Most Affordable Masters Program in Biomedical Sciences

Master's degree in Biomedical Sciences is offered by 363 US universities. The tuition for the Master's degree can range from $8,349 per year at Liberty University to $61,548 at University of Chicago.

The tuition at public universities will be lower for in-state students when compared to private universities but you get more financial aid at private universities.

Tuition:  $13,466 per year ; Total Cost:  $26,932 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Texas

The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio Tuition Affordability Index: #-1 in Texas, #596 in US

With in-state tuition of $4,464 and out-state tuition of $13,466, gives The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio university an affordability index of #-1 among all universities in Texas.

Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Graduation: Class of 2015.

Graduation is a very special time for the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences at UT Health Science Center.

The Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences is constantly evolving to make our programs akin to what is going on in the field right now.

For this reason, we are very proud of our graduates and the bright futures in front of them.

Before the graduation ceremony, we hosted a small dinner to celebrate the wonderful achievements of our graduates.

Masters said.

In addition to making right choices, Masters stressed the importance of having a support system such as family or friends.

Shawn Flynn Selected As The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics Highlighted Trainee Author For March 2022.

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The Pipette Gazette Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences Graduation - Class of 2015

    Tuition:  $22,064 per year ; Total Cost:  $44,128 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
    State:  Oklahoma

    Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences Tuition Affordability Index: #1 in Oklahoma, #167 in US

    With in-state tuition of $6,561 and out-state tuition of $22,064, gives Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences university an affordability index of #1 among all universities in Oklahoma.

    The M.S. program has a thesis option, non-thesis option or anatomy and vertebrate paleontology track option. Each option has different coursework and research requirements that total 30 32 semester credit hours.

    Thesis Option: Requires a minimum of 24 hours of course work and 6 hours of research and thesis. Students pursuing this option will conduct original research, culminating in a written thesis that is presented as a seminar and publicly defended.

    Non-thesis Option:Requires a minimum of 30 hours of course work and two hours of research. The non-thesis option does not require a public defense of the research project.

    Admissions to the Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences is competitive and limited spots are available.

    Full-time students typically complete the 32 credit hour program in two years. Students are expected to enroll as a full-time student in at least one semester and complete the degree requirements within seven years.

    The following courses are required for all M.S. students in the Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program:.

    BIOM 6922 Scientific Communication in the Biomedical Sciences.

    BIOM 6622 Research Ethics and Survival Skills for the Biomedical Sciences.

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    Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences

      Tuition:  $18,482 per year ; Total Cost:  $36,964 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
      State:  Florida

      Florida Atlantic University Tuition Affordability Index: #1 in Florida, #122 in US

      With in-state tuition of $6,693 and out-state tuition of $18,482, gives Florida Atlantic University university an affordability index of #1 among all universities in Florida.

      Only students with strong writing skills who are capable of doing a substantial independent research project should choose the thesis track. The thesis track gives graduate students the opportunity to gain knowledge and expertise in a particular field.

      The Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine offers students a variety of educational programs and degrees.

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      M.S. in Biomedical Science

        Most affordable master’s program

        389 universities offer the Master's program in Biomedical Sciences.

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        Tuition:  $20,712 per year ; Total Cost:  $41,424 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
        State:  Georgia

        Augusta University Tuition Affordability Index: #1 in Georgia, #147 in US

        With in-state tuition of $7,444 and out-state tuition of $20,712, gives Augusta University university an affordability index of #1 among all universities in Georgia.

        Medical illustration is a combination of the visual arts, the health sciences, education and communication that supports medical and health science education, health and life science research, public health information and patient education.

        Medical Illustration is for you if you consider yourself.

        Because the program emphasizes anatomical and surgical illustration, students take graduate-level science courses including gross anatomy and cell biology in the medical school along with studying communication theory and illustration techniques.

        And our graduate students are our most valuable assets. To ensure that our students earn than a degree, the Graduate School offers a range of opportunities so they can develop the leadership, communication and personal skills needed for a rewarding life and academic, research or professional career.

        See what the Graduate School has to offer ».

        A department library with over 2,500 books on art, anatomy, medicine and surgery provides important reference material, as does the David J.

        The Medical Sculpture Lab features a wet-lab room as well as a dry-lab that incudes specialty 3D workstations and several 3D printers.

        than 95 percent of graduates enjoy a positive placement after graduation and many enter into private practice.

        In addition to illustration classes, students take graduate-level science classes including gross anatomy, pathology and surgical techniques.

        Students enjoy 24 7 access to the studio as well as the department, which includes a resources like a library, anatomical models and specialty equipment.

        According to an industry survey by the Association of Medical Illustrators, the median salary for all medical illustrators in the United States is $70,650.

        Medical illustrators work in venues including hospitals, health-related schools, government agencies, medical device companies and advertising and marketing agencies.

        GP Overall GPA of at least 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) on all previous college work, with a minimum average of 3.0 on science courses.

        Standardized Test Requirements: None are required for this program.

        A woman wearing a doctor lab coat stands in front of a young boy sitting on an examination table. Both are sticking their tongues out as the woman checks the boy throat.

        Beginning of dialog window to request information this program. Escape will cancel and close the window.

