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Graduate Certificate Programs in Homeland Security
23 universities offer graduate certificate program in Homeland Security
Check out our exclusive data on scholarships and financial aid offered by universities for the Master's program in Homeland Security. There are also 700+ scholarships available from accredited sources with the amount ranging from $1000-$22k.

With growing opportunities to employ research and analysis in public safety efforts, the USC Price graduate Certificate in Homeland Security and Public Policy is a rigorous program for those who are interested or already working in the field. The certificate develops risk analysis skills and provides students the knowledge needed to understand the issues surrounding the increasingly important issues of homeland security and public policy.
The Certificate in Homeland Security and Public Policy requires 15-16 units of graduate course work, depending on selected courses.
Certificate in Homeland Security and Public Policy
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Offered through the Engineering Management and Systems Engineering and supported by GW Institute for Crisis, Disaster, and Risk Management (ICDRM), the graduate certificate program in emergency management and land security provides an interdisciplinary education for those engaged in or seeking careers in land security, crisis, disaster and or emergency management in the public, private and not-for-profit sectors.
All courses are held in-person on GW main campus in Washington, D.C. Courses are typically held in the late afternoon or early evening to accommodate working professionals.
- Program Length: -
- Credit hours: 12

This 18 credit interdisciplinary certificate provides students with the theory and skills they will need to aid in decision-making, from boots-on-the-ground efforts to back-end data analysis.
National Preparedness land Security Certificate
- Program Length: -
- Credit hours: 18
132 universities offer the Master's program in Homeland Security.
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The Graduate Certificate in Homeland Security (Bush School of Government and Public Service) consists of instruction surveying the dimensions of homeland security and national defense, from the traditional concepts of public safety to the emerging concepts of counterterrorism and cybersecurity. This program is approved for on campus delivery. It is also approved for delivery via asynchronous distance education technology. Students may choose the format or mix of formats which best fits their needs.
The program is designed for individuals seeking careers with management or policy responsibilities at various levels of government, in the military, or in the private sector. After a required Fundamentals of Homeland Security course, students select from electives dealing with such topics as cyber security, critical infrastructure protection, weapons of mass destruction, domestic intelligence, business resilience and continuity, border security, unconventional threats to the nation, homeland security and the law, and maritime security.
External applicants must have an accredited bachelor's degree and meet other entry qualifications to be admitted to a graduate study at Texas A&M University. Students who are currently enrolled in a graduate program at Texas A&M University may take individual courses, as may undergraduates at the Texas A&M University College Station campus who meet certain GPA and degree-status requirements; however, all students must formally enroll in the certificate program and meet certificate completion requirements to earn the certificate.
An individual who successfully completes the certificate program will be awarded a certificate by Texas A&M University and the Bush School. Grades for courses taken as part of this program will appear on the official transcript, together with the notation that the certificate has been achieved.
Homeland Security - Certificate
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The land Security Certificate Program is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skill sets needed to effectively deal with the challenges facing America in the arena of land security.
land security took on a new meaning as of Sept. It is such a complex and critical term that it has a variety of meanings, depending on the perspective and context of its use. To some, it refers to the new federal agency, which merged such diverse entities as FEMA, the Transportation Security Administration, Immigration and Customs, the Coast Guard and U.S. Secret Service under one umbrella to provide protection to our domestic frontier. Others may opt to view the term as being able to personally survive man-made disasters such as the terrorist attacks on New York City and Washington, D.C on Sept. 11 or the devastation caused by a natural disaster like Hurricane Katrina.
While some may seek this education as a foundation for employment or voluntary service, many students will use the knowledge acquired to enhance their skills for use in their current work and personal lives.
Certificates are usually one year in length and lead directly to employment. They consist of a focused series of courses and are typically found at Community Colleges.
As a SUNY Community College, we respond to the educational need of all people and their local, state, and global communities. We offer certificate programs and associate degrees, as well as transfer and career services. You will benefit from flexible course scheduling and affordable career exploration.
