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Graduate Certificate Programs in Law
128 universities offer graduate certificate program in Law
Check out our exclusive data on scholarships and financial aid offered by universities for the Master's program in Law. There are also 700+ scholarships available from accredited sources with the amount ranging from $1000-$22k.
Over 65% of Law School students who graduated in 2017 pursued a Certificate of Study that will propel them along varied career paths.
Penn Carey Law students can earn a certificate of study in one of several disciplines as part of their three-year JD degree. Typically, these programs require three or four courses in the granting department and one or two courses from a relevant topic area at the Law School.
Some partner schools programs may also require their own short application.
There are no admissions requirements for Certificates of Study all students who successfully complete the requirements are granted the certificate.
AnApplication for Law School Creditmust be filled out for each and every non-law class taken towards a Certificate.
The Law School at Penn pays for four (4) approved, non-law classes for each JD student (and one non-law class for each LLM student).
Certificate of Study in Middle East and Islamic Studies.
Certificate of Study in Latin American and Latino Studies.
The Wharton Certificate in Management (WCM) is designed to increase the business skills and leadership capabilities of upper-level JD students who aspire to lead key parts of a business, non-profit, agency, or firm and form the pool of future top leadership of any organization.
Students enrolled in this certificate also get three (3) law school credit hours towards the JD. Students register for this certificate during Law School Advanced Registration (LAW550). This certificate course counts as two (2) of the four (4) non-law courses paid for by Penn Carey Law and permitted towards the JD.
Certificate in Business Economics and Public Policy from the Wharton School.
The Certificate of Study in Business Economics and Public Policy (BEPP) will be granted by the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania to Penn Carey Law students who successfully complete its requirements. The BEPP Department reserves seats in its courses for Law School students each term. Seats are filled via a special lottery conducted by the Law School Registrar.
Requirements: Students must complete two credit units at Wharton in the Business Economics and Public Policy department, a one credit unit Wharton elective, and one approved Law School course, most often fulfilled through the first-year regulatory elective. Only one course at Wharton may be taken pass fail.
This certificate is intended for law students interested in adding an understanding of energy policy to their list of educational qualifications. This certificate draws on the interdisciplinary nature of energy policy education at Penn, and draws from a comprehensive set of courses across several schools at Penn.
Requirements: This certificate is a five-course program (one introduction course, one foundation course, and three electives). Up to three LAW courses may be taken towards the electives requirements ENMG 5020: Introduction to Energy Policy is the required introduction course.
Certificate of Study in Nonprofit Leadership from the School of Social Policy and Practice.
This certificate is for Penn Carey Law students interested in non-profit careers and leadership. It is a five-course program focusing on leadership, cross-sector collaboration, organizational structures, and social movements. As part of the Certificate program, students may earn a Leading Social Change Fellowship.
Certificate of Study in Environmental Policy from the Institute for Environmental Studies.
This certificate will be granted by the Institute for Environmental Studies at the University of Pennsylvania to Penn Carey Law students who successfully complete its requirements.
Requirements: To qualify for the certificate, a student must successfully complete five (5) courses two courses in Environmental Law or Policy from a list approved annually by Law School staff and three (3) courses in Environmental Policy from a list approved annually by staff in the IES Program.
Certificate of Study in Environmental Science from the Institute of Environmental Studies.
This certificate will be granted by the Institute for Environmental Studies at the University of Pennsylvania to Law School students who successfully complete its requirements.
Two (2) courses in Environmental Law or Policy from a list approved annually by Law School staff and three (3) courses in Environmental Science from a list approved annually by staff in the IES Program.
Requirements: To qualify for this certificate, a student must take four (4) graduate-level courses that are approved by the GSWS department. The courses must be cross-listed with GSWS or (if at the Law School and not cross-listed) contain significant GSWS content. There is a paper required for the Graduate Certificate a student may be able to fulfill this requirement with a paper written for another course, or may need to expand upon an existing paper. Students should also participate in four GSWS-sponsored activities.