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        Master of Science in Medical Illustration

          Tuition:  $13,738 per year ; Total Cost:  $27,476 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
          State:  -

          University of the Virgin Islands Tuition Affordability Index: #1 in , #61 in US

          With in-state tuition of $7,456 and out-state tuition of $13,738, gives University of the Virgin Islands university an affordability index of #1 among all universities in null.

          College of Science MathematicsMaster of Science in Marine Environmental Science.

          Graduation RequirementsCore courses must be completed on the Orville E. Kean campus on St. Thomas, but the degree can be completed on either campus.

          Students complete a minimum of 36 graduate credit hours to earn the MMES degree. There are three program requirements:.

          Core coursework in the first year is designed to provide the broad theoretical and practical background and tools necessary for effectively conducting scientific research, managing natural resources and communicating the results of research and management decisions to various audiences. All students enrolled in the MMES program complete four core courses in each of two semesters:.

          During the Spring semester, students work as a team on a capstone project to address an environmental issue from the perspective of ecology and natural resource management. The project theme guides all core courses in the Spring.

          Core courses are usually held on Mondays and Wednesdays. Students should expect to be on campus and in class or the field from 9am to 5pm every Monday and Wednesday during the Fall and Spring semester of their first year.

          MES 501 Physical and Ecological Processes along a Land-Sea Gradient I This course provides a theoretical and hands-on introduction to global ecological concepts and diverse ecosystems. Students will be introduced to current ecological thinking through readings and discussion, including primary literature. They will also participate in laboratory and field work to introduce them to local flora and fauna and the habitats (terrestrial, coastal and marine) in which they are found. Two hours of lecture and 3 hours of laboratory per week.

          MES 502 Physical and Ecological Processes along a Land-Sea Gradient II This course follows up on knowledge and skills that were introduced in Physical and Ecological Processes I. Ecological concepts will be examined by using the interactions between local flora and fauna and the abiotic environment along a land-to-sea gradient as specific examples. Students will examine conceptual models linking terrestrial, coastal and marine zones, and examine the effect of physical changes on ecological processes through specific case studies. Students will also participate in collecting data for long-term ecological studies. Two hours of lecture and 3 hours of laboratory per week.

          MES 503 Research Methodologies and Tools I This course sets the theoretical and practical foundations for conducting scientific research. Students will learn design research projects from inception of an idea, formalizing a hypothesis, designing sampling experimental techniques and data collection, and an of statistical and geospatial analyses. Two hours of lecture and 3 hours of laboratory per week.

          MES 504 Research Methodologies and Tools II This course provides training in database management, and the statistical and geospatial tools necessary to conduct research in natural and social sciences. Two hours of lecture and 3 hours of laboratory per week.

          MES 505 Natural Resource Management I This core course provides an of environmental management by examining services provided by natural resources, introducing resource management paradigms, and analyzing case studies. Three hours of lecture per week.

          MES 506 Natural Resource Management II This core course provides continued training in natural resource management with particular emphasis on Caribbean coastal and marine ecosystems. Students will examine institutions and policies that influence natural resource management, have the opportunity to interact with guest lecturers from local natural resource management agencies, and work as a team on a project that addresses a local resource management issue. Three hours of lecture per week.

          MES 507 Professional Development I This course introduces the tools necessary to be a successful scientist and resource manager. It will address communication with diverse audiences, public speaking and presentations skills, negotiation and conflict resolution. One hour of discussion per week.

          Professional skills. It will address proposal preparation and presentation, grantsmanship, and ethics, and will introduce students to project planning. Additional topics covered will depend on the professional interests of students in the course. One hour of discussion per week.

          After the first year, students enroll in at least 6 additional credits from elective courses. The following courses count toward elective credit:.

          MES 559 Environmental Science and Human Health (3 credits).

          MES 565 Selected Topics in Marine and Environmental Science (variable credits).

          Note that additional courses, including courses in zoology and in natural resource management, are currently being developed.

          Also note that some elective courses are offered on a two-year rotational schedule or less often (see course descriptions). If a course is not being offered, or if a student is interested in a topic for which a course does not currently exist, MES 595 Independent Study may be arranged for that topic.

          MES 511 Graduate Research Diving A lecture and lab course designed to prepare graduate students for the rigors of fieldwork and scientific SCUBA diving at UVI.The course covers the physics and physiology of SCUBA diving with certification to Rescue Diver, the in-water identification of fishes, corals and algae of the US Virgin Islands, and research techniques for measuring and sampling reef communities. We will also introduce boating and general water safety. One 50-minute lecture and three hours of field laboratory per week. (F) 2 credits.

          MES 530 Coral Reef Biology A study of corals and their biology, the coral reef community, evolution of coral reefs, and the problems facing coral reefs today. Topics will include biological and geological structures of coral reef ecosystems linkages between coral reefs and other ecosystems anthropogenic impacts on coral reefs and coral reef conservation and management. Three 50-minute lectures and three hours of field laboratory per week. (F-O) 4 credits.

          MES 550 Terrestrial Plant Biology Comprehensive introduction to plant life from bryophytes through angiosperms. Morphology, evolution, systematics, reproduction, plant identification, and other significant biological aspects, with examples taken from the local flora. Students study principles that aid in understanding the biology and ecology of terrestrial plant ecosystems and learn to use field and laboratory techniques of plant biology. Three 50-minute lectures and one three-hour field laboratory per week. (S-O) 4 credits.

