Graduate Certificate Programs in Public Health

100 universities offer graduate certificate program in Public Health

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Yale University logo
Ranked as:  #3 in Best National University
Tuition:  $44,500 per year
Total Cost:  $89,000 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Connecticut
Acceptance:  -

An assessment of the degree which diagnostic testing was performed to rule in or out the possibility of exposure to such agents was performed.

Identify unexplained deaths of possible infectious etiology among previously healthy Connecticut residents who were hospitalized at the time of death.

Identify the subset of decedents who presented with signs and symptoms that may be consistent with early stages of infection compatible with inhalational anthrax, botulism, smallpox, or inhalational tularemia.

Electronic files of all Connecticut death certificates were obtained from the Connecticut Public Health Section of Vital Records. These files included the original text cause of death fields, as completed by the certifier, and ICD-10 coded cause of death data. These data were screened electronically using SAS to identify death certificates that contained at least one ICD-10 inclusion code in either the primary (or underlying) cause of death field or any of the contributing cause of death fields. Death certificates with at least one inclusion code were further screened to exclude those that contained any ICD-10 exclusion codes in the cause of death fields. Death certificates not excluded by ICD-10 codes were then screened and excluded based on residency, hospital status, and manner of death. Death Certificates not excluded through computer processing underwent a text review of the non-coded cause of death fields to exclude deaths that might have been erroneously included due to ICD-10 coding errors or data entry errors. Medical charts of the included decedents were reviewed and data were collected on a standardized data collection instrument.

There were 59,971 deaths certified in Connecticut in 2002 and 2003. Of these, 4,054 (6.8%) were identified as a potentially unexplained infectious death based on data from the death certificate, and were flagged for chart review. Of these, 3,974 medical charts were available for review which 354 (8.9%) of these were classified as an unexplained infectious death. Although there were no diagnosed cases of bioterrorism-related infections in CT during 2002 and or 2003, 1 (38%) of the 354 unexplained infectious deaths met at least one of our suspect case definitions. Of the 1 127 (95%) deaths met the suspect case definition for inhalational anthrax, and 6 (5%) met the suspect case definition for both inhalational anthrax and inhalational tularemia. None of the suspect cases met the smallpox or botulism case definition.

JP Palumbo, JI Meek, DM Fazio, SB Turner, JL Hadler, AN Sofair. Unexplained Deaths in Connecticut, 2002-2003: Failure to consider Category A Bioterrorism Agents in Differential Diagnoses. Disaster Med Public Health Preparedness. 2008 2:87-94.

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Unexplained Deaths Related to Bioterrorism - Yale School of Public Health

  • Program Length:  10 Months
  • Credit hours:  -
Johns Hopkins University logo
Ranked as:  #7 in Best National University
Tuition:  $59,425 per year
Total Cost:  $118,850 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Maryland
Acceptance:  -

Certificate Programs offer focused academic training in specific areas of public health, with topics ranging from human rights to health informatics, from vaccine science to public health economics.

Individual programs may be geared toward current students, non-degree-seeking students or to a broad audience.

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) Public Health.

Public Health Training Certificate for American Indian Health Professionals.

Global Health Practice PLEASE NOTE: The Global Health Practice program is not accepting applications for new students at this time.

Global Tobacco Control PLEASE NOTE: The Global Tobacco Control program is not accepting applications for new students at this time.

This certificate program can be completed entirely online.

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Bloomberg School of Public Health - Certificate Programs

  • Program Length:  -
  • Credit hours:  -
University of California-Los Angeles logo
Ranked as:  #20 in Best National University
Tuition:  $28,131 per year
Total Cost:  $56,262 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  California
Acceptance:  -

The Global Health Certificate will provide you with broad-based knowledge in global health, and can serve as a valuable qualification and differentiator in an increasingly competitive job market. Awarded through the UCLA Center for Global and Immigrant Health, the certificate is open to any graduate or professional student at UCLA. In conferring the certificate, the UCLA School of Public Health recognizes a student’s capacity to work as a public health or health care professional with a global health perspective.