Certificate in Nonprofit Administration from the Fels Institute of Government.
The Nonprofit Administration Certificate offers current and aspiring nonprofit leaders a practical education to running a successful organization. The certificate has a broad-based curriculum and covers the fundamental competencies of nonprofit management. Upon completing the certificate, students will be prepared to work in a wide range of nonprofits ranging from the arts to social service agencies to educational organizations.
Requirements: To qualify for this certificate, a student must successfully complete four (4) courses at Fels: two core courses (Leading Nonprofit Organizations and Financial Management of Public and Nonprofit Organizations) plus two electives from an established list.
Certificate in Politics from the Fels Institute of Government.
The Politics Certificate offers current and aspiring leaders a practical education to working in the political realm. The certificate has a broad-based curriculum and covers the fundamental competencies of political management.
Requirements: To qualify for this certificate, a student must successfully complete three courses at Fels and one approved course at the Law School. The two requisite core courses are 1) GAFL 502 (Public Communications) and 2) GAFL 632 (Policy Making and Public Institutions) OR GAFL 551 (Government Relations). The two electives come from an established list.
Certificate in Public Finance and Economic Development from the Fels Institute of Government.
The Public Finance and Economic Development Certificate allows students to learn promote economic growth at the community, organizational, and policy levels, while also gaining fundamental competencies of effective financial management needed to work in public finance. Elective coursework focuses on advancing equity and inclusion in development, and use data and analysis to make informed financial decisions.
Requirements: The Certificate in Public Finance and Economic Development requires four (4) credit units, including two (2) foundational courses and two (2) electives: one (1) from the economic growth focus, and one (1) from the public finance focus.
SCAN Neuroscience Certificate from the Center for Neuroscience and Society.
The Social, Cognitive, and Affective Neuroscience (SCAN) certificate will enable graduate and professional students preparing for a wide range of careers to work knowledgeably with neuroscience. This program is ideal for law students interested in the many ways in which neuroscience relates to law, including the brain basis of self-control and anti-social behavior, drug policy, mental health parity, and the use of brain imaging evidence concerning competence, responsibility and truthfulness.
Requirements: SCAN is a four course program.
SCAN students also take two electives from the following categories: approved advanced neuroscience courses, neuroscience and society courses, or bridging courses. Qualifying electives offered by the law school include: LAW 705: Mental Health Law and LAW 981: Neurolaw.
Related Story:SCAN program teaches law students to use concepts and methods of neuroscience in their legal studies.
This certificate requires the student to take four classes outside of the Law School (all of which will be counted towards the JD as per our general policy of counting four, pre-approved non-law classes towards the JD).
Graduate Certificate in Experimental Ethnography from the Center for Experimental Ethnography.
The Center for Experimental Ethnography (CEE) seeks to amplify discussions regarding the emerging forms that scholarly research is taking in the humanities and social sciences, and to create institutional interventions related to extra-textual genres of research practice and dissemination. The Graduate Certificate in Experimental Ethnography is aimed at students who want to merge creative and interdisciplinary practice through multi-modal methods with their scholarly production.
Requirements: To qualify for the certificate, law students must take 4 courses (1 core course 1 or 2 methods courses and 1 or 2 topical seminars). Additional requirements include participation in specified workshops and the development of a research project with multi-modal component.
Graduate Certificate in Global Human Rights from the School of Arts and Sciences.
The Graduate Certificate in Global Human Rights will give students working knowledge of the core international human rights documents, treaties and mechanisms. By taking a cross-disciplinary approach, students are challenged to look at similar topics or questions from difference approaches and given the opportunity to shape the certificate around their own specific interests within human rights.
Requirements: To qualify for this certificate, law students must take a total of five graduate courses (nor of three of which can be LAW courses) relating to international human rights.
