Best Elementary Education and Teaching Masters Programs in Arizona

2 universities in Arizona, AZ offer master's degree in Elementary Education and Teaching

Arizona State University Campus Immersion logo
Ranked as:  #121 in Best National University
Tuition:  $27,048 per year
Total Cost:  $54,096 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Arizona
Acceptance:  88.37%

The MEd in elementary education (teacher certification) is for those who already have a bachelor's degree in any field and want to become licensed to teach grades kindergarten through grade 8. The program builds on connections between educational design and decision-making and is designed to foster strong professional growth and leadership development.

All courses are offered remotely, and students select one of two modalities:

ASU Sync offers regularly scheduled evening classes via synchronous learning over Zoom. Instructors and students are not in the same physical space but do meet at the same time, offering a live learning experience with peers and faculty. Students completing the program through ASU Sync must apply and be admitted to the ASU Tempe campus, although classes do not meet on campus. ASU Sync students need to reside in Arizona throughout the duration of the program.

ASU Online offers classes via asynchronous instruction. Instructors and students are not in the same physical space and do not meet at the same time, allowing students to complete coursework on their own schedules. Students completing the program through ASU Online must apply and be admitted to the Online campus.

This program can be taken in three continuous semesters allowing students to complete the program in one year. Students can also enroll part-time over additional semesters.Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College faculty actively engage in the educational research community, bringing new and relevant knowledge into the program. Students engage in their own research through applied project coursework, deepening their knowledge and improving their practice through research, critical evaluation and application of education concepts. A series of professional experiences assist students in developing a thorough understanding of teaching and learning as they apply knowledge from their coursework in varied school settings. Individualized guidance through the clinical framework provides students with the support they need to become effective educators.

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Elementary Education (Teacher Certification), MEd

  • GRE Required:  Yes
  • Research Assistantships:  1253
  • Teaching Assistantships:  2774
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details
Tuition:  $11,436 per year
Total Cost:  $22,872 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Arizona
Acceptance:  80.69%

An Online Master of Education (MEd) in Elementary Education degree from Grand Canyon University prepares students to work as an elementary or middle school teacher. Courses within this program focus on all aspects of elementary education from teaching strategies and assessment methods to working with diverse learners.

Graduates of this master’s in elementary education degree are capable of creating engaging classroom environments that support elementary and middle grade students and are able to analyze and solve current problems through research and practice.

Students earning a master’s degree in elementary education from Grand Canyon University are making an investment in their future. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, elementary and middle school jobs are growing at a rate of seven to eight percent each year. This MEd in Elementary Education program helps working professionals make a career change into a field with big opportunities.

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Online Master of Education (MEd) in Elementary Education

  • GRE Required:  Yes
  • Research Assistantships:  -
  • Teaching Assistantships:  8
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details
Tuition:  $19,489 per year
Total Cost:  $38,978 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Arizona
Acceptance:  81.64%

Early Childhood Education and Early Childhood Special Education, Bachelor of Science in Education.

Arizona Education, Endorsement.

8, Master of Education.

Continuing Professional, Master of Education.

Elementary Education and Teaching offers advanced courses in teaching methods, curriculum, and related areas and is appropriate if you wish to enhance your teaching skills for grades K-8. This plan is not intended to provide grades K-8 teacher certification nor does it provide an institutional recommendation for teacher certification.

All requirements for your specific academic plan(s). This may include a thesis.

All graduate work with a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0.

All work toward the master degree must be completed within six consecutive years. The six years begins with the semester and year of admission to the program.

Candidates in this program are required to demonstrate content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge and skills, and professional knowledge to be eligible to graduate from this program. In addition to course grades, content, pedagogical, and professional knowledge or skills are demonstrated through candidate performance on key assessments embedded in the following course(s):.

Thesis may be required by chosen emphasis or offered as an option.

Oral Defense may be required by chosen emphasis or offered as an option.

Individualized research may be required by chosen emphasis or offered as an option.