Complete a departmental project on a global health topic.

At the Fielding School of Public Health our approach to global health is multidisciplinary, integrating social, behavioral, cultural, epidemiologic, biologic, economic and political aspects of health.

The UCLA Center for Global and Immigrant Health will award a certificate in Global Health to any graduate or professional student who meets ALL of the following requirements:.

Completes CHS 200 or HPM 240 (see global health courses for course descriptions).

Completes at least 12 additional units with global health content (see global health courses for a list of electives) - Students can also submit electives not on this list for approval.

[For students entering UCLA Fall 2015 or before] Completes a departmental project on a Global Health Topic. It can be a class paper on global health topic, a project used as student’s master thesis or doctoral thesis, or a poster presented in a conference.

[For students entering UCLA Fall 2016 and after] Completes a 5-page capstone paper describing how the GHC program integrates with the student’s graduate studies, how it amplifies their understanding of one or of the global health competencies, and how these competencies are likely to influence their professional career.

Attends at least two Global Health lunchtime lectures or other lectures sponsored by the UCLA Center for Global and Immigrant Health, the UCLA School of Public Health of the UCLA Center for World Health.

The Global Health Certificate is only available to graduate or professional students who are currently enrolled in study at UCLA.

Once you have completed all requirements for the certificate, please submit the following:.

Two Signed Global Health Lecture Forms (please see attachment below).

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Global Health Certificate

  • Program Length:  12 Months
  • Credit hours:  -
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Emory University logo
Ranked as:  #22 in Best National University
Tuition:  $44,676 per year
Total Cost:  $89,352 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Georgia
Acceptance:  -

The Rollins School of Public Health in partnership with CDC Emergency Response and Recovery Branch offers a Graduate Certificate in Humanitarian Emergencies.

Humanitarian issues encompass most of the concerns facing global health and international development plus some security factors that are unique to emergencies. These include:.

There is an emergency situation exceeding the ability of the country government to respond that requires an international response beyond the capacity of any single agency and or the UN country program.

Between 15-20 students will be accepted into the certificate program each year. Applications are accepted in the fall of a student first year.

The ideal candidates for this graduate certificate are students who:.

In the last several decades, the number of humanitarian emergencies has continually increased, and with it, so has the importance of public health resource allocation.

Requirements for the CHE Certificate include completion of:.

Students are required to take the following core courses:.

GH 512 (2 credits) required Health in Humanitarian Emergencies Five-day class during January break, year one.

Students must complete one course (at least three credit hours) from the following courses:.

GH 522: Qualitative Research Methods for Global Health.

GH 560: Monitoring and Evaluation of Global Health Programs.

INFO 501: Principles of Public Health Informatics II.

Please speak with program coordinator for additional information on documentation of this waiver.

GH 531: Mental Health in Complex Humanitarian Emergencies.

GH 537: Programming for Sexual and Reproductive Health in Complex Humanitarian Emergencies.

The Applied Practice Experience (APE) component is an experiential based (typically summer) employment with an implementing organization across various sectors and technical expertise. All CHE APEs are approved by the CHE Manager, Education and Programs on a case-by case basis. CHE APEs may occur in non-acute (i.e. non-response) humanitarian settings which include: protracted emergencies and areas previously impacted by an emergencies.

Please note: With the permission of the certificate coordinator, students who complete a capstone rather than a thesis may take an additional 4 credit hours of approved electives to fulfill the thesis requirement.

GH 510 (2) Epidemiological Methods in Complex Humanitarian EmergenciesSpring. Prerequisites: EPI 530, BIOS 500, and GH 512. This course covers epidemiologic methods used in complex humanitarian emergencies such as rapid assessment, surveillance, survey design (with a focus on cluster surveys) and analysis. In addition, the class includes other topics such as outbreaks in emergencies as well as practical sessions on anthropometry and field laboratory methods. Teaching methods combine lectures and case studies of recent humanitarian emergencies. Five-day intensive held over Spring Break.