One of the five graduate level courses must be Human Rights (PSCI-558), International Human Rights Post 9 11 (LAW-992), Public International Law (LAW-660), or Developing Effective Public Health Programs. The remaining four courses should be selected from a list of approved offerings and students may petition for two of those four courses outside the preapproved courses list.
Certificate of Study in Middle East and Islamic Studies from the School of Arts and Sciences.
Requirements: To qualify for this certificate, students must successfully complete four courses in the general area of Middle East and Islamic Studies. Three of these courses are taken in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GAS) and must be primarily related to the study of Middle Eastern or Islamic societies.
Certificate of Study in East Asian Studies from the School of Arts and Sciences.
Requirements: To qualify for this certificate, a student must take four courses in the general area of East Asian Studies. Three of these courses are taken in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GAS) and must be primarily related to the study of East Asian societies.
Certificate of Study in Latin American and Latino Studies from the School of Arts and Sciences.
Requirements: To qualify for the certificate, a student must successfully complete five courses in the general area of Latin America and Latino Studies. Two of these are taken inside the Law School (one course must be Public International Law or International Business Transactions), and three courses are taken outside of the Law School.
Related story:The Law School launches innovative program in Latin American Latino Studies.
Other certificate programs may be available on an ad-hoc basis.
A strong grounding in business disciplines to better serve their clients, manage their practices, or expand their professional options beyond the practice of law.
Enhanced skills for the sophisticated presentation of projects, ideas, or investment propositions to colleagues, clients and other professionals from the worlds of both law and business.
A better understanding of the core management concepts that will increase their capacity to develop or professionalize a practice, department, firm or business enterprise.
All LLM students may participate in this program which runs concurrently with the LLM program. Wharton courses are held in the evenings in state-of-the-art teaching facilities at the Steinberg Conference Center on the University of Pennsylvania campus in Philadelphia.
WBLC students choose three courses from among several areas of study, including accounting, corporate finance, human resource management, responsible business practices, and general management. This program should not be confused with an MBA program and does not include MBA students.
University of Virginia School of Engineering and Applied Science
- Program Length: 48 Months
- Credit hours: -
These courses and certificates offer deep knowledge of workplace law and practical exercises to hone skills.
Every aspect of work involves the law, and understanding the legal issues that affect you and your organization will give you an edge in your career.
Learn best practices for understanding, identifying, preventing, and managing employee-related issues that have potential legal concerns. Gain up-to-date information on employment laws and court cases on employment practices. Use case scenarios to apply practical implications of those laws on policies and day-to-day operations.
Employment Law - The ILR School
- Program Length: -
- Credit hours: -
200 Days Counting: Environmental Law The Trump Administration.
Give to CLEE Donor Stories Law Firm Partners Program Support Student Programs Stocks, Bonds Mutual Funds Make A Planned Gift give to specific CLEE projects.
For Current Students Current E E Courses Certificates E E Events Calendar Student Organizations Research Opportunities.
Priority Policy Solutions for California Next Governor
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435 universities offer the Master's program in Law.
Which one best suits your need?
Maternal Substance Use: How the MLP Model Can Address Issues Surrounding Mandatory Reporting Laws.
Letter on Diversity and Inclusion in Georgetown University Law Center Journals.
By Editors-in-Chief of Georgetown University Law Center journals.
Power and Possibility in the Era of Right to Counsel, Robust Rent Laws COVID-19.
Making Change Together: The Multi-Pronged, Systems Theory Approach to Law and Organizing That Fueled a Housing Justice Movement for Three-Quarter House Tenants in New York City Matthew P.
Challenging Inaccurate Sex Designations on Birth Certificates Through Disability Rights Law Kevin M.
The Even Start Family Literacy Program: The Rise and Fall of Family Literacy and the Need for its Return Jennifer Soliman.
Illusion: How State Tuition Support Programs Are Widening the Opportunity Gap Lauren A.
Expungement Law: An Extraordinary Remedy for an Extraordinary Harm Mackenzie J.