          MES 552 Plant Physiology Comprehensive introduction to physiological mechanisms that affect plant ecological processes. Topics covered include photosynthesis, respiration, nutrition, hormones, growth, absorption, and conduction. Students study principles that aid in understanding the ecology of terrestrial plant ecosystems and learn to use field and laboratory techniques of plant physiology. Three 50-minute lectures and one three-hour laboratory per week. (S-E) 4 credits.

          MES 565 Selected Topics in Marine and Environmental Science Topics in various fields of marine and environmental science designed to educate graduate students in areas of special interest or regional need topics such as mathematical and computer modeling of natural systems, coastal management, advanced geographical information systems, conservation genetics, global environmental change, ecological physiology, and fisheries biology, among others. May be repeated for credit as varying topics will be offered. Variable hours and credit.

          MES 595 Independent Study Reading and synthesis at the graduate level in an area not otherwise available. May be repeated for credit if different topics are studied, but the student cannot accumulate than four (4) credits. Variable hours and credit.

          MES 596 Internship Students may participate in an internship with a natural resource management agency or non-profit organization such as VIMAS through the Youth Ocean Explorers Summer Program. A maximum of four (4) credits can be earned, the number of credits being determined by the duration of the experience. Variable hours.

          The thesis requires 11-12 credits of commitment from the student, as the primary goal of the program is to train students who can design and implement research projects, including collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data, and who can use newfound knowledge to address environmental and natural resource management challenges.

          Students may only enroll in the thesis course (MES 600) after their thesis proposal has been approved by their thesis committee.

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          Graduation Requirements

            Tuition:  $17,725 per year ; Total Cost:  $35,450 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
            State:  Texas

            University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Tuition Affordability Index: #6 in Texas, #111 in US

            With in-state tuition of $7,765 and out-state tuition of $17,725, gives University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center university an affordability index of #6 among all universities in Texas.

            There is a wide range of research opportunities in the Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences.

            The postdoctoral experience at UT Southwestern Medical Center emphasizes scholarship and research, as well as training beyond the bench.

            Science Teacher Access to Resources at Southwestern (STARS).

            The UT Southwestern Medical Center Lyda Hill Bioinformatics, offers internships for students taking a COVID-19 related gap year or those looking for a virtual opportunity to fulfill internship course requirements. Virtual opportunities replaced the U-Hack Med 2020 Hackathon but still provided an exciting way to engage in longer hackathon-inspired projects with meaningful outcomes.

            Common goal of solving real-world problems to advance biomedical science.

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            Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences - UT Southwestern, Dallas, TX

              University of Alabama at Birmingham logo
              Ranked as:  #137 in Best National University
              Tuition:  $19,188 per year ; Total Cost:  $38,376 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
              State:  Alabama

              University of Alabama at Birmingham Tuition Affordability Index: #1 in Alabama, #133 in US

              With in-state tuition of $8,100 and out-state tuition of $19,188, gives University of Alabama at Birmingham university an affordability index of #1 among all universities in Alabama.

              If you're interested in careers in the medical field (e.g., medical, dental, PA, pharmacy school), research science, scientific policy, science communication, science education, biomedical sales, and the Master of Science in Multidisciplinary Biomedical Science (MBS) might be for you.

              We offer an exciting, innovative curriculum. A wide range of elective classes are offered through several STEM-themed disciplines that cater to a wide array of career trajectories. Concentrations are available in many scientific disciplines unique to Masters programs in Alabama including: Cancer Biology, Genetics and Genomic Sciences Neuroscience Pharmacology Bioinformatics and Immunology.

              Flexibility. You can start the MBS program in fall or spring semesters, which provides students with important flexibility for beginning their graduate studies. Additionally, our program offers full-time or part-time options for students.

              The MBS program offers competitive, partial academic scholarships for newly admitted students to MBS. Receipt of funds toward their second and third semester coursework will require good academic standing (maintaining a minimum 3.5 Graduate GPA at the end of their first and second semesters, respectively). Students must maintain full-time status for the duration of their award.

              The MS in Multidisciplinary Biomedical Science is intended as a terminal degree for students desiring many different career paths, including but not limited to: research (laboratory jobs in academia or industry), further graduate study (e.g. PhD), professional school (e.g. medical or dental), science education, scientific policy, science communication, or biomedical sales.

              Pre-requisite courses (Introductory Biology and labs ganic Chemistry and labs).

              In addition to Introductory Biology and Organic Chemistry, a background in the following courses is helpful for success in our program but is not required for admission: Genetics, Molecular Biology, Cell Biology, Biochemistry, Physiology.

              The Plan I MS in MBS thesis degree at UAB can be completed over the course of five to six semesters if full-time, including at least one summer semester. Plan I students will complete a rigorous mentored research project in addition to a curriculum of required core and elective classes related to the biomedical sciences.

              Successful completion of the Plan I MS in MBS degree requires passing 45 credit hours (30 hours coursework 15 hours supervised research) and maintaining a minimum 3.0 GPA.