GH 512 (2) Health in Complex Humanitarian EmergenciesSpring. Prerequisites: BIOS 500 and EPI 530. The course covers the technical and management principles that are the basis of planning, implementing, and evaluating health programs for acutely displaced populations in developing countries. It emphasizes refugees in camp situations. It includes modules on assessment, nutrition, epidemiology of major health problems, surveillance, and program management in the context of an international relief operation. Five-day intensive held over January break.

GH 531 (1) Mental Health in Complex Humanitarian EmergenciesSpring. Prerequisite: GH 510 and GH 512. This course covers essential principles necessary to understand and address mental health issues in complex humanitarian emergencies. Using epidemiological and ethnographic approaches, the course highlights: mental health surveys, outcome evaluation methods, best practices and evidence-based interventions for beneficiary populations, and preparation and training for emergency responders and aid workers. Typically held Monday and Tuesday of Spring Break.

GH 532 (1) Risk Communications for Complex Humanitarian EmergenciesFall. The objective of the course is to encourage and facilitate improved risk communication for public health emergencies among public health authorities and partner organizations through the building of risk communication core capacities as part of the surveillance and response requirements of the International Health Regulations (IHR). Typically held over a weekend during Fall semester.

GH 5 (1) Preparedness and Planning for Complex Humanitarian EmergenciesFall. This course covers the essential principles of emergency preparedness and planning in the international context. Students will become familiar with concepts of Sphere standards, cluster system, Incident Command System (ICS), emergency operation plan development, and table-top exercises. The common pitfalls and challenges of emergency preparedness and planning will be discussed. Students will have the opportunity to review an existing plan and table-top exercise, and provide input for their improvement. Half Semester course during second half of Fall Semester.

GH 537 (1) Programming for Sexual and Reproductive Health in Complex Humanitarian EmergenciesSpring. Prerequisites: GH 510, GH 512, MISP online certificate. This course builds on students' knowledge of epidemiologic principles and health needs in complex humanitarian emergencies. It takes an applied epidemiological approach covering three essential components to sexual and reproductive health in complex humanitarian emergencies: program management, monitoring, and evaluation policy and advocacy and emerging issues and methods. The course will use a mix of lectures, discussions, and applied learning exercises to discuss how humanitarian conflict affects sexual and reproductive health outcomes, key guidelines and program priorities in the field, and areas of innovation and knowledge gaps.

GH 538 (1) Food and Nutrition in Complex Humanitarian EmergenciesFall. Prerequisites: BIOS 500, EPI 530, and GH 512. Malnutrition during humanitarian emergencies, including acute malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies, is very common. This course will discuss how organizations decide when, what type, and how much food to distribute during crisis. It also will address other programs that are used to prevent malnutrition, how organizations concerned with nutrition evaluate nutritional status in individuals and populations and the various types of feeding programs that are implemented in emergency situations. Half semester course beginning in August.

GH 578 (1) Logistics Operations in Complex Humanitarian EmergenciesSpring. Prerequisites: BIOS 500 and EPI 530. Logistical pre-planning will identify intervention opportunities and mobilize existing logistics' capacity to leverage effective services for the existing health care infrastructure for humanitarian relief. In this course, students will become familiar with logistics tools, reports, and methodologies available for enhancing health care response needs during humanitarian emergencies. Logistics is critical for efficient emergency deployment and sustainability during all stages of humanitarian health response. Usually, little thought is given to logistics during the ramp-up phase of a humanitarian response because of the speed at which response efforts take place causing greater inefficiencies during the actual response.

Fall Year One Apply to CHE certificate program by September deadline.

