Graduate Certificate Programs in Parks, Recreation and Leisure Facilities Management

5 universities offer graduate certificate program in Parks, Recreation and Leisure Facilities Management

Check out our exclusive data on scholarships and financial aid offered by universities for the Master's program in Parks, Recreation and Leisure Facilities Management. There are also 700+ scholarships available from accredited sources with the amount ranging from $1000-$22k.

San Diego State University logo
Ranked as:  #148 in Best National University
Tuition:  $18,658 per year
Total Cost:  $37,316 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  California
Acceptance:  -

SDSU Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation Management Certificate (HTM) is designed for international students planning a career in the hospitality and tourism industry and is available through ALI Semester at SDSU program.

SDSU HTM Certificate provides a strong business foundation and a real understanding of industry complexities and demands. SDSU produces new hospitality and tourism leaders poised for successful global connections from this strategic Pacific Rim location.

Classes with American Students SDSU courses with American students and professionals.

Official Transcript Credits earned are listed on an official SDSU transcript and may be transferable to other universities.

Customized Certificates Students may customize certificates in areas of interest with classes in hospitality (HTM) and or recreation (RTM).

For sample class schedules of the courses usually offered, schedule. Please be aware not all courses are offered every semester.

Students must receive a C or higher in each course to receive a certificate at the end of the program.

Please note that the ALI cannot guarantee participation in specific university courses. Students enroll in classes on a space-available basis.

Semester at SDSU Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation Management Certificate.

Varies according to course enrollment.

All students have access to a variety of electives, pronunciation clinics, sports and conversation clubs, language and computer labs, personalized student counseling, library, and academic advising.

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Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation Management Certificate

  • Program Length:  -
  • Credit hours:  61
Ranked as:  #54 in Best Regional University in Midwest
Tuition:  $14,076 per year
Total Cost:  $28,152 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Illinois
Acceptance:  -

Center for Christian Ministries Studies and Practical Theology.

Organizational success is increasingly a function of effective human resource management. Structure and technology can be duplicated, but recruiting and retaining talented employees can create potent competitive advantage.

The certificate in human resource management examines the evolving role of human resources in driving the value of an organization. Upon completion of the certificate, you will be able to lead strategies for compensation and benefits and be able to create and manage a basic compensation plan that you can apply immediately to your business.

In this certificate program, you will develop organizational strategy for employee recruitment and training, learn the dynamics of the grievance process and alternative dispute resolution methods, and develop concrete skills you can use to manage, motivate, and negotiate with individuals and labor groups.

Through your preference of in-person and online coursework, you can complete your certificate in as little as 12 months.

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Certificate in Human Resource Management

  • Program Length:  12 Months
  • Credit hours:  -
Tuition:  $6,224 per year
Total Cost:  $12,448 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Missouri
Acceptance:  -

Learn human behavioral science and management to effectively manage interpersonal and intergroup relations in organizational structures.

At Park University, our Human Resources Management program focuses on the study of organizations and the use of personnel as a primary institutional resource. Through the study of individual behavior and group processes, combined with the techniques of the management of personnel within an organization, this certificate equips students with the knowledge and skills needed to pursue a career in human resources.

Our Human Resource Management Graduate Certificate is designed to expose students to the functional areas of a typical human resource department. While pursuing this certificate, you will acquire the skills necessary to effectively manage personnel and support employees throughout their career.

As a student pursuing our Human Resources Management Certificate, you will have the option of taking classes at our El Paso campus, at our Ft. Bliss campus or online. This certificate requires completion of 12 credit hours with a minimum grade point average of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale.

This certificate requires completion of 12 credit hours with a minimum grade point average of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale). Students pursuing a graduate certificate must also have earned a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited college, or university or its foreign equivalent.

You understand that these calls may be generated using automated technology.

Human resources management is than managing personnel it is understanding individual behavior and group processes.

If you choose to pursue the Human Resources Management Certificate, you will study subjects such as management and organizational behavior, planning and staffing, employment law and compensation management. Through the understanding of human behavioral science and management, you will learn valuable skills in interpersonal and intergroup relations.

The Human Resources Management Certificate program is part of the Human Resources Management within the Robert W. Plaster School of Business. In this program, and throughout the department, emphasis is placed on a behavioral science management approach. This will help you develop the understanding of individual behavior and group processes combined with the techniques of the management of personnel within an organization. This interdisciplinary approach draws from the fields of management, social psychology and organizational behavior to teach you skills in interpersonal and intergroup relations.

The Graduate Certificate in Human Resource Management will help you gain a comprehensive understanding of subjects including planning and staffing, change management, conflict resolution and compensation management. Through the understanding of human behavior and management, students will learn valuable skills in managing teams, employees and contractors.

Park University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission.

Park University is a private, non-profit, institution of higher learning since 1875.