              Successful completion of the Plan I MBS degree requires passing 45 credit hours and maintaining a minimum 3.0 GPA. These credit hours are composed of 30 hours of coursework and 15 hours of supervised thesis research (MBS 699).

              Core science (MBS 601 (4 hours), 602 (4 hours), 603 (4 hours), 12 hours total) .

              For the qualifying exam, Plan I students are expected to prepare a 4-6 page NIH-style grant proposal of their research project and present this to their committee. Plan I students are also required to subsequently complete a thesis document of their research findings and defend this to their committee. Research projects performed by Plan I students should be able to be completed within 5 semesters. Before students can perform research they must complete all lab-specific safety training. Students must also complete Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training for MS students before the end of their first semester registered for MBS 698.

              The Plan II MBS non-thesis degree at UAB can be completed over the course of three semesters if full-time, including one summer semester. Plan II students will complete a rigorous curriculum of required core and elective classes related to the biomedical sciences.

              Successful completion of the Plan II MBS degree requires passing 30 credit hours of coursework and maintaining a minimum 3.0 GPA.

              There are six concentration options within the MBS program:.

              This course will provide a broad but rigorous of molecular biology. Cell Structure and between prokaryotes and eukaryotes will be compared and contrasted. DNA structure organization will be discussed with respect to replication and repair mechanisms. Mendelian, non-Mendelian and chromosonal bases of genetics will also be discussed. Transcription and translation will be discussed in detail, along with their respective regulatory mechanisms. Throughout this course there will be a focus on intracellular organelles that contribute to the generation and regulation of DNA, RNA and protein.

              This course will cover the structure, function and metabolism of biological macromolecules including proteins, carbohydrates, lipids and nucleotides. A rigorous of pathways will be discussed that are important for the effective metabolism of macromolecules (e.g. glycolysis, citric acid cycle) and generation of energy for cells. The last part of this course will discuss membrane structure and function, and will provide an of eukaryotic cell signaling.

              This course begins with the study of basic cell function, then proceeds to a rigorous of specific human organ systems.

              BST 603: Introductory Biostatistics for Graduate Biomedical Sciences3 Credit Hours.

              This course will provide non-biostatistics students seeking a Graduate Biomedical Sciences (GBS) degree with the ability to understand introductory biostatistics concepts.

              Introduction to Probability and Statistics with applications in Computer Science. Counting, permutations and combinations. Probability, conditional probability, Bayes Theorem. Standard probability distributions. Measures of central tendency and dispersion. Central Limit Theorem. Regression and correlation. Hypothesis testing. Random number generation. Random algorithms. Estimating probabilities by simulation. Genetic algorithms.

              Students must complete 12 credit hours of elective courses. Completion of 9 credit hours from a single theme is required to earn one of the MSMBS program concentrations. These are currently:.

              This course introduces various fundamental algorithms and computational concepts for solving questions in bioinformatics and functional genomics. These include graph algorithms, dynamic programming, combinatorial algorithms, randomized algorithms, pattern matching, classification and clustering algorithms, hidden Markov models and . Each concept will be introduced in the context of a concrete biological or genomic application. A broad range of topics will be covered, ranging from gene identification, genome reconstruction, microarray data analysis, phylogeny reconstruction, sequence alignments, to variant detection.

              The introduction of biological data management concepts, theories, and applications. Basic concepts such as relational data representation, relational database modeling, and relational database queries will be introduced in the context of SQL and relational algebra. Advanced concepts including ontology representation and database development workflow will be introduced. Emerging big data concepts and tools, including Hadoop and NoSQL, will be introduced in the context of managing semi-structured and unstructured data. Application of biological data management in biology will be covered using case studies of high-impact widely used biological databases. A class project will be required of all participants.

              Biomedical Applications of Natural Language Processing3 Credit Hours.

              Students will be introduced to Natural Language Processing (NLP) including core linguistic tasks such as tokenization, lemmatization stemming, Part of Speech tagging, parsing and chunking. Applications covered include Named Entity Recognition, semantic role labeling, word sense disambiguation, normalization, information retrieval, question answering and text classification. Applications and data will have a biomedical focus, but no biology or medical background is required.

              This course will cover the basic tenets of cell biology as they apply to cancer. and immortalization in relation to cancer cells and the role of telomerase, mutagens, environmental toxins and DNA repair. Prerequisites: CNBY 320 [Min Grade: C].

              This course will provide an of genomic organization transcription and translation, prior to commencing an in-depth study of cancer genetics and the roles of oncogenes, tumor suppressors, RNA, DNA methylation, gene amplification and the control of gene expression and the viral causes of cancer. Students will also be introduced to basic concepts in bioinformatics and database mining using The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) as a model. Prerequisites: CNBY 320 [Min Grade: C].

              This course will examine cancer cell physiology in terms of the tumor microenvironment, nutrients and angiogenesis and will explore how these influence cancer cell survival, invasion and metastasis. Prerequisites: CNBY 320 [Min Grade: C].

              In this course the major cell signaling pathways involved in cancer cell development will be examined. The role of post-translational modifications of proteins, such as glycosylation will also be discussed. Prerequisites: CNBY 320 [Min Grade: C].