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Graduate Certificate in Humanitarian Emergencies - Rollins School of Public Health

  • Program Length:  Register to view the details
  • Credit hours:  Register to view the details
Georgetown University logo
Ranked as:  #22 in Best National University
Tuition:  $53,591 per year
Total Cost:  $107,182 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Washington D. C.
Acceptance:  -

Develop and hone the skills professionals need to work in health policy.

Preparing Professionals to Work in Health Policy and Advocacy.

Designed for leaders working in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors, this flexible 15-credit program can be completed in as little as one year.

Our scholars and practitioners are intellectual leaders in the field of health policy, regularly called upon to advise policymakers.

A Flexible Health Policy Curriculum Customized By You.

The McCourt School offers a robust selection of courses in health policy, process, and influence. Students must earn a B or better in all courses to complete the certificate.

The Certificate is not open to degree-seeking McCourt students.

Public Policy, Advocacy, and Social Change (PPOL 653).

All McCourt School programs require an online application to be completed through the Georgetown Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.

Students pay graduate tuition for Arts and Sciences (GRD).

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McCourt School of Public Policy - Certificate in Health Policy

  • Program Length:  Register to view the details
  • Credit hours:  Register to view the details
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor logo
Ranked as:  #25 in Best National University
Tuition:  $49,548 per year
Total Cost:  $99,096 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Michigan
Acceptance:  -

University of Michigan School of Public Health students also have the option to earn graduate certificates across the University of Michigan. The following are certificates that may be of interest to Public Health Students. These certificates are administered through other units at the University:.

Health Informatics Graduate Certificate, offered by Health Informatics (a joined program of the School of Information and the School of Public Health).

Healthy Cities Graduate Certificate offered by Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning.

Physical Activity and Nutrition (PAN) Graduate Certificate offered by The School of Kinesiology.

Precision Health Graduate Certificate offered by the Rackham School of Graduate Studies.

Science, Technology, and Public Policy (STPP) Graduate Certificate offered by the School of Public Policy.

Sustainable Food Systems Graduate Certificate offered by the Sustainable Food Systems Initiative.

Graduate Certificate Program in Industrial Ecology offered by the School for Environment and Sustainability.

Environmental Justice Certificate offered by the School for Environment and Sustainability.

Graduate Certificate Program in Sustainability offered by the School for Environment and Sustainability.

Professional Development DEI Certificate offered by the Rackham School of Graduate Studies.

The Certificate in Health Informatics is designed to expose students to key concepts related to the use of data and technology in designing, evaluating and implementing healthcare policy and interventions in support of individual and population health.

Develop, study and apply theories, methods and processes for the generation, storage, retrieval, use and sharing of medical and health data, information, and knowledge.

Build on computing, communication and information sciences and technologies and their application in medicine and public health.

Recognize that people are the ultimate users of health information and draw upon the social and behavioral sciences to inform the design and evaluation of technical solutions and the development of complex economic, ethical, social, educational, and organizational systems.

Cities are places of tremendous economic, political, and cultural opportunity, yet they are also important sites of public health concern. Built environments, human interactions, and public policies influence health outcomes in cities. At their best, these elements promote health and wellness. At their worst, they exacerbate chronic illness, infectious disease, substandard housing, toxic exposure, inadequate nutrition, and natural disaster. The emerging proliferation of healthy city initiatives worldwide is creating new opportunities to rethink urban processes from a public health perspective.

The Graduate Certificate in Healthy Cities introduces students to basic skills and competencies needed to help develop health research, policy, and designs to build healthier communities. Coursework highlights the social, environmental, economic, and political determinants of public health and health equity in urban contexts. It also provides a foundation for understanding the interconnections between healthy urban populations, urban economic growth, and vibrant urban neighborhoods.

The emerging field of Physical Activity and Nutrition focuses on issues related to the effects of physical activity (and inactivity), nutrition, obesity and metabolic irregularities and their relationship to disease prevention, health promotion, and wellness enhancement. Many of the health problems we face today require a multifaceted approach, and this certificate program provides students with the necessary tools to formulate important solutions.