Let put your mind at ease online learning.
land Security is presented 100% online. You will not be expected to attend any classes on campus.
Land Security
- Program Length:
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Deploying sustainable solutions for preventing and investigating, terror-related and cyber-related threats attacks to national and international security.
Ethically balancing national security priorities and civil liberties.
The land Security and Global Justice Certificate positions you to play an invaluable role in safeguarding our nation against domestic threats. The certificate provides preparation in federal law enforcement practices, international justice policy, and collaboration with law enforcement, emergency management, public safety, and the military.
Interconnected world issues related to land security and international crime are challenging topics that are increasingly becoming complex.
Graduates in the land Security and Global Justice Certificate could pursue work in federal protection agencies, law enforcement, investigative services, and other related areas which includes roles such as:.
This curriculum provides the fundamentals for those interested in criminal justice, land security global justice professions.
The curriculum is comprised of 15 credits (5 courses).
This course provides a critical analysis of the land Security and the political and organizational factors involved in its structure and administration. Students will explore the evolution of land security as a concept and a redirection of national policies and priorities, including any related issues and challenges with implementation. land security is a continuously changing field with close connections to numerous academic disciplines and practitioner communities (i.e. law enforcement, emergency management, public safety, the military). This course is designed to draw on insights from these connections as well as useful insights from other areas, such as business, economics and organizational studies, to examine how land security strategy and policy is made.
This course addresses the nature and scope of international and transnational crime and the emerging legal framework for its prevention and control. The course will emphasize international aspects of the work of different criminal justice agencies, such as formal and informal police cooperation and the use of mutual assistance and extradition agreements, on the international structures created for crime prevention, punishment and control. The course also explores current issues and controversies of transnational crime, international law, and or human rights. Possible topics include terrorism, genocide, human trafficking, and immigration issues.
In this class, students analyze methods criminals use on the Internet to commit crimes. The course also covers various methods of computer security, their complexity and adequacy. Students study methods for creating backup information systems and developing means for recovering data in case it is destroyed or stolen. Potential threats to Internet systems and how they could affect the way individuals and companies use and rely on the systems are introduced.This course also examines the political, legal and policy aspects of the use of information technologies by governmental organizations.
Candidates seeking admission to Lasell University Criminal Justice Certificate must hold a bachelor degree from an accredited institution and demonstrate through academic background and or work experience the ability to succeed in graduate studies. GRE GMAT scores are not required for admission. The TOEFL may be waived for international applicants who have earned a bachelor degree at an accredited college university in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, or Canada. All other applicants must submit a TOEFL IELTS score.
A one-page personal statement describing your goals, strengths, and potential for achievement in graduate school.
land Security is not F-1 eligible, international applicants can only be considered for the online curriculum option.
All International applicants need to submit English equivalency from one of the following: TOEFL scores: minimum required score is 80 (iBT) or IELTS, minimum required score is 6.0 Pearson PTE Academic minimum score is 53 Duolingo minimum required score is 105. The English equivalency scores may be waived for international applicants who have earned a bachelor degree at an accredited college university in the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, or Canada.
Newton, MA 02466.
Stay updated our program options and start dates.
Land Security Global Justice Certificate
- Program Length:
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Become a Leader in Emergency Preparedness and land Security.
Join our Graduate Certificate in Emergency Preparedness and land Security (EPHS Certificate) program, where you'll acquire essential skills for addressing critical challenges in our world today.
This interdisciplinary 20-hour certificate program draws from various fields, including Environmental Studies, Public Administration, Public Health, Criminology and Criminal Justice, Legal Studies, and Political Science. You'll gain comprehensive knowledge and skills needed for effective crisis management and security.
land Security is tailored for professionals in governmental agencies and beyond. Whether you're in law enforcement, fire department administration, public health, healthcare, or private industry, our program equips you to enhance your expertise in emergency preparedness and land security.
Graduates of this program are well-prepared for a range of rewarding careers, such as:.
land Security Specialist: Protect the nation from security threats and help develop strategies to counteract them.