The MEd Elementary Education degree program provides students with the necessary framework for augmenting knowledge and skills related to teaching K through 8th grades. This degree offers students, typically practicing teachers, the opportunity to enhance their content, pedagogical, and professional knowledge emphasizing current research. Students have the opportunity to pursue advanced courses in curriculum and instruction, educational psychology, educational foundations, and educational research. Additionally, students choose from four available emphasis areas: Continuing Professional, Elementary National Board Certification Preparation (NBCT), and Multiage Education. Students who pursue the Continuing Education track will complete a research project as part of a graduate seminar or a thesis focused on a selected topic. Students who choose the NBCT track prepare for the rigorous process of National Board Certification, an advanced teaching credential. Students who choose the Multiage Education emphasis will be prepared to teach and lead in Multiage classrooms, and will become familiar with the contexts, theories, research, assessments and strategies used in Multiage programs.

Throughout the program, students demonstrate outcomes aligned to the elementary standards of the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). In addition, the Reading Endorsement emphasis is aligned with the Standards for the Preparation of Literacy Professionals through the International Literacy Association. Students who complete this program will have a deeper and broader understanding of teaching and learning opening up continued opportunities in teaching, as well as other venues where teaching skills, knowledge, and dispositions are valued such as agencies and non-profits.

Understanding and Applying Content and Curricular Knowledge for Teaching Candidates demonstrate and apply understandings of major concepts, skills, and practices, as they interpret disciplinary curricular standards and related expectations within and across literacy, mathematics, science, and social studies.

Elementary National Board Certification Preparation includes the following student learning outcomes:.

All students deserve accomplished teachers who are equipped to prepare them for success in today world. National Board Standards and National Board Certification give teachers and schools the tools to define and measure teaching excellence. Similar to certification in fields like medicine, National Board Certification is a rigorous, peer-reviewed process that ensures that Board-certified teachers have proven skills to advance student achievement.

National Board Certification is an advanced teaching credential. needs, submit videos of their teaching, and provide student work samples that demonstrate growth and achievement. The reflective analyses that they submit must demonstrate:.

Through this structured and iterative process, teachers expand and refine their content knowledge and pedagogy. The outcome is powerful teaching that improves student achievement and reflects college and career readiness (NBPTS, 2014).

Candidates will be able to articulate the rationale for Multiage Education, and communicate its benefits to parents, administrators, other teachers, and community stakeholders.

Candidates will have an in-depth understanding of the historical origins, current national and international contexts, and issues facing Multiage Education including the impact of standards-based instruction, curriculum-centered environments, and the lack of awareness of Multiage programs.

The NAU graduate online application is required for all programs. Admission to many graduate programs is on a competitive basis, and programs may have higher standards than those established by the Graduate College.

For the Elementary National Board Preparation Emphasis, select two courses.

Select one course from the following (3 units):.

Have completed three full years of teaching or school counseling.

Possess a valid state teaching or school counseling license (Exception: If you are teaching where a license is not required, you have taught in schools recognized and approved to operate by the state).

Please note there may be additional fees associated with National Board Certification.

Please note that if you choose the thesis option you may end up taking than the 6 units of thesis credit you can count toward your degree because you must register for ECI 699 each semester while you are working on your thesis.

Also note that preparing a thesis generally requires one semester of residency, in Fall, Spring, or Summer.

Courses are offered online Fall, Spring, and Summer.

Students enrolled in this plan may not enroll in or pursue the following due to the number of overlapping units:.

Be aware that some courses may have prerequisites that you must also successfully complete.

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  • GRE Required:  Yes
  • Research Assistantships:  191
  • Teaching Assistantships:  374
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details
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What kind of scholarships are available for Graduate Programs in Elementary Education and Teaching?

We have 9 scholarships awarding up to $54,037 for Masters program in for Elementary Education and Teaching, targeting diverse candidates and not restricted to state or school-based programs.

Scholarship nameAmountCredibility
George Washington Carver Program for Graduate Students in Higher Education$8,000High
Woodrow Wilson Higher Education Media Fellowship$5,000High
Intercollegiate Studies Institute Graduate Fellowships$5,000High
NYS Masters in Education Teacher Incentive Scholarship$4,239High
Delta Kappa Gamma Society Scholarships$1,000Medium

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$500 $20000

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