The goal of the Precision Health Graduate Certificate is to train a cadre of precision health scientists to apply cutting-edge, multidisciplinary knowledge in the pursuit of improving patient and population health. Designed for masters and doctoral students enrolled in degree-granting graduate programs at the University of Michigan, the Precision Health Graduate Certificate is approved by the Rackham School of Graduate Studies.

A minimum of ten (10) graduate credit hours of coursework from at least two different precision health competency domains. An effort should be made to include all precision health domains (Discovery, Treatment, and Health).

Participation in four semesters of the 0.5 credit Precision Health seminar series for a total of two (2) credit hours.

Attendance at the Precision Health Annual Research Symposium.

Science, Technology, and Public Policy (STPP) Graduate Certificate.

In the Science, Technology, and Public Policy (STPP) Graduate Certificate Program, students explore the politics and policy related to science and technology. The program provides students with tools to analyze complex science and technology policy issues, and consider the following types of questions:.

In 15 credit hours of course work (three core courses and two electives), students learn how science and technology are influenced by politics and policy, analyze the role of science and technology in the policymaking process, develop policy writing skills, gain methods and tools for science and technology policy analysis, and explore the political and policy landscape of specific science and technology areas, including biotechnology, information and communication technology, energy policy, and . The STPP Graduate Certificate Program is designed for students already enrolled in a degree program at the University of Michigan. No background in science or in policy is required.

The graduate certificate in Sustainable Food Systems provides the knowledge,skill sets, and credentials relevant to sustainability. Graduates will be better positioned to take advantage of new opportunities in the emerging global green economy and to compete for a wide range of positions in the private for-profit, public, and non-profit sectors. The certificate is designed to accommodate the diverse skill sets and disciplinary backgrounds of potential applicants, yet provide sufficient structure to deliver a cohesive learning experience.

A capstone experience that allows students to apply the knowledge and skills they developed through their coursework. The capstone may take the form of an additional 3-credit course or an approved co-curricular experiential activity.

The primary objective of the Program in Industrial Ecology (PIE) is to provide University of Michigan graduate students fundamental skills in, and knowledge of, industrial ecology methods and applications. PIE certificate complements any field of study by providing specialization in technological and industrial innovation, consumer behavior and consumption patterns, policy and regulatory issues, and economic factors and market forces to achieve sustainable systems.

Students must earn a total of 15 credit hours, taking one course each from five core areas:.

This is a 15-credit program. Rackham does allow some double-counting between two degrees. You can double count up to 1 6 of the total of two programs but no than half of the certificate credit requirements.

You must be enrolled in a Master or PhD degree program at the University of Michigan to be eligible to apply.

The Environmental Justice Certificate program aims to provide fundamental skills and knowledge, methods and applications of environmental justice to enhance the education of students from a wide range of relevant disciplines at the University of Michigan. Students will:.

Master research methods and approaches to rigorously study perspectives and impediments to safe, sustainable communities for all people.

Participate in efforts to educate policymakers, educators, lawmakers, health professionals, industry leaders, and the public environmental inequalities.

This is a 12-credit program. Rackham does allow some double-counting between two degrees. You can double count up to 1 6 of the total of two programs but no than half of the certificate credit requirements.

The Certificate in Sustainability is open to students enrolled in any University of Michigan graduate program. A student must certificate program.

A person admitted to the certificate program must complete requirements within four years from the date of first enrollment in the program.

Rackham is committed to enhancing the development and training offerings related to diversity, equity, and inclusion for all University of Michigan graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. The Professional Development DEI Certificate is designed to prepare participants to work in a diverse environment while fostering a climate of inclusivity.

Upon successful completion of the program, participants will possess:.