              This course will examine the pathological changes that occur in cancer cells and tissues. The course will start with a brief of normal histology and will then focus on pathological changes that occur in some select cancers, e.g., colon, lung and breast. This will be followed by exploration of the roles of infection and immunity in cancer that will involve the role of innate and adaptive immunity and cancer cell defenses. The course will conclude by discussing cancer staging and classification of different cancers. Prerequisites: CNBY 320 [Min Grade: C].

              Major advances have been made in the diagnosis and treatment of multiple cancers. This course will review current therapeutic approaches to cancer treatment including radiotherapy, chemotherapy, surgery and gene therapy. This course will also include an introduction to the role of personalized medicine in cancer treatment. The course will conclude by considering other facets of caring for the patient with cancer including maintenance of nutrition, mental health and palliative care. Prerequisites: CNBY 320 [Min Grade: C].

              This course will focus on the medical applications of genetics and genomic technologies. Topics covered include, but are not limited to major forms of chromosomal abnormalities, mutations and genetic disorders, genetic risk assessment and population genetics, and genomic approaches to diagnosis.

              This course will cover the basic anatomy, biology, life history, husbandry, and research applications for a variety of aquatic organisms used as animal models of human disease in biomedical research. Species discussed will include zebrafish, Medaka, Xiphorous, Onchorynchus, Xenopus, and Axolotls.

              Introduction to computational tools and bioinformatics databases used in the fields of genetics and genomic sciences. This course will cover a wide variety of different bioinformatics applications, which will be taught through use of available on-line bioinformatics resources. Topics covered include large-scale genomic databases, sequence analysis systems, protein sequence analysis, structural bioinformatics, protein folding, and homology modeling.

              GGSC 635: Zebrafish as a Model for Biomedical Research 3 Credit Hours.

              This course will focus on the biology, husbandry, and management of zebrafish used as an animal model of human disease in biomedical research. Topics will include anatomy, physiology, systems design, water quality management, behavior and enrichment, spawning and larviculture, nutrition and live feeds, diseases, quarantine, biosecurity, and regulatory compliance.

              This course will focus on the techniques and procedures used for research with aquatic animal models of human disease. Lecture and lab approaches are used.

              Most of the drugs that we use today were developed with the assumption that the same drug will work equally well in all the patients that have the same disease. However, there is considerable variability between individual patients both in the therapeutic response and the adverse effects of the same drug that is largely determined by the differences in their genotypes. Pharmacogenetics and pharmacogenomics study the genetic determinants of drug response, with the goal to identify genetic variants that can be used to predict the efficacy of a particular drug in a particular patient and to avoid adverse drug reactions. This will ultimately enable implementation of personalized treatment options, by selecting the drugs that will have the best efficacy and the least toxicity for each individual patient. This course will introduce students to the basic principles of pharmacogenetics, demonstrate examples of drug genotype interactions, highlight the available pharmacogenetic resources, and discuss the potential benefits, as well as limitations and challenges of pharmacogenetics and personalized medicine.

              Invertebrate and non-human vertebrate species are commonly used in scientific research work to provide significant insights into human genetic processes and disease. This course focuses on the different methods and strategies by which researchers use these systems for genetic and genomic analyses of human biology and relevant disorders. Model organisms covered include, but are not limited to nematodes (C. elegans), fruit flies (Drosophila sp.), zebrafish (Danio rerio), and mice (Mus musculus).

              Significant developments in the fields of genetics and genomics are making it possible to tailor medical care to the specific needs of patients. New diagnostic tests, up to and including whole genome sequencing, provide increasingly powerful tools for the identification of the genetic basis of both rare and common disorders. Better understanding of the causes of disease are permitting drugs to be developed that precisely target disease mechanisms, increasing the efficacy and avoiding side effects. These and other new advanced are leading to major changes in healthcare delivery and provide the consumer with new opportunities and complex choices. This course will focus on exploring state-of-the-art genetic, genomic, and informatic tools now available to enable personalization of healthcare.

              This course introduces the history of evolutionary thought and modern evolutionary theory. Discussions cover (but are not limited to) the history of life, mechanisms of evolutionary change, sexual selection, adaptation, speciation, and molecular evolution. Students will also be introduced to historical and contemporary studies of evolution on a wide variety of topics and organisms.

              Systems biology is an inter-disciplinary study underlying complex biological processes as integrated systems of many interacting components. This course will give students a foundation in understanding complex biological interactions at the molecular, network and genomic level. This course will cover state-of-the-art high throughput established and novel approaches used in genome sequencing, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics to obtain, integrate and analyze complex data. The students will also get familiar with knowledge on experimental perturbation of genomes, gene regulatory networks, comparative genomics and evolution, basic bioinformatics. This course will be a combination of text based lectures and discussions of the current literature relevant to Functional Genomics and Systems Biology.

              This course provides a survey of the field of epigenetics, introducing the student to the diverse areas of epigenetic research in a variety of eukaryotic systems. In addition to providing an of the field of epigenetics, this course emphasizes working with primary scientific literature and the development of critical reading skills. Additional assignments are required for graduate credit.