Georgetown Journal on Poverty Law Policy
- Program Length:
- Credit hours:
Law in Action Emory University School of Law.
The Transactional Law Certificate Program curriculum has three primary components: doctrinal courses, business courses, and skills courses.
The core doctrinal course is Business Associations.This course lays the foundation and provides the context for all transactions. Therefore, students in the Certificate Program take both Fundamentals of Income Taxation and Federal Income Tax: Corporations. Although Securities Regulation is not required, students who intend to practice in an area involving securities are strongly encouraged to take it.
At Emory, this begins with our accounting courses: Accounting in Action and Analytical Methods. These courses focus not on debits and credits, but on learning analyze financial statements and use financial statement concepts in transactions.
Students in the Certificate Program also take Corporate Finance, providing them with the critical understanding of how a corporation finances its activities.
Thethird component of the Certificate Programteaches students the skills they will need and the tasks they will perform after graduation. The integrated transactional skills curriculum is unique at Emory Law. It is designed to expose students to material than once.
The first course in the skills curriculum is Contract Drafting. They learn :.
The third and final component of the transactional skills curriculum is the capstone course. Each course focuses on a different transaction. Recent capstone courses include Mergers Acquisitions, Private Equity, Venture Capital, The General Counsel, and Commercial Real Estate. The hypotheticals in these courses are quite sophisticated because students are not performing tasks and learning skills for the first time. Instead, students use the capstone courses to hone and master what they have previously learned.
Transactional Law Certificate Program - Atlanta, GA
- Program Length:
- Credit hours:
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Many law students find that their goals are best served by earning a degree in another field.
Typically, dual degree students will spend the first year at Michigan Law, the second year in the companion school, and the final one to two years taking a combination of credits in both schools or departments.
The University of Michigan Law School has a strong interdisciplinary focus in its class offerings, seminars, clinics, externships, and independent research opportunities. This interdisciplinary approach reflects the School philosophy that the study of law should be combined, as much as possible, with an awareness of the broader context of American society and the international community.
To complement this philosophy, Michigan Law offers a wide variety of graduate degree programs that students may wish to pursue concurrently with the study of law. While completing the first or second year of law study, students may apply for admission to concurrent courses of study.
Admission to the second program will be granted only to students who present academic credentials.
Acceptable to the graduate school in which the desired program is offered, and who satisfy the other conditions for admission to that graduate school.
If admitted, the student may, after completion of the first year of law studies, divide time between the Law School and the concurrent program of study, devoting sufficient time to each to satisfy the academic requirements and the equivalent of the residence requirements of each unit.
Twelve credit hours in graduate level classes in other departments may be elected in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the JD degree. Credits earned in another graduate program may not be counted toward a student JD degree if they are earned prior to beginning law studies.
Tuition is assessed at either the Law School or the Graduate School rate, whichever is higher, when enrolled in courses in both schools in a single term.
Students do not have to decide to pursue a dual degree program before entering law school. Application may be made to both schools in advance, with a deferral requested from the school to be attended during the second year, or application may be made to the second school during the first or second year of law classes.
Whenever application is made, a student must be admitted independently to each of the schools from which they are seeking degrees. A dual degree program is not open to anyone who has already earned either degree.
The Law School cannot accept credits earned in other graduate programs prior to matriculation at the Law School. For a complete list of requirements for the JD, please refer to the Law School online student handbook.
Ad hoc dual degree programs are also an option. A few examples of areas of interest around which students have recently designed their own dual programs include American culture, kinesiology, and philosophy.
The Bulletins of the other schools and colleges of the University and of the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies should be consulted for complete information. Special attention should be given to the requirements for such graduate degrees.
Requirements may include special language facility, advanced study in science, and additional terms at the University.
The following statement has been issued by the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies:.
Admissions procedures at each school are independent. Students must apply to and gain admission to both schools separately. You must check with individual programs to ascertain their application requirements, including any standardized testing that may be required.