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Certificates of Interest

  • Program Length:  Register to view the details
  • Credit hours:  Register to view the details
New York University logo
Ranked as:  #25 in Best National University
Tuition:  $36,892 per year
Total Cost:  $73,784 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  New York
Acceptance:  -

TRIUMPH (Tackling Racism Institutionally and Urgently to Move Public Health).

Firearm Injury in the United States: Facts, Myths and a Public Health Path Forward.

The Promise Perils of Applying AI for Health Equity.

Bridging the Chasm: Improving Population Health via the Private Sector.

The Social Dilemm Ethics of Technology and Its Impact on Public Health.

What COVID Vaccines Reveal: Myth and Reality of Post-Colonial Global Health.

Stubing Memorial Lecture: Confronting the Public Health and Ethical Challenges of COVID-19.

Police Brutality and Reform Through a Public Health Lens.

Planetary Health Forum: Emerging Infections Climate Change.

Certificate in Public Health Disaster Science, Policy and Practice.

Certificate in LGBT Health, Education Social Services.

4 + 1 BA CAS MA Bioethics GPH.

Center for Anti-racism, Social Justice Public Health (CASJPH).

Program on Population Impact, Recovery, and Resilience (PiR2).

Join the NYU GPH Public Health Alumni Network.

The Applied Global Public Health Certificate program is designed to fill the gap between traditional public health curricula and the operational skills that you as a public health professional need to design, manage and monitor complex public health programs both in low and middle-income countries (LMICs) as well as right here in the US.

This 12-credit, 4-course program is perfect for UN professional staff, district and national-level managers international NGO staff, and MPH candidates at NYU or partner universities.

The Applied Global Public Health Certificate is targeted to UN professional staff, district and national-level managers, international NGO staff, and MPH candidates at NYU or partner universities who need to know allocate resources develop and manage program budgets make data-driven decisions negotiate with diverse stakeholders and manage complex programs.

Students enrolled in the NYU MPH in Community Health Science and Practice, Environmental Health Sciences, Epidemiology, Global Health, Public Health Nutrition, Public Health Policy Management, Social Behavioral Sciences, and Sustainable Development Goals are eligible for this certificate. Upon completion of the MPH and the certificate, students should have a total of 52 credits. The certificate is 12 credits, but only 2 certificate courses (6 credits) may be double-counted with the MPH (46 credits, which includes 6 double-counted credits, plus 6 additional credits).

International Students who pursue the certificate with the MPH are not allowed to receive a Program Extension as the certificate is not required to complete the MPH program. Therefore, they must complete the certificate by the time they graduate from their MPH.

GPH-GU 5320 Data Utilization in Public Health Practice (3) (Fall) Public health practice typically demands competencies in identifying, extracting, analyzing and interpreting information from large survey and administrative data sets (e.g., Demographic and Health Surveys, census data), government reports, and qualitative studies. This course develops those competencies through a rigorous evaluation of existing resources and best practices in data utilization for situational assessment, policy and strategy development, and surveillance of health outcomes through real-world case studies. The course also provides students with skills in data analysis and data visualization using Microsoft Excel and basic skills training in the statistical programs SAS, STATA, and R.

GPH GU 5380 Data Driven Decision Making In Global Public Health (3) (Fall) This course develops skills and competencies in making data-driven decisions to improve global public health outcomes, especially in high disease and malnutrition-burden environments. The class introduces decision support platforms developed by UNICEF, WHO, and the World Bank that help public health professionals choose between available strategies and interventions in a high-burden country to reduce adverse health and nutrition outcomes.

GPH GU 5410 Results Focused Strengthening Of Health Systems In LMICs (3) (Fall) This course covers elements that are necessary for developing impactful global public health programs in Low and Middle-Income Countries (LMIC), including but not limited to: a comprehensive of health systems and their specific components an explanation of how the health system functions in different country settings and an of cross-cutting system-wide and demand bottlenecks and evidence-based strategies to address these. Assignments use practical country case studies and analyses of data sets on health system bottlenecks, strategic shifts, and enabling environments as well as estimations of resource requirements, cost effectiveness, and financing needs for health system strengthening.

