Graduate Certificate Programs in Kinesiology and Exercise Science

20 universities offer graduate certificate program in Kinesiology and Exercise Science

Check out our exclusive data on scholarships and financial aid offered by universities for the Master's program in Kinesiology and Exercise Science. There are also 700+ scholarships available from accredited sources with the amount ranging from $1000-$22k.

University of Michigan-Ann Arbor logo
Ranked as:  #25 in Best National University
Tuition:  $49,548 per year
Total Cost:  $99,096 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Michigan
Acceptance:  -

Programs of Study Certificate Programs Dual Degree Programs Graduate and Professional Degree Programs Not Administered by Rackham.

Graduate and Professional Degree Programs Not Administered by Rackham.

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Programs of Study Rackham Graduate School

  • Program Length:  -
  • Credit hours:  -
George Mason University logo
Ranked as:  #137 in Best National University
Tuition:  $37,410 per year
Total Cost:  $74,820 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Virginia
Acceptance:  -

Tactical Athlete Strength, Conditioning, and Injury Prevention Graduate Certificate.

Degree: Graduate Certificate in Tactical Athlete Strength, Conditioning and Injury Prevention.

The Tactical Athlete Strength, Conditioning, and Injury Prevention certificate comprises 18 credits and features a 100% online curriculum. The mission of the program is to provide graduates with the foundational knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to improve the health and fitness of tactical populations, who face unique and demanding physical requirements.

Throughout the program, students will utilize a science-based approach in areas including exercise science, sports medicine, athletic training, exercise physiology, human performance, and strength and conditioning.

What This Certificate Program Can Do for Your Career.

Provide the knowledge, skills, and abilities necessary to address the specific strength and performance challenges faced by tactical athletes.

Obtain knowledge in exercise science practices specific to emergency responders.

Create corrective and preventative exercise programs to reduce injuries.

KINE 602: Movement and Fitness Assessment (3 credits).

KINE 609: Applied Strength and Conditioning Programming (3 credits).

KINE 610: Corrective and Preventative Exercise Techniques (3 credits).

Summer Semester(classes starting in May, June, or July).

Priority deadline ensures consideration for the intended semester as well as financial aid options for students. Programs will continue to review applications until at capacity. Some programs do not review applications past the priority deadline.

To be considered for graduate studies, the following items are evaluated during the admission review process:.

750 to 1,000-word written statement of your goals and interest in the program.

Two letters of recommendation: Applicants should follow the instructions included in the online application to submit the recommendation forms directly to their recommenders. Mason does not accept paper recommendations. Recommendations should be professional or academic in nature.

Admission to graduate programs at George Mason University is competitive. Applicants are evaluated on the strength of their academic backgrounds, results of standardized exams (if required by the program), work experience, and any additional evidence of potential success in the program.

A minimum 3.00 GPA on a 4.00 scale in baccalaureate study. Students with less than a 3.0 GPA are encouraged to apply, addressing previous academic challenges and highlighting evidence for future success in their goal statement.

VA Resident and PK-12 VA Educator enrolled in a CEHD graduate program.

Total cost for VA Resident and PK-12 VA Educator enrolled in a CEHD graduate program.

Internship courses will incur a higher course fee to fund on-site assistance involving intensive clinical training supervision.

For information regarding grants, tuition waivers, and other merit aid, please inquire with your graduate department. Also, many school districts offer tuition reimbursement options.

If you're interested in than two programs or aren't sure which program to select, just choose the most relevant and we can discuss your options with you.

Education PHD Education Kinesiology PHD Kinesiology MS Tactical Athlete Certificate.

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Tactical Athlete Strength, Conditioning and Injury Prevention Graduate Certificate

  • Program Length:  -
  • Credit hours:  84
Ranked as:  #17 in Best Regional University in West Coast
Tuition:  $23,238 per year
Total Cost:  $46,476 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Texas
Acceptance:  -

The mission of this department is to prepare students to serve and lead through the development of healthful lifestyles. Our students will be change agents among those they serve as they model a wellness lifestyle and provide a role model for Christian values to participants and colleagues.

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Department of Kinesiology and Nutrition

  • Program Length:  5 Months
  • Credit hours:  15
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635 universities offer the Master's program in Kinesiology and Exercise Science.