              This course will introduce the cells, receptors, signaling pathways and soluble mediators associated with the innate immune response. The basic components of the innate immune system will then be discussed in the context of their role in the physical, physiological, phagocytic and inflammatory barriers that comprise the innate immune system. Importantly, emphasis will be placed on the molecular and cellular mechanisms that are used by the innate immune system to detect and respond to microbial pathogens to provide the first line of defense.

              This course will provide an in-depth analysis of the cells (T, B and antigen presenting cells), tissues (primary and secondary) and soluble factors (cytokines and chemokines) that comprise the adaptive humoral immune response. The course will examine how cells of the adaptive immune system discriminate self from non-self, including the nature of antigen receptors, the types of antigens recognized and the signals involved in the generation of effector cells that mediate the response.

              This course will provide an of major concepts related to virulence mechanisms utilized by microbial pathogens and their effect on the host immune response. Emphasis will be placed on important virulence factors mechanisms associated with bacterial, viral and fungal pathogens and how these alter various components of the innate and adaptive immune responses to allow escape of the pathogen and its survival. This course will introduce the concept of emerging infectious diseases and how their spread is related to their ability to escape detection by the immune system.

              This course will focus on the role of the immune system, including the molecular and cellular processes, that contribute to morbidity and mortality associated with immunodeficiency (congenital and acquired), asthma allergy, autoimmunity (systemic and organ-specific), transplantation and inflammatory syndromes associated with heart disease, cancer, chronic neurological disease and diabetes.

              Molecular Biology of the Neuron will provide students an advanced understanding of how the brain works with a focus on protein function. Everything the brain does is built upon the actions of proteins, many of which are completely unique to the brain. Together we will work to thoroughly understand the exact molecular mechanisms utilized by the brain to support the complex function of our most fascinating organ. Topics covered will include brain morphogenesis, axonal outgrowth, synapse formation, neurotransmitter biosynthesis, intracellular signaling, and the blood brain barrier. Students should have a significant background in biology and or chemistry prior to enrolling in the course. Students will be required to purchase a text. Grades will be assigned based on points accumulated through weekly quizzes, cumulative exams, and written reports.

              Cognitive neuroscience research has provided valuable insights into the workings of the human brain. The ability to perform neuroimaging studies on awake human individuals engaged in cognitive, social, sensory, and motor tasks has produced a conceptual revolution in the study of human cognition. This course will comprehensively examine the methods and techniques in neuroimaging with the primary goal of building basic knowledge in the concepts and techniques of neuroimaging. The course will explore techniques, such as single and multi cell recordings, deep brain stimulation, electroencephalography, magnetoencephalography, and diffusion tensor imaging, and focuses on functional magnetic resonance imaging. Course goals: By the end of the course, students will have gained basic knowledge in the field and will be able to read and critically assess scientific journal articles that make use of a variety of neuroimaging methods. The secondary and implicit goal of this course is to create and nurture, in students, a genuine interest in neuroscience and neuroimaging.

              Molecular, cellular, systems and medical components of neuroscience, with an emphasis on cognition and cognitive disorders. Covers topics ranging from genes and molecules to human behavior, using cognitive function and clinical cognitive disorders as the unifying theme, with a focus on learning and memory and disorders of these processes.

              This course provides a comprehensive study of pain, from basic anatomy through clinical treatment and measurement.

              This course will provide students with an of the discipline of Pharmacology or the science of the mechanism and regulation of drug action. Processes will be discussed that are affect most drugs and xenobiotics including absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination. The course will provide students with concepts that will be applicable to understanding the activity and regulation of drugs discussed in the Systems Pharmacology courses. Concepts presented in the course will be advantageous to all students in understanding therapeutic drug use or in appreciating drug use and action in many different research settings.

              This course will introduce the use, mechanism of action and physiological properties of major drug families that are to the nervous system and the endocrine reproductive system. In addition, this course will also cover specific classes of drugs including antibtiotics and chemotherapeutics. Concepts presented in this course will be advantageous to all students in understanding therapeutic drug use or in appreciating drug use and action in many different research settings. This course is a companion course to MBS 613 (Systems Pharmacology II).

              This course will introduce drug use, mechanism of action and physiological properties of major drug families, with a focus on speci

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              Master of Science in Multidisciplinary Biomedical Science - Graduate School

                Tuition:  $23,915 per year ; Total Cost:  $47,830 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
                State:  Colorado

                University of Colorado Denver/Anschutz Medical Campus Tuition Affordability Index: #1 in Colorado, #184 in US

                With in-state tuition of $8,111 and out-state tuition of $23,915, gives University of Colorado Denver/Anschutz Medical Campus university an affordability index of #1 among all universities in Colorado.

                The climate in Denver is relatively mild and dry, due to the protection afforded by the mountains. Denver boasts over 300 days of sunshine per year. Winters are mild with average daytime highs of 45 degrees, while the summers are warm and dry with average daytime highs of 85. Summer nights are cool and pleasant.

                Denver offers all of the cultural advantages of a major metropolitan center, including an outstanding performing arts complex, a symphony orchestra, outdoor amphitheater and a variety of other cultural activities, excellent restaurants and all major league sports. Most of Denver culinary and cultural offerings are convenient to the medical center campus, especially the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, the Denver Botanical Gardens, several city parks and the Denver Zoo.