You'll take three core courses covering risk assessment, risk communication, and program evaluation. Then, choose two elective courses to delve deeper into specific areas like policy analysis or crisis management.
Empower yourself to make a lasting impact on emergency preparedness and land security. Join the EPHS Certificate program at UIS, where you'll gain the skills needed to lead in times of crisis. Your community needs your expertise!
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Indianapolis Circa March 2022: Federal Protective Service Police vehicles. The Federal Protective Service provides security for federally owned buildings.
The purpose of this certificate is for students to examine and research the unknown realms of terrorism and land security in multiple disciplines, of political science, sociology, law enforcement, and criminal justice psychology, in both macro and micro level. We learn the political, religious, and psychological motives of terrorists, those who perpetrate hate crimes, and lone wolves, using intimidation, and violence in achieving power. The certificate includes domestic and foreign terrorism within the context of politics and international relations and criminology. Further this certificate familiarizes students with the victimology and the plight of the victims of terrorism, through the lenses of sociology and psychology.
Personnel in the field of criminal justice will be able to use the certificate to find their niche in the field and qualify as a professional in the criminal justice system who has a thorough understanding of terrorism and their motives vis-a-vis crime and criminology.
Once certificate is obtain it will promote student as an expert in terrorism and the understanding of ideology vs. personal gain. This will allow for advancement in career in any criminal justice field.
Sociology of Terrorism (SOC 410D) Examines the general nature, structure, and operations of different types of terrorism as social organizations and forces for socio-political changes. An analysis of alternative leadership styles, recruitment activities, finances, and division of labor within terrorist organizations is also provided. This course concludes by examining efforts to control terrorism, reduce public fears of terrorism, and projections the future of terrorism.
Military and Political Dimensions of Terrorism (INR 4084) Focuses on specific major terrorist organizations worldwide such as Hamas, Hizbollah, Abu Nidal, The Tupamaros, Al Qaeda, and the Argentinian Death Squads. This course offers a clear understanding of their origins, supporting ideologies, objectives, modus operandi, resources, training operations, and consequences. This course concludes with examination of national and international counterterrorist strategies, their assets, and limitations.
Terrorism and Law Enforcement Procedures (CCJ 4661) An introduction to the unique field of terrorism investigation and prosecution. The course also addresses special difficulties encountered when prosecuting terrorist in the courtroom.
Victimology (CCJ 3666) A course focused on the social and psychological characteristics of crime victims, their role in precipitating criminal acts, the difficulties they encounter in the criminal justice systems, alternate social program, and legal policies designed to compensate, protect, and rehabilitate victims.
Spring Two Start Date: March 17th Deadline to Register: March 12th.
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This 18-credit, 6-course certificate is designed to provide an introduction to the area of land security. These credits can also be applied to the the Master of Administrative Science degree program.
MADS 6617 Emergency Management and Safety Administration [National Guard Bureau Approved Online Course].
MADS 6636 Global Preparedness for Catastrophic Emergencies [National Guard Bureau Approved Online Course].
MADS 6648 Disaster Recovery and Organizational Continuity [National Guard Bureau Approved Online Course].
MADS 6698 Current Issues in Terrorism and Security.
MADS6617 This course will provide an in-depth analysis of planning and administration for emergency management in both the public and not-for-profit sectors, the need for emergency planning, recovering losses from Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and state agencies due to catastrophic events, identification and allocation of resources, incident command procedure, safety in the working environment and federal Occupational Safety and Health Organization (OSHA) and state Public Employee Occupational Safety and Health Act (PEOSHA) regulations. Students evaluate their environment and prepare a safety plan that is presented to the class.
MADS6636 This course, taught by international experts, covers the following topics in a lecture seminar format: Emergency Management, Hazardous risk analysis, social dimensions of disasters, disaster recovery and organizational continuity, the psychology of terrorism, counter-terrorism, weapons of mass destruction, bio-defense mobilization, and cyber security and forensics.