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Ranked as:  #28 in Best Regional University in South Coast
Tuition:  $20,868 per year
Total Cost:  $41,736 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Georgia
Acceptance:  -

Many sport coaches (middle school, high school, and college level) are required to design and implement strength and conditioning programs for their sport teams without much, if any, experience in the area of physiology and sport performance. The result is often a poorly designed training program, which ultimately could lead to injuries, over training and or decline in performance. This certificate will provide the individual with current standards and training methods in strength and conditioning to help assess, monitor and design well-rounded training programs with the primary emphasis on enhancing athletic performance in athletes of all ages.

Demonstrates credibility to current future employers in area of strength and conditioning.

Helps prepare for National Strength and Conditioning Association Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (NSCA CSCS).

Able to be completed 100% online depending on electives that are selected.

Ph.D., Sport Physiology and Performance, East Tennessee State University.

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Strength and Conditioning Graduate Certificate

  • Program Length:  Register to view the details
  • Credit hours:  Register to view the details
Ranked as:  #66 in Best Regional University in West Coast
Tuition:  $17,936 per year
Total Cost:  $35,872 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  California
Acceptance:  -

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In conjunction with multiple departments on Campus, CSUSB offers a Gerontology Certificate.

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Certificate Programs

  • Program Length:  Register to view the details
  • Credit hours:  Register to view the details
Concordia University-Chicago logo
Ranked as:  #77 in Best Regional University in Midwest
Tuition:  $9,378 per year
Total Cost:  $18,756 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Illinois
Acceptance:  -

Earn a graduate certificate in Human Movement Science from Concordia University to pursue higher-paying career opportunities.

With injuries becoming increasingly common, injury prevention is a critical part of working with any athletes. The Human Movement Science certificate program will give students the knowledge to develop injury prevention programs and teach students help athletes improve functional capacity and correct faulty movement patterns.

Within our programs, students are encouraged to exhibit resilience and unwavering dedication to their academic endeavors.

Graduates go on to serve in a variety of capacities in fitness, wellness, sports management and leadership careers. Many of our students pursue careers in exercise science fields such as these areas:.

As long as there are no interruptions in your course of study, we guarantee your tuition will remain the same and never increase while earning this degree. This guarantee ensures a stable and predictable investment in your education.

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Human Movement Science Graduate Certificate

  • Program Length:  Register to view the details
  • Credit hours:  Register to view the details
Tuition:  $18,559 per year
Total Cost:  $37,118 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Colorado
Acceptance:  -

School of Health Sciences and Human Movement Certificates.

Health Fitness Certification for the Corrections.

This is a Health and Fitness Certification developed specifically for students in the Colorado Corrections. The 12 credit hour certification will prepare students to sit for a personal training certificate and work in a variety of fitness locations. The certificate is limited to students in the Colorado Corrections.

The Certificate in Health Fitness requires a total of 12 credit hours.

The Certificate in Recreation Leadership requires a total of 15 credit hours.

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  • Program Length:  Register to view the details
  • Credit hours:  Register to view the details
Tuition:  $22,004 per year
Total Cost:  $44,008 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Georgia
Acceptance:  -

The Graduate Certificate in Strength and Conditioning, available online only, is designed for individuals interested in the professional field of strength and conditioning. The Strength and Conditioning Certificate provides a base of knowledge that enables you to enter the profession or enhance your skills in the field. The four-course program is designed so that you may become certified as a strength and conditioning specialist (CSCS) by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) with the completion of your certificate program.

Completed application packets received by deadline will be fully considered for admission to the program and financial assistance. Applications received after the priority deadline but before the University deadline will be considered as they are received until the program reaches full capacity.

Advanced degrees in sports medicine and fitness are in demand because athletes at the professional, college and high school level continue to advance, and also as the popularity of personal trainers and nutritionists continues to rise. Over the next decade, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that job opportunities for fitness and recreation professionals, and athletes and coaches will continue to grow.

The Strength and Conditioning Certificate program consists of 12 semester hours. Students who successfully complete the program of study for the graduate certificate in strength and conditioning may be considered for admission into the Master of Science Sports Medicine program.

Evidence-Based Research in Strength and Conditioning (3 credits).

Theory and Method of Strength and Conditioning (3 credits).

The Health Sciences and Kinesiology anticipates that graduates of this program will seek the following professional state licenses or certifications: Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS).

