency Course.
Shenandoah University is a member of NC-SARA, the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements. View the licensure requirements for out-of-state students enrolling in Shenandoah programs leading to licensure. Note that these requirements are subject to change.
Teachers in Shenandoah Graduate Program Compile Reading Resources for Families Shenandoah Valley Writing Project Mary K.
After passing a rigorous peer review this spring, Shenandoah University joins 41 other higher-education institutions in earning accreditation for its teacher preparation programs.
MS Literacy Education
- GRE Required:
- Research Assistantships:
- Teaching Assistantships:
- Financial Aid:

We offer eight MEd programs for licensed teachers looking to advance their careers in education. From Gifted Ed to Authentic Learning and Leadership, our programs provide you with the most up-to-date pedagogical approaches, techniques, and technologies to excel in the classroom and beyond. Also, we offer online and hybrid programs, allowing you to easily fit courses into your already busy schedule.
In addition to acquiring advanced knowledge and specialized skills, pursuing an MEd opens doors to new opportunities and career advancement.
This depth of knowledge not only enhances your teaching abilities but also positions you as a leader in education and within your community.
Mary Baldwin offers the following MEd programs.
We work hard to make an MBU education one of the most affordable in the country. 95% percent of MBU students receive scholarship awards or financial aid. And MBU helps you get your degree faster by maximizing transfer credits and translating relevant work and life experiences into course credits. A great education is worth it. Let us help you bring your aspirations to life.
Education — Mary Baldwin University
- GRE Required:
- Research Assistantships:
- Teaching Assistantships:
- Financial Aid:

Middle Education 6-8 Science Endorsement Testing Requirement (Effective Sept. 2021 for Spring 2022 Student Teachers).
Science endorsement (those applying by the September 1, 2021 Gate 3 deadline).
Science endorsement.
Middle Education 6-8 Science Test (if taken September 1, 2021 or after) Code: 5442.
Please note that the Virginia Education (VDOE) eliminated the Praxis Core requirement in 2019 however, the School of Educations accrediting body (NCATE through CAEP) continued to require these exams.
All other licensure exams (i.e., the Praxis Subject Assessment, VCLA, etc.) are still requirements for licensure, and you can view the exact list of licensure testing requirements through the Canvas Licensure Community course.
Advanced Licensure Gate 3 Requirements for School Administration (including Ed.S. Ed.D candidates seeking to add advanced licensure to their program):.
If you are applying for a license in another state, you may be required to take a different test for your state. However, you will need to pass the SLLA to be admitted to the program at Gate 3 and be eligible for internship.
RVE (Score: 157, elementary and special education candidates only) and.
Initial Licensure Gate 2 Requirements (including Ed.S. Ed.D candidates seeking to add initial licensure to their program).
Evidenced-Based Reading and Writing (Score: 580, taken March 2016 or later).
Math (Score: 560, taken March 2016 or later).
(including Ed.S. Ed.D candidates seeking to add initial licensure to their program):.
RVE (Score: 157 elementary and special education candidates only) and.
Effective for all Spring 2020 student teachers seeking the Computer Science endorsement (those applying by the September 1, 2019 Gate 3 deadline).
New Praxis Subject Assessment for Computer Science endorsement.
(including Ed.S. Ed.D candidates seeking to add advanced licensure to their program):.
If you are applying for a license in another state, you may be required to take a different test for your state. However, you will need to pass the RVE to be admitted to the program at Gate 3.
Graduate Doctoral Education Announcements - School of Education
- GRE Required:
- Research Assistantships:
- Teaching Assistantships:
- Financial Aid:
What kind of scholarships are available for Graduate Programs in Education?
We have 9 scholarships awarding up to $54,037 for Masters program in for Education, targeting diverse candidates and not restricted to state or school-based programs.
Scholarship name | Amount | Credibility |
George Washington Carver Program for Graduate Students in Higher Education | $8,000 | High |
Woodrow Wilson Higher Education Media Fellowship | $5,000 | High |
Intercollegiate Studies Institute Graduate Fellowships | $5,000 | High |
NYS Masters in Education Teacher Incentive Scholarship | $4,239 | High |
Delta Kappa Gamma Society Scholarships | $1,000 | Medium |
Find scholarships and financial aid for Education graduate programs
How can I compare the Education Graduate Programs?
Compare the GRE score requirements, admission details, credit requirements and tuition for the Master's Program, from 1061 universities offering Graduate School Programs in Education. Compare Graduate School Programs in Education
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