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  • Program Length:  -
  • Credit hours:  12
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Central Michigan University logo
Tuition:  $19,359 per year
Total Cost:  $38,718 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Michigan
Acceptance:  -

Learning Design and Technology Grad Cert 1800 x 540.

And do so quickly. This online certificate program will introduce you to the principles of course design for any setting.

And to do so in a meaningful way. In five online classes, you'll learn :.

The principles you'll learn apply whether you're teaching in person or online. You'll be able to apply them whether you work in PK-12, higher education, business, nonprofits or other training settings.

The learning, design and technology graduate certificate will sharpen your personal brand as you pursue your career goals. Now than ever and in a variety of settings the demand for knowledgeable individuals who can design effective online and blended learning experiences is in high demand. This program will build your skills and knowledge in the area of online and blended education that can be applied in a Pk-12, higher education or nonprofit, business, or another organizational setting.

Learn where you live. This certificate program is delivered online.

Apply your credits toward a master degree in learning, design, and technology from CMU.

If you work at a school or any organization that needs dynamic, engaging content, this certificate will make you a go-to resource.

You can use technology to create meaningful student experiences with this online program at Central Michigan University.

Make a difference in the world. This certificate program gives you the skills to be a leader in the nonprofit sector.

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Learning Design and Technology

  • Program Length:  Register to view the details
  • Credit hours:  Register to view the details
Tuition:  $23,963 per year
Total Cost:  $47,926 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Oklahoma
Acceptance:  -

This graduate certificate is designed for professionals with a minimum of a bachelor degree who seek additional education in the field of recreation and leisure management, including those wishing to complement another graduate program, those seeking a career change or those wanting to further their understanding of the field. This certificate is often obtained by active-duty military and civilian personnel working with the military in Moral, Welfare and Recreation (MWR).

Graduate Certificate in Recreation and Leisure Management (Courses).

Health, Leisure and Human Performance, PhD Leisure Studies.

Parks, Recreation and Leisure Facilities Management prepares you to understand professions within recreation and leisure management, apply theories to the professions, use relevant research to provide high-quality services and create quality programs for specific populations.

Successful completion of the certificate program requires 12 credit hours (four courses) of graduate-level coursework in leisure studies. Credit hours are transferable to additional graduate degree programs.

Courses are delivered on the OSU Stillwater campus, with many opportunities for peer-to-peer collaboration. Any substitutions or deviations from the list must be approved by the program coordinator prior to enrollment.

LEIS 5030: Readings in Recreation and Leisure Management.

LEIS 5423: Supervision and Leadership in Leisure Studies.

LEIS 5463: Areas and Facilities in Leisure Services.

LEIS 5013: Recreation and a Technologically Advanced Society.

LEIS 5023: Legal Aspects of Health, Physical Education and Leisure Services.

LEIS 5413: Organization and Administration of Leisure Services.

To apply for the program, submit the following:.

Three letters of recommendation (focused on academic capability, communication skills, desire and potential for success, ability to work independently and relevant experience).

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Recreation and Leisure Management

  • Program Length:  Register to view the details
  • Credit hours:  Register to view the details
Kent State University at Kent logo
Tuition:  $21,952 per year
Total Cost:  $43,904 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Ohio
Acceptance:  -

Here at Kent State, COAPRT accredits the Recreation, Park, and Tourism Management program on a five-year cycle.

Please watch this important video regarding degree and accreditation mills. According to CHEA, Degree mills and accreditation mills mislead and harm. In the United States, degrees and certificates from mills may not be acknowledged by other institutions when students seek to transfer or graduate school. Employers may not acknowledge degrees and certificates from degree mills when providing tuition assistance for continuing education. 'Accreditation' from an accreditation mill can mislead students and the public the quality of an institution.

Please view the RPTM program annual assessment reports and data via the COAPRT Reports Data page.

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Recreation, Park, and Tourism Management Accreditation

  • Program Length:  Register to view the details
  • Credit hours:  Register to view the details

What kind of scholarships are available for Graduate Programs in Parks, Recreation and Leisure Facilities Management?

We have 2 scholarships awarding up to $17,882 for Masters program in for Parks, Recreation and Leisure Facilities Management, targeting diverse candidates and not restricted to state or school-based programs.

Scholarship nameAmountCredibility
Athletic Training Graduate Assistantship in Department of Exercise and Sport Science at UNC$16,000
Athletic Training Graduate Assistantship at IOWA State University$1,882

Find scholarships and financial aid for Parks, Recreation and Leisure Facilities Management graduate programs

$500 $20000

How can I compare the Parks, Recreation and Leisure Facilities Management Graduate Programs?

Compare the GRE score requirements, admission details, credit requirements and tuition for the Master's Program, from 124 universities offering Graduate Certificate Programs in Parks, Recreation and Leisure Facilities Management. Compare Graduate Certificate Programs in Parks, Recreation and Leisure Facilities Management

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