The Health Sciences and Kinesiology has determined the required classes and educational activities of this online academic program will qualify a graduate of this program to take the CSCS exam to become a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. The department has not determined whether this program satisfies the requirements of all states and territories for Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist.

Federal Law requires colleges and universities to make certain disclosures to prospective students of these programs.

Georgia Southern University Armstrong Campus Health Sciences and Kinesiology Dept #4076 11935 Abercorn Street Savannah, GA 31419.

Many of the clinical programs offered by the Waters College of Health Professions require a clinical internship or practicum experience to fulfill degree requirements. Pursuant to the University legal agreements, participants in clinical experiences are required to abide by the workplace rules of the clinical site. At this time, we expect that these new requirements may significantly impact our ability to locate a placement for students who remain unvaccinated. As always, WCHP will continue to make every effort to place students at clinical sites. However, please be aware that we may be unable to locate a site to accept unvaccinated students, which may cause a delay or inability to progress and complete the program of study.

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Strength and Conditioning Graduate Certificate (Online)

  • Program Length:  Register to view the details
  • Credit hours:  Register to view the details
Tuition:  $6,224 per year
Total Cost:  $12,448 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Missouri
Acceptance:  -

Design and facilitate physical fitness testing and training programs for tactical and first responders. Prepare for the NSCA TSAC-F certification exam.

The Tactical Strength and Conditioning (TSAC) program prepares students to design and facilitate physical fitness testing and training programs for tactical and first responder occupations, including military, law enforcement, fire, and search and rescue.

Students will use the foundational principles of nutrition, exercise physiology, strength and conditioning, and biomechanics to improve physical training, reduce injuries, increase operator longevity, and lower employer healthcare costs.

Program Completion will prepare students to take the Tactical Strength Conditioning Facilitator Certification Exam offered by the National Strength Conditioning Association.

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Exercise Science based training programs can improve strength, endurance, power, agility, speed, mobility, and overall fitness. It can also reduce the risk of some common injuries and will prolong occupational lifespans too.

Tactical Strength Conditioning Coaches write effective evidence-based exercise programs and utilize a toolset of practical approaches to overcome the unique challenges faced by tactical athletes. Through holistic and scientific knowledge, Tactical Strength Conditioning Coaches will develop practical and effective solutions for their clients.

We believe the people best equipped to navigate the unique challenges in each specific tactical strength and conditioning program are those who understand and work in those locations themselves.

The Tactical Strength Conditioning Certificate program is offered fully for maximal flexibility. This will give you the tools to create effective training programs despite the unique challenges in tactical careers.

There are so many barriers preventing TSAC related organizations and individuals from building the best fitness training and maintenance programs (limited budgets, limited time, employment laws, etc.). Those best equipped to navigate the unique challenges in each specific location also understand and work in those locations themselves.

The certificate program is designed for those who are already working in a tactical or first responder field whereas, most programs are for advanced students in Exercise Science or even graduate students. Our goal is to equip those already working in a tactical or first responder field the tools they need to create their own best physical conditioning programs.

Upon completion of the program, be prepared to sit for the NSCA TSAC-F certification exam (National Strength Conditioning Association Tactical Strength Conditioning Facilitator Certification).

Tactical Strength Conditioning coaches are hired in various capacities by the military and municipal fire and law enforcement, and can help advance opportunities with tactical careers among those who desire to create effective training and academy experiences for recruits.

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  • Program Length:  Register to view the details
  • Credit hours:  Register to view the details

What kind of scholarships are available for Graduate Programs in Kinesiology and Exercise Science?

We have 2 scholarships awarding up to $17,882 for Masters program in for Kinesiology and Exercise Science, targeting diverse candidates and not restricted to state or school-based programs.

Scholarship nameAmountCredibility
Athletic Training Graduate Assistantship in Department of Exercise and Sport Science at UNC$16,000
Athletic Training Graduate Assistantship at IOWA State University$1,882

Find scholarships and financial aid for Kinesiology and Exercise Science graduate programs

$500 $20000

How can I compare the Kinesiology and Exercise Science Graduate Programs?

Compare the GRE score requirements, admission details, credit requirements and tuition for the Master's Program, from 635 universities offering Graduate Certificate Programs in Kinesiology and Exercise Science. Compare Graduate Certificate Programs in Kinesiology and Exercise Science

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