Best Graduate School Programs for Forensic Psychology in South

Best Regional Universities for Graduate Programs in the south, masters Degree in Forensic Psychology.

Top ranked in east coast : 2 universities in East coast offer master’s degree in Forensic PsychologyCheapest college is Marymount University and most expensive college is Marymount University

Check out our exclusive data on scholarships and financial aid offered by universities for the Master's program in Forensic Psychology. There are also 700+ scholarships available from accredited sources with the amount ranging from $1000-$22k.

Ranked as:  #37 in Best Regional University in South Coast
Tuition:  $20,116 per year
Total Cost:  $40,232 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Virginia
Acceptance:  85.26%
Forensic and legal psychology (or psychology and law) involves the application of scientific and professional aspects of psychology to questions and issues relating to law and the legal system. This field encompasses contributions made in a number of different areas - research, practice, public policy and teaching/training among them - from a variety of orientations within the field of psychology.
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Master of Arts in Forensic and Legal Psychology

  • GRE Required:  No
  • Research Assistantships:  41
  • Teaching Assistantships:  33
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details

Our review of Master of Arts in Forensic and Legal Psychology

A Master of Arts in Forensic and Legal Psychology requires 39 credits to complete. One of the crucial characteristics of the master's program is that students gain professional and practical experience through courtroom observations, site visits, speaker seminar series, and valuable internships. The master's program in Forensic and legal psychology equips students for many roles in criminal justice, intelligence, national security, and public policy. Each course of the program includes an ethics component that allows students to gain better knowledge. Additionally, the program offers study-abroad options in London and the Netherlands. This allows students to get exposure.

The program can be completed in 18 to 24 months. The total cost of attendance is less as compared to the costs of other universities. No GRE scores are required for admission.

Ranked as:  #80 in Best Regional University in South Coast
Tuition:  $20,340
Total Cost:  $16,698 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Virginia
Acceptance:  50.13%
Liberty University’s 100% Masters of Science in Criminal Justice Forensic Psychology, is designed to equip you with the tools you need to successfully understand the laws and legal practices of the criminal justice system while applying your knowledge of social-cognitive psychology. You will study topics and trends in criminal justice, the fundamentals of forensic psychology, human resources management in criminal justice organizations, and the rehabilitation and reintegration of offenders into society.
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MS in Criminal Justice Forensic Psychology

  • GRE Required:  No
  • Research Assistantships:  -
  • Teaching Assistantships:  178
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details

108 universities offer the Master's program in Forensic Psychology.

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What kind of scholarships are available for Graduate Programs in Forensic Psychology?

We have 3 scholarships awarding up to $3,000 for Masters program in for Forensic Psychology, targeting diverse candidates and not restricted to state or school-based programs.

Scholarship nameAmountCredibility
Malyon Smith Scholarship Research Award$1,000Medium
Violet and Cyril Franks Scholarship$1,000Medium
Institutional aid at The Chicago School of Professional Psychology in Chicago$1,000

Find scholarships and financial aid for Forensic Psychology graduate programs

$500 $20000

How can I compare the Forensic Psychology Graduate Programs?

Compare the GRE score requirements, admission details, credit requirements and tuition for the Master's Program, from 108 universities offering Graduate School Programs in Forensic Psychology. Compare Graduate School Programs in Forensic Psychology

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