If you are enrolled in a graduate program in another school or department at the University, we will accept your GRE, GMAT, or MCAT score in lieu of an LSAT score.
Each school will count a specified number of credits from the other school. This double counting results in a time and cost savings. While the number of law credits that may be applied toward the external degree varies from school to school, the Law School will always apply up to 12 credits taken in graduate-level courses.
Typically, dual degree students will spend the first year in Law School, the second year in the companion school, and the final terms taking a combination of credits in both schools. Whatever schedule best fits your goals, be sure to check with the admitting offices of both schools to ensure that they can accommodate your preference. Students who wish to complete the JD+MA World Politics dual degree must take six graduate level credits in Political Science prior to applying for admission to the master program.
It is possible for some programs that, by starting in the Law School, you will be able to complete the two degrees in a shorter period than if you started in the other graduate program. This varies among programs, and you will need specific advice for your situation.
No. The American Bar Association, our accrediting organization, prohibits the granting of credit for work completed prior to enrollment in a JD program. For this reason, it is often preferable to begin a dual program at the Law School to assure that you can take full advantage of the double counting of credits.
If classes are taken exclusively at one school in any given semester, tuition is paid to that school at that school rate. However, in any semester when classes are taken in both schools, tuition will be assessed at either the Law School or the companion school rate, whichever is higher.
Simultaneous completion of both degrees is the Law School default expectation. Students are advised to check with both programs regarding specific graduation requirements.
At the start of a dual degree program, law students are required to complete a Dual Degree Declaration Form. In addition, the Law School requires all students to complete various forms just prior to graduation. Other graduate and professional schools have similar requirements. In addition to those forms required by particular graduate units, any student obtaining a JD and one of the Rackham degrees must complete a Dual Joint Degree Election Form prior to graduation.
Except in very rare circumstances, only law courses may be taken during the first year of law school.
The Law School will count up to 12 credits from another University of Michigan graduate unit. In order for a course to be counted toward the JD requirements, it must be taken after the student begins law studies and the student must earn at least a B (or its equivalent) in the course.
The Law School counts up to 12 credits taken in a companion school even if a student is not registered for a dual degree, and imposes no penalty on a student who opts to discontinue a dual degree program.
No. The 12 credits from the graduate school unit are counted on a mandatory pass fail basis. No honor points are earned nor is the grade calculated as part of the Law School GPA.
Academic regulations make it difficult for a dual degree student to do an externship. However, practical or hands-on opportunities may be available for credit through the Law School clinical program or the companion school. Summer jobs and school-year pro bono activities are other great ways to gain practical experience.
By ABA rule, all law school graduates must have 64 credit hours in regularly scheduled law classes. First year courses, upper class courses, law courses taken outside of Michigan Law, seminars, and most clinical law courses count toward fulfilling this requirement. Independent research, externships, and non-law courses do not.
Law students must complete six full time terms or their equivalent in law school. A full time term requires carriage throughout the term and completion of at least 10 credit hours with a grade of D or better.
While some people want to pursue a dual degree simply out of academic interest, most students are thinking the potential career benefits that might accrue. Those vary, of course, depending on the degree. Our most common dual degree is the JD+MBA, from which people often pursue corporate law placements in the largest firms, or work in consulting firms graduates with a JD+MPH might pursue work at a private sector law firm working on health care regulations, or for the Food Drug Administration, or in an industry support organization those with a JD+MPP are well-suited to a wide array of positions at nonprofits or in the government.
Dual Degrees and Certificate Programs
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USC Gould's online Financial Compliance certificate provides you with the fundamental knowledge of financial compliance, including regulations for financial institutions, and governance of corporate entities and global organizations. The certificate prepares you for a specialization in Financial Compliance, and provides for a deeper understanding of the relevant laws, regulations and legal issues related to this growing field.