                Maxient has centralized reporting and record keeping that will help us connect the dots and prevent students from falling through the cracks by helping us identify students in distress and coordinate the efforts of various departments to provide follow-up.

                The handbook is a document and guide for current students that includes parts of the Graduate School Policies and Procedures and the Biomedical Sciences Program Guidelines.

                All students receive a stipend and benefits throughout their tenure in the program. Additional grants and fellowships are available to advance research projects and support career development.

                The Graduate School surveyed all graduate and medical students on the Anschutz Medical Campus and compiled the results.

                The Graduate School Resource database is your one-stop shop for academic calendars, deadlines, forms, and policies.

                To facilitate inclusion, we partner with students and programs to identify opportunities to create and promote meaningful access.

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                Biomedical Sciences Resources - School of Medicine

                  Tuition:  $16,112 per year ; Total Cost:  $32,224 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
                  State:  Alabama

                  University of South Alabama Tuition Affordability Index: #2 in Alabama, #92 in US

                  With in-state tuition of $8,156 and out-state tuition of $16,112, gives University of South Alabama university an affordability index of #2 among all universities in Alabama.

                  The Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences is a one-year, non-thesis degree designed to enhance the scientific foundation and academic credentials of students who seek further academic training or employment in the health and biomedical fields.

                  Conditional admission may be granted in certain cases for lower GPAs.

                  An appropriate advanced degree may be used in lieu of other requirements for Regular Standing.

                  A Statement of Purpose that reflects the rationale for the chosen graduate program and includes examples of personal and professional experience relevant to the program.

                  Biomedical Sciences Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences Curriculum Core Program of Study.

                  Graduate Seminar 2 hours x 3 semesters.

                  Biomedical Sciences Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences Electives.

                  Dr. Brad SwigerGraduate Program CoordinatorEmail the Dept. of Biomedical Science Masters Program.

                  USA is a community of leaders and learners who support and challenge one another through academic experiences, research and service that advance the Gulf Coast region and the world. South encourages creativity and discovery by linking experiential learning to real-world applications. USA.

                  A South education allows students to explore and develop interests that build the foundation of lifelong career paths. Academics at USA.

                  You are using a dynamic assistive view of the University of South Alabama site. It has all the same data and features of the original site but formatted just with assistive users in mind. It has links and content reorganized to aid assistive users and has controls at the bottom under assistive options that allow you to control key aspects such as font size and contrast colors etc.This is not a separate text-only site, it a dynamic view that uses unique technology from Usablenet to give assistive users better, accessible access to the same content and features as all users that use the graphic view of the site.

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                  Master of Science in Biomedical Sciences

                    Ranked as:  #80 in Best Regional University in South Coast
                    Tuition:  $8,349 per year ; Total Cost:  $16,698 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
                    State:  Virginia

                    Liberty University Tuition Affordability Index: #1 in Virginia, #7 in US

                    With in-state tuition of $8,349 and out-state tuition of $8,349, gives Liberty University university an affordability index of #1 among all universities in Virginia.

                    Transfer in up to 50% of the degree total.

                    Our program can help provide the tools you need to expand your skill set and hone your expertise.

                    Whether you want to teach science at the postsecondary level, prepare for medical school, or work in the private sector of the biomedical industry, our graduate degree can help! You can become equipped to pursue a career that lets you impact people around the world. Partner with us and prepare to become a Champion for Christ in your personal and professional life.

                    With a degree in biomedical sciences, you could pursue many roles in academia and the science industry. Biomedical professionals may work in pharmaceuticals, medical equipment manufacturing, biotechnology, research, toxicology, or dentistry, among other sectors. This is a versatile degree that provides core training for success in many fields!

                    Earning your degree from a nonprofit university with state-of-the-art resources like ours can help set you apart from your peers.

                    We are committed to offering quality academics, cutting-edge equipment, and practical training that equips you for the real world.

                    Liberty has than20 teaching and research laboratories where you can study everything from cell biology and forensic science to environmental biology and zoology. Most importantly, you can gain on-the-job experience that could help you stand out to future employers.

                    If so, you may want to participate in one of our research opportunities.

                    If you are looking for ways to expand your knowledge and boost your résumé, join one of our student organizations! Learn conduct academic and professional research with the Scientific Research Society (SRS), or prepare for medical school with our Pre-Medical Honor Society.

                    We know that every student is unique, and we want our degrees to reflect that. Depending on your academic and career goals, you can choose either a 1 or 2-year degree track for the M.S. in Biomedical Sciences. If you are looking for a faster way to prepare for medical school or launch your career while saving time and money, our 1-year track is a great option!

                    Our biomedical sciences courses explore many essential topics, including human genetics, immunology, biochemistry, biostatistics, cell biology, and pathology. Upon graduation, you could potentially pursue a doctoral degree, attend medical school, or advance to higher-level roles in the biomedical industry.

                    That way, you can tailor your degree to match your interests and career goals.

                    Methods for integrating ethical standards with cutting-edge medical practices.

                    The ethicality of present and emerging biomedical technologies.

                    Transfer in up to 50% of your total degree.

                    Biomedical Sciences falls under the School of Health Sciences.

                    Earning this degree can help you pursue many challenging, rewarding careers in science. If you want to become a doctor, our biomedical sciences degree can help provide the tools you need to apply to medical school!