GPH GU 5420 Monitoring And Management Of Public Health Programs For Equity (3) (Spring) This course develops skills and competencies for key steps in program monitoring and management to improve equity of global public health outcomes, namely situation analysis of equity, modeling effects of management decisions, monitoring changes in equity outcomes, and evaluating equity modeling, monitoring and outcomes. For each of these steps, students learn and apply core concepts, measures, and analytic tools concerning equity of outcomes, bottlenecks in coverage of interventions, and out of pocket health expenditures. The class will introduce databases, methods, and tools developed by UNICEF, World Bank, IHME, and WHO, that help public health professionals reduce inequity in health and nutrition outcomes in LMICs.

Current GPH graduate students can apply through this application.

The School of Global Public Health is dedicated to providing a connected, professional, and scholastic environment for our online courses.

The certificate tuition is charged on a per-credit basis at a cost of $899.50 per credit.

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Applied Global Public Health Certificate - NYU School of Global Public Health

  • Program Length:  Register to view the details
  • Credit hours:  Register to view the details
University of Florida logo
Ranked as:  #29 in Best National University
Tuition:  $30,130 per year
Total Cost:  $60,260 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Florida
Acceptance:  -

Driver Rehabilitation TherapyThe certificate in driver rehabilitation therapy provides an educational experience that concurrently focuses on development of specialized skills, advanced practice behaviors, leadership activities and critical appraisal of research in the area of driver rehabilitation. Graduates of this program are qualified to be entry-level driver rehabilitation therapists working with medically-at-risk drivers through the lifespan.

Psychiatric EpidemiologyThe online graduate certificate in psychiatric epidemiology trains physicians, residents and mental health professionals to address the critical mental health challenges of our time.

The One Health certificate has been created to bring together graduate students and professionals to explore areas at the interface between animal, plant, human, environmental health and other disciplines. The program is composed of a four-course 12-credit curriculum with a flexible structure and is tailored to accommodate the interests of multidisciplinary students while grounding training in one health systems thinking.

Public HealthThe graduate certificate in public health is a short, specialized program that allows students or professionals to gain advanced skills in public health. It is perfect for professionals continuing their education, for those refocusing or advancing their current profession, and or for recent graduates who want to explore different career options before applying to a graduate program.

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Certificate Programs College of Public Health Health Professions College of Public Health and Health

  • Program Length:  Register to view the details
  • Credit hours:  Register to view the details
Tufts University logo
Ranked as:  #32 in Best National University
Tuition:  $55,168 per year
Total Cost:  $110,336 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Massachusetts
Acceptance:  -

As part of the mission of the Public Health program to help students, graduates, and professionals continue their lifelong learning and personal growth endeavors, we provide professional development workshops and community service opportunities.

Our professional development programs are ideal for students, graduates, and professionals who are looking to build their knowledge and professional skills without enrolling in a certificate or degree program.

Community is at the heart of public health. These partnerships take many shapes and respond to community identified needs and critical public health issues.

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Public Health Professional Development Community Engagement

  • Program Length:  Register to view the details
  • Credit hours:  Register to view the details
University of Wisconsin-Madison logo
Ranked as:  #38 in Best National University
Tuition:  $4,000
Total Cost:  $51,046 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Wisconsin
Acceptance:  -

Transcend national boundaries and require expertise and perspectives from across the biomedical, social, and physical sciences to achieve creative solutions. The UW-Madison Certificate in Global Health Online provides students with the knowledge and skills to address health challenges and disparities around the world. The largely asynchronous, online format provides maximum flexibility for students to complete the certificate effectively within the context of primary degree, work and or family responsibilities.

The Certificate in Global Health Online accepts applications year-round.