The online Financial Compliance certificate also offers the opportunity to pursue specific financial- and compliance-focused online classes that benefit those who work for financial institutions or in finance departments that deal with financial compliance and finance-related regulatory issues on a daily basis.
Financial Compliance Certificate - School of Law
- Program Length:
- Credit hours:
The 100% online Master of Studies in Law (MSL) is flexible, part-time, and uniquely designed by world-renowned Wake Forest University School of Law faculty and industry experts, specifically for working professionals. Our MSL experience enhances skills, advances careers, and brings immediate relevance and value to the workplace and beyond.
Our MSL Graduate Certificates are distinctive because we provide transferable, academic credit for all coursework. Additionally, courses completed toward our MSL Graduate Certificate may be applied toward the MSL Master’s Degree requirements.
Master of Studies in Law - Online Certificate
- Program Length:
- Credit hours:
The Family Law Act of 1970 and the Family Code of 1994 have produced major changes in California domestic relations law and practice. This course covers theoretical and practical issues in family law, providing the necessary tools to analyze and resolve these issues.
Course Number: LAW-40006Credit: 3.00 unit(s)Related Certificate Programs:Paralegal Studies (ABA Approved).
There are no sections of this course currently scheduled.
Domestic Relations Law
- Program Length:
- Credit hours:
Insights programs are in-depth professional development programs for international and U.S. students, legal educators, and legal professionals.
Now offered online!
Each of the five days will offer a two-hour, live synchronous session and a two-hour, recorded asynchronous session. The live sessions offered via Zoom will be interactive participants may attend recorded sessions at a time that is convenient.
Please note that online participants are required to have a computer with video and audio capability.
Law has a maximum capacity to allow for participant engagement and ensure the best possible experience. Register early to avoid disappointment!
This session introduces the fundamentals of the U.S. legal system. Topics include an of the U.S. Constitution focusing on federalism, the structure and function of courts, sources of legal authority, and common-law method.
This session will introduce the student to appellate litigation in the United States. We will cover the organization and jurisdiction of the United States Court of Appeals and the United States Supreme Court, including the considerations that inform Supreme Court review of lower federal and state court decisions. The session will next cover the key elements of appellate litigation: the decision to appeal, preparation of the briefs and record, and oral argument. National Foreign Trade Council, 530 U.S. 363 (2000) (striking down Massachusetts law restricting state entities from buying goods or services from companies doing business with Myanmar (Burma)).
Environmental protection law is a relatively young sector of law in the U.S. and abroad however, patterns and frameworks have evolved that illuminate major themes and necessities of long-term societal governance and sustainability. Environmental protection law is one of the only areas of the U.S. legal system that explicitly takes into account the needs of future generations in establishing its regulatory standards. In this session, we will explore some of the specific features of U.S. environmental law that have direct relevance in other national systems, as well as its general thematic features, which are relevant in virtually all modern national states.
U.S. Legal System Program Testimonials, August 2020 Program:.
The program fee forInsights: U.S. Legal System is $300 USD.
You must be at least 18 years old to participate in the Insights U.S. Legal System program. All sales are final we are not able to offer refunds. Registrations may not be transferred to another person or to another course, workshop, or program.
Online registration is required to participate in the program. Tuition for the week-long program is $300 to be paid by debit or credit card. Registrations will be processed upon receipt of payment. Payment is due in full in order to enroll.
Continuing Education
- Program Length:
- Credit hours:
What kind of scholarships are available for Graduate Programs in Law?
We have 11 scholarships awarding up to $47,000 for Masters program in for Law, targeting diverse candidates and not restricted to state or school-based programs.
Scholarship name | Amount | Credibility |
Hach & Rose, LLP Annual College Scholarship | $5,000 | Medium |
Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago Academic Scholarship | $4,000 | Medium |
The Fair Divorce Legislation Scholarship | $1,000 | High |
Law Offices of Jeffrey Lichtman Community Service Scholarship | $1,000 | High |
Sparks Law Dream Chasers Scholarship | $1,000 | High |
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