MADS6648 This course examines the differences between accidents and disasters, the response for disasters, those players that will become involved in disaster response and recovery, the disaster cycle and maintain operations, whether civilian or military, to ensure organization contnuity. A key element in disaster recovery is the concept of isomorphism, where there is the opportunity for one organization to learn from the experiences of another organization and this course seizes the opportunity to fully capture what has been learned dealing with previous events.
MADS6697 This analytic course will cover the use of computers and modern digital technologies in forensics investigations. Students will analyze contemporary cases in forensics and cyber forensics where digital devices played a significant role. The course will survey the new technologies that are used in capturing, safeguarding, and analyzing electronic and physical evidence evidences. The impact of loT devices and other modern digital technologies on the forensics process will be thoroughly examined. Relevant legal concepts like court admissibility of evidence and issues of privacy and surveillance will be discussed to define the legal requirements of a forensics investigation in corporate, land security, and criminal forensics investigations. Guidelines on establishing and licensing forensics lab will be introduced.
MADS6698 This course provides an in-depth analysis of terrorism, the ideological forces and psychology behind terrorism and its worldwide network.
MADS6705 This required course provides an of constitutional issues, statutes, and case law that govern land Security professionals at the local, state, and federal levels. Social, ethical and political implications of actions intended to preserve the safety and security of the citizens are studied in relationship to the legal constraints placed on the systems. This course will utilize case studies.
MADS6715 Terrorism and its impact on governmental, social, legal and financial organizations is the basis of this course. Various measures to stem the growth of terrorism and to prevent it through intelligence, legislation and international collaboratives will be fully explored.
Land Security Administration Graduate Certificate
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Broaden your knowledge of relevant land security policies and procedures at the local, state and federal government level.
Learn the fundamentals of land security by earning your graduate certificate at A M-Commerce. Offered fully online, our 12-hour program is designed for professionals outside the traditional criminal justice fields. Our certificate equips you with the knowledge and critical thinking skills to understand security challenges within the United States. You can earn your certificate in as little as a year. Each course is five weeks in length, letting you learn at an accelerated pace.
This course will provide a theoretical and empirical explanation of terrorism. It will identify various forms and typologies of terrorist activities, their consequences and preventive measures, particularly those that are relevant to the criminal justice system in the United States.
An introduction to various aspects of terrorism and land security as both affect the United States today. To understand what is going on currently we will examine the historical context of terrorism, national security, emergency management and civil liberties.
This course will introduce the students to the concept of counterintelligence (CI) and its importance in the U.S. today. This course will examine various aspects of CI including what is CI, CI operations (both offensive and defensive), case studies, and CI in the age of the internet.
Red teaming is the process of viewing a problem from the perspective of an adversary or competitor in order to serve as a complement to security, vulnerability, risk and strategy assessments. This course will provide students with experience in thinking like an adversary, while also examining the principals, goals, challenges and constraints of red teaming.
After you application, the Graduate School will send a confirmation email within two business days to the personal email account you used for ApplyTexas.
After you application, you may be granted provisional status, which means you can enroll in one semester of courses. You will not be eligible for financial aid until you submit all of your documents and are accepted into the program.
We recommend that you request transcripts for all of your academic work.
All international transcripts must be evaluated and the evaluation submitted to the Graduate School.
Rebecca StevensGraduate Student Services Coordinator: College of Business, College of Humanities Social Sciences and Arts, and Non-Degree.
Apply for scholarships and graduate assistantships once you are admitted.
land Security Graduate Certificate:: International Students Application section.
Earn a 3.0 GPA on all required coursework (No course substitutions may be applied on graduate certificates).
Submit a Completion of Certificate Request while taking your final graduate certificate courses.
Upon completion of the certificate program, courses will count towards a Master of Science in Applied Criminology (MSAC), and newly declared graduate students can lock in their tuition rates for two years.
Land Security Graduate Certificate
- Program Length:
- Credit hours:
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