Please do not apply for the graduate professional certificate.

Resources to help you afford graduate study might include assistantships, fellowships, traineeships, and financial aid. Further funding information is available from the Graduate School. Be sure to check with your program for individual policies and restrictions related to funding.

Students currently enrolled in a graduate professional degree program at UW-Madison do not pay additional tuition for the certificate online coursework. However, responsibility for funding the global health field experience lies with the student. Depending on the site, nature, and duration of the experience, costs could range from $1000 to $4000+, including program fees, travel, and in-country living expenses. In some cases, students may be permitted to increase their student financial aid package to help pay these expenses. Additionally, primary degree programs and or student organizations may also have funds available to help support field experience costs.

Students must earn a minimum 3.0 GPA on required certificate coursework.

Courses in which a student elects the pass fail option will not count toward completion of requirements.

Completion of eleven credits is required for the certificate, including ten core course credit requirements and one credit of global health field experience.

Introduction to Global Health: History, Current Issues, and Health Statistics.

Global Public Health and Healthcare Systems: Organizations, Governance, Financing, and Workforce.

Global Health: Infectious Diseases, One Health, and Prevention Strategies.

Global Health: Non-communicable Diseases, Poverty, Environmental Health, and Food Security.

Global Health Field Work Fundamentals: Engagement, Ethics, Policy, and Methods.

Students must register for independent study credit in an appropriate school or department (a 699 course number in most health sciences and graduate departments).

A summary of reflections on the field course experience. (This may take the form of a journal kept throughout the field course experience, or if a journal was not kept, a template will be provided.) .

A global health field experience course is an academic credit-based learning experience in a setting relevant to global health. Field experiences courses are generally carried out during the summer (less commonly within the normal academic calendar if they do not interfere with class attendance or completion of requirements for registered coursework). Students must be in good academic standing to participate in a global health field experience. One week of on-site learning is equivalent to 1 credit. (While field experience credits may range from 1-6, only one field experience credit counts toward the certificate requirements.).

Field experiences usually take place in a country outside the United States, but may also be carried out in the United States, working with international under-served populations or addressing health issues that have global implications. Students may also work with international agencies, such as the United Nations, the World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or nongovernmental organizations.

Upon satisfactory completion of the field course, students will receive credit for POP HLTH 645 Global Health Field Course.

Take advantage of the Graduate School professional development resources to build skills, thrive academically, and launch your career.

The Certificate in Global Health Online provides comprehensive student support and mentoring to maximize professional development for participating students. The programs coordinator will serve as the first line of student support for basic, procedural issues regarding the certificate program (e.g., access to the application portal, tracking of completed program requirements, monitoring of international travel requirements and paperwork, general questions). field projects and mentoring for overall development of professional skills in global health. Additionally, they will share the role of advising students regarding academic issues specific to their own courses.

Exhibit the ability to describe and compare the health care systems in different areas of the world (such as: an understanding of pros and cons of systems, comparison to the U.S. system, and trends in the evolution of health care systems over time).

Demonstrate the ability to integrate information from multiple perspectives into an assessment of a country location health status (such as: history, politics, culture, societal structure, economics, environmental sciences, health care system(s), health databases, disease epidemiology, human rights, human subjects protections).

Model ethical behavior in global health engagement (such as: appreciation of the bidirectional nature of learning and mutual benefits between stakeholders and learners, cultural humility and flexibility, recognition of the importance of program sustainability over time, openness to new information ideas).

Demonstrate professionalism, effective communication, leadership, problem-solving, and collaboration across multiple health education disciplines and stakeholders in addressing a global health issue (including an understanding of One Health approaches).

Exhibit the ability for growth in one approach to global health work through self-assessment and structured reflection (such as: personal biases and perspectives, views on equity and disparities, personal limitations).

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Global Health Online, Graduate Professional Certificate University of Wisconsin-Madison

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  • Credit hours:  Register to view the details

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