Best Graduate School Programs for Computer and Information Sciences in South

Best Regional Universities for Graduate Programs in the south, masters Degree in Computer and Information Sciences .

Top ranked in east coast : 30 universities in East coast offer master’s degree in Computer and Information SciencesCheapest college is James Madison University and most expensive college is James Madison University

Check out our exclusive data on scholarships and financial aid offered by universities for the Master's program in Computer and Information Sciences. There are also 700+ scholarships available from accredited sources with the amount ranging from $1000-$22k.

Ranked as:  #4 in Best Regional University in South Coast
Tuition:  $18,540 per year
Total Cost:  $37,080 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  South Carolina
Acceptance:  79.95%
The Graduate Certificate in Software Engineering is designed to provide its students with the knowledge, skills, and abilities associated with software engineering. As a joint program with the College of Charleston, classes are held at The Citadel campus and College of Charleston Harbor Walk campus.
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Graduate Certificate in Software Engineering

  • GRE Required:  Yes
  • Research Assistantships:  -
  • Teaching Assistantships:  -
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details
Ranked as:  #9 in Best Regional University in South Coast
Tuition:  $21,439 per year
Total Cost:  $42,878 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  North Carolina
Acceptance:  79.51%
Dive deep into the technology behind databases, programming languages, software engineering, theoretical computer science and visual computing. Deepen their understanding of computer science fundamentals and gain a informed perspective on current issues to advance their career in this forward-moving industry. Focus their studies on the lower level, hardware-oriented aspects of computer science with targeted knowledge of computer architectures, networking and graphics systems.
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Master of Science

  • GRE Required:  Yes
  • Research Assistantships:  212
  • Teaching Assistantships:  294
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details
Ranked as:  #16 in Best Regional University in South Coast
Tuition:  $21,286 per year
Total Cost:  $42,572 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  North Carolina
Acceptance:  67.97%
A limited number of graduate assistantships are available. Students typically work either 20 hours per week (a full-time assistantship) or 10 hours per week (a halftime assistantship). Graduate assistantships currently pay $12,775 and $6,387.50 per academic year respectively. Assistantship interest should be indicated on the application form.
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M.S. Computer Science and Information Systems

  • GRE Required:  Yes
  • Research Assistantships:  39
  • Teaching Assistantships:  514
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details
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849 universities offer the Master's program in Computer and Information Sciences.

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Ranked as:  #29 in Best Regional University in South Coast
Tuition:  $12,322 per year
Total Cost:  $24,644 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Mississippi
Acceptance:  28.76%
Earn A Master of Science Or Master of Education in Computer Science from Mississippi College. Expand their career opportunities by gaining a deeper understanding of computer science theory and getting hands-on experience. Graduate level degrees in Computer Science are offered as a Master of Science and as a Master of Education. The Master of Science in Computer Scienceprogram is a 30-hour graduate-level program comprised of computer science courses including Advanced Data Structures, Programming Language Structures, Software Engineering, Computer Networking, Relational Database and Graph Theory.
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Master of Education

  • GRE Required:  Register to view the details
  • Research Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Teaching Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details
Ranked as:  #34 in Best Regional University in South Coast
Tuition:  $20,498 per year
Total Cost:  $40,996 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Tennessee
Acceptance:  79.63%
The university Computer Science program offers a powerful blend of theory and practical skills, preparing applicant for in-demand careers. The Computer Science program of study combines a deep foundation in computer science with the applied and in-demand skills necessary for careers in technology.
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  • GRE Required:  Register to view the details
  • Research Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Teaching Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details
Ranked as:  #51 in Best Regional University in South Coast
Tuition:  $11,036 per year
Total Cost:  $22,072 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Florida
Acceptance:  91.71%
Physician Associate, Masters of Medical Science (MMSc in PA). The Master of Science in Computer Science will be a thriving, robust and academically rigorous computer science program at the graduate level. The program will be structured in such a way as to foster separate certificates and credentials, especially for non-degree seeking students. Palm Beach County ranks in the top 10 metropolitan areas for technology companies and the top 10 counties for science, technology, engineering, mathematics (STEM) growth and the county is in the top 10 nationally for attracting and developing talent as stated by the Business Development Board of Palm Beach County (2019).
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Computer Science, M.S.

  • GRE Required:  Register to view the details
  • Research Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Teaching Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details
Ranked as:  #53 in Best Regional University in South Coast
Tuition:  $11,586 per year
Total Cost:  $23,172 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Arkansas
Acceptance:  67.19%
The Masters of Science degree in Computer Science is designed to strengthen the background of the student in advanced computing concepts involving computational problem solving and complex programming environments. Students are expected to be able to construct complex software solutions for a variety of problems and systems.
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  • GRE Required:  Register to view the details
  • Research Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Teaching Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details
Ranked as:  #60 in Best Regional University in South Coast
Tuition:  $16,527 per year
Total Cost:  $33,054 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  North Carolina
Acceptance:  72.52%
Master of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology. Whatever their reasons, earning a Master of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology from Winston-Salem State University will prepare applicant to advance their career or find an exciting career as a game designer, cybersecurity expert or health researcher. In fact, 98% of the university computer science degree graduates find employment or enter a doctoral program within six months of graduation. Computer Science degree options at Winston-Salem State University.
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Computer Science and Information Technology M.S.

  • GRE Required:  Register to view the details
  • Research Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Teaching Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details
Ranked as:  #62 in Best Regional University in South Coast
Tuition:  $14,669
Total Cost:  $29,338 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Tennessee
Acceptance:  91.15%
The Master of Science (M.S.) in Computer Science and Quantitative Methods bring together science and business skills to give students a greater competitive advantage in the workforce. Both degrees enable students to pursue advanced training while working fulltime. The concentrations are ideal for anyone with a bachelor’s degree, working in industry or military, and/or having a desire to advance their career with a technical degree. These programs are designed to allow students to complete their degrees while continuing to hold employment.
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Online Master's Degrees in Computer Science and Quantitative Methods

  • GRE Required:  Register to view the details
  • Research Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Teaching Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details
Ranked as:  #65 in Best Regional University in South Coast
Tuition:  $14,568 per year
Total Cost:  $29,136 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Florida
Acceptance:  73%
The university MS in Computer Science emphasizes experiential learning with courses in software design, computer architecture, artificial intelligence, machine learning and to best prepare graduates with the knowledge and skills to succeed in this dynamic, growing field. The MS in Computer Science program curriculum has been designed to provide depth and breadth of fundamental theory and practical applications to prepare students to design, implement, and evaluate computing technology to solve real world problems.
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Master’s Degree in Computer Science

  • GRE Required:  Register to view the details
  • Research Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Teaching Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details

What kind of scholarships are available for Graduate Programs in Computer and Information Sciences?

We have 155 scholarships awarding up to $1,270,915 for Masters program in for Computer and Information Sciences, targeting diverse candidates and not restricted to state or school-based programs.

Scholarship nameAmountCredibility
ASNT Fellowship Award$20,000High
Google Lime Scholarship$5,000High
The Innovator’s Grant$3,600High
GeneTex Scholarship Program$2,000High
GMiS STEM Scholarships$500High

Find scholarships and financial aid for Computer and Information Sciences graduate programs

$500 $20000

How can I compare the Computer and Information Sciences Graduate Programs?

Compare the GRE score requirements, admission details, credit requirements and tuition for the Master's Program, from 849 universities offering Graduate School Programs in Computer and Information Sciences. Compare Graduate School Programs in Computer and Information Sciences

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