Best Graduate School Programs for School Psychology in Midwest

Best Regional Universities for Graduate Programs in midwest, masters Degree in School Psychology.

Top ranked in east coast : 13 universities in East coast offer master’s degree in School PsychologyCheapest college is University of Northern Iowa and most expensive college is University of Northern Iowa

Check out our exclusive data on scholarships and financial aid offered by universities for the Master's program in School Psychology. There are also 700+ scholarships available from accredited sources with the amount ranging from $1000-$22k.

Ranked as:  #7 in Best Regional University in Midwest
Tuition:  $15,957 per year
Total Cost:  $31,914 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Ohio
Acceptance:  87.84%
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P-12 M.Ed. Ed.S School Psychology Graduate Program - Cleveland, Ohio

  • GRE Required:  Yes
  • Research Assistantships:  25
  • Teaching Assistantships:  5
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details
Ranked as:  #26 in Best Regional University in Midwest
Tuition:  $17,448 per year
Total Cost:  $34,896 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Michigan
Acceptance:  87.52%
School psychologists are mental health providers who collaborate with school professionals to improve academic and behavior outcomes. The graduate program in school psychology offers extensive training in the assessment, prevention, and intervention of academic, social, and mental health problems that affect a wide range of youth in school settings.
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Majors, Programs, Certificates, and Badges - School Psychology, M.S. Psy.S.

  • GRE Required:  No
  • Research Assistantships:  167
  • Teaching Assistantships:  65
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details
Ranked as:  #31 in Best Regional University in Midwest
Tuition:  $20,038 per year
Total Cost:  $40,076 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Wisconsin
Acceptance:  75.15%
School Psychology: An online program for Wisconsin educators. A page within School Psychology: An online program for Wisconsin educators. Earn their Master of Science in Education and Educational Specialist degrees, to be endorsed as a School Psychologist. Remain in their current teaching position while applicant are in grad school.
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An online program for Wisconsin educators - School Psychology

  • GRE Required:  Yes
  • Research Assistantships:  -
  • Teaching Assistantships:  70
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details
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323 universities offer the Master's program in School Psychology.

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Ranked as:  #33 in Best Regional University in Midwest
Tuition:  $19,430 per year
Total Cost:  $38,860 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Wisconsin
Acceptance:  84.36%
Earn their education specialist degree in school psychology from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. Approved by the National Association of School Psychologists, the university well-respected graduate program will prepare applicant to become a Nationally Certified School Psychologist. During the program, the students will gain real-world, professional experience by participating in a multicultural practicum, providing school psychological services in culturally diverse settings such as the Lac Du Flambeau Indian Reservation or the Milwaukee Public School District. School-based practica will give applicant invaluable experience with placements in both rural and urban school settings.
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Education Specialist Degree in School Psychology - UW-Eau Claire

  • GRE Required:  Register to view the details
  • Research Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Teaching Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details
Ranked as:  #41 in Best Regional University in Midwest
Tuition:  $20,047 per year
Total Cost:  $40,094 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Michigan
Acceptance:  79.5%
Image of students in class and of a school psychologist with a family. The Specialist in School Psychology Program at University of Detroit Mercy is designed to prepare school psychologists who have a strong and broad-based knowledge of psychology and education and enable them to apply that knowledge within the school setting.
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Specialist in School Psychology

  • GRE Required:  Register to view the details
  • Research Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Teaching Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details
Ranked as:  #47 in Best Regional University in Midwest
Tuition:  $9,300 per year
Total Cost:  $18,600 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Illinois
Acceptance:  85.05%
I consent to receive communication from SIUE. I know that I may opt-out at any time. I also understand SIUE Web Privacy Notice and how SIUE handles the information it collects. Applicants for the specialist in school psychology must have a grade of C or higher in all courses in the SIUE master in clinical child and school psychology program, and must have also earned a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher in that program.
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Master of Science in Clinical Child and School Psychology

  • GRE Required:  Register to view the details
  • Research Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Teaching Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details
Ranked as:  #49 in Best Regional University in Midwest
Tuition:  $50,700
Total Cost:  $34,814 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Ohio
Acceptance:  79.59%
The next start date is May 15, 2023. The deadline to submit the application is March 1. There is currently a nationwide shortage of school psychologists and you can help fill a much-needed role in a child life. University of Findlay online Doctor of Education in School Psychology Program is accepting applications for its next cohort starting in May.
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Doctorate of Education in School Psychology​​

  • GRE Required:  Register to view the details
  • Research Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Teaching Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details
Ranked as:  #65 in Best Regional University in Midwest
Tuition:  $16,851 per year
Total Cost:  $33,702 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Wisconsin
Acceptance:  90.1%
Discover What You Can Do with School Psychology. Delve into the intricacies of applied learning and uncover how our comprehensive program equips you for genuine impact. This three-year program leads students through coursework and real-world practicums to become effective school psychologists and advocates for children. You'll understand how every lesson, every experience, and every challenge intertwines to shape a brighter future for you and the children you serve.
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M.S.Ed. Ed.S. School Psychology - Stout

  • GRE Required:  Register to view the details
  • Research Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Teaching Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details
Ranked as:  #69 in Best Regional University in Midwest
Tuition:  $8,788 per year
Total Cost:  $17,576 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Minnesota
Acceptance:  67.26%
The School Psychology Doctoral Program at Minnesota State Mankato is accredited by the National Association of School Psychologists and offers individualized attention and hands-on experiences to prepare students to become certified school psychologists.
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School Psychology Doctoral Program

  • GRE Required:  Register to view the details
  • Research Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Teaching Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details
Ranked as:  #69 in Best Regional University in Midwest
Tuition:  $10,521 per year
Total Cost:  $21,042 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Wisconsin
Acceptance:  78.23%
Grow as a leader and advance in your profession with one of our graduate programs for women and men. Elevate your career with degree-completion and licensure certificate programs. Quick access to departments and resources that will support you in your education.
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  • GRE Required:  Register to view the details
  • Research Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Teaching Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details

What kind of scholarships are available for Graduate Programs in School Psychology?

We have 3 scholarships awarding up to $3,000 for Masters program in for School Psychology, targeting diverse candidates and not restricted to state or school-based programs.

Scholarship nameAmountCredibility
Malyon Smith Scholarship Research Award$1,000Medium
Violet and Cyril Franks Scholarship$1,000Medium
Institutional aid at The Chicago School of Professional Psychology in Chicago$1,000

Find scholarships and financial aid for School Psychology graduate programs

$500 $20000

How can I compare the School Psychology Graduate Programs?

Compare the GRE score requirements, admission details, credit requirements and tuition for the Master's Program, from 323 universities offering Graduate School Programs in School Psychology. Compare Graduate School Programs in School Psychology

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