                    Other biomedical careers you may also want to consider after completing this program include:.

                    You will also need any 4 of the following courses:.

                    Liberty University is suspending the test score admission requirement for the 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 academic years.

                    Our Admissions team is ready to answer any additional questions you may have.

                    Message and data rates may apply. For additional information, text HELP to 49595 or 49596. You may opt-out at any time by sending STOP to 49595 or 49596.

                    Message and data rates may apply. For additional information, text HELP to 49596. You may opt-out at any time by sending STOP to 49596.

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                    Master’s Degree in Biomedical Sciences

                      What kind of scholarships are available for Graduate Programs in Biomedical Sciences?

                      We have 155 scholarships awarding up to $1,270,915 for Masters program in for Biomedical Sciences, targeting diverse candidates and not restricted to state or school-based programs.

                      Scholarship nameAmountCredibility
                      George and Lavinia Blick Research Fund$25,000High
                      STEM Teacher Graduate Scholarships$2,500High
                      PCI Women in STEM Scholarship$2,000High
                      ABC Humane Wildlife Women In STEM Academic Scholarship$1,000High
                      GMiS STEM Scholarships$500High

                      Find scholarships and financial aid for Biomedical Sciences graduate programs

                      $500 $20000

                      How to find Research and Teaching Assistantships opportunities for Graduate programs in Biomedical Sciences?

                      Schools offer Research and Teaching assistantships for full-time graduate students, details of which can be found at respective college websites. We have listed the number of teaching and research opportunities offered at each university. Use our Find me Most affordable Master’s program to view the schools and assistantships opportunities offered.

                      Is there an option for one year online Master's program in Biomedical Sciences

                      A full-time Master’s program is usually a 2-year program, but there are accredited and Nationally ranked universities that offer 1-year and 18-month Master’s programs. An 18-month program can be completed in one year because if you are able to complete the credit requirements, you can get the degree in 1 year.

                      39 Universities offer On-campus Masters's Program within One Year - 18 months. The tuition for a Master's can range from $8,349 to $61,176.

                      On-campus Masters 1 year - 18 months in Biomedical Sciences

                      How can CollegeHippo help me find the accredited, most affordable Graduate programs in Biomedical Sciences?

                      There are 363 universities that offer Master’s degrees in Biomedical Sciences. It can be an on-campus, hybrid or online. CollegeHippo’s team collected data from all the trusted sources like IPEDS, colleges website, for job and salary information.We have verified and added 700+ Masters’ scholarships which you can avail of with an amount ranging from $1000 - $22,000. We are the only website that has the Graduate programs data from all the US universities and we do not want to sway your opinion through sponsored listing. If there is no data for a college, then it is not an act of omission on purpose. If you let us know, we will be more than happy to fix the mistake.

                      How do I find the Best universities for the Master's program in Biomedical Sciences

                      Graduate degree in Biomedical Sciences is offered by 166 American universities. This is a STEM-designated Graduate program that offers students a unique approach to teaching and learning. New York University is having the highest number of enrollment for Biomedical Sciences graduate program.

                      Top ranked Master’s program in Biomedical Sciences

                      Are there affordable No GRE Masters programs in Biomedical Sciences that might accept low GPA?

                      GRE and GMAT are becoming optional in admission requirements for Master’s programs.

                      Case Western Reserve University: · Specialized Medical College Admissions Test preparatory course designed to comprehensively review all MCAT content areas, as well as testing methods.Tufts University: Each applicant is considered individually this involves many factors including academic history, research experience, recommendations, and GRE scores.The GRE general test is required of all applicants to the Basic Science Division programs, regardless of the age or experience of the applicant.There is no minimum GRE requirement because all factors are considered when reviewing applications.

                      363 offer Graduate programs in Biomedical Sciences. Below are listed 10 universities that do not require GRE/GMAT for admission to Master's program. For viewing the all the schools that have waived off GRE/GMAT for the admission, use Match Me Masters.

                      Case Western Reserve University: · Specialized Medical College Admissions Test preparatory course designed to comprehensively review all MCAT content areas, as well as testing methods.Texas A & M University-College Station: Exceptions: applicants that completed all four years of a baccalaureate degree in the United States or that achieved a 400 or greater Verbal GRE score.Applications for admission are evaluated on the basis of the applicant or graduate record , letters of recommendation, and performance on the GRE and TOEFL tests.Only the GRE general test is requiredApplicants whose native language is not English should take the Test of English as a Foreign Language, unless they completed all four years of a baccalaureate degree in the United States or obtained a minimal verbal GRE score of 400.Most of the students the university admit have a combined Quantitative and Verbal GRE score of 300 or higher.Applications are evaluated on the basis of the or graduate record , letters of recommendation, and performance on the GRE and TOEFL tests.Domestic students who have completed their pre-application, including GRE scores and statement of purpose essay, by Jan.

                      363 universities offer Master's program in Biomedical Sciences. At this time, we do not have any information on online Masters' program in Biomedical Sciences that do not require GRE. Check out these universities offering online Master's program

                      How much more expensive or affordable is an on-campus or part-time program in Biomedical Sciences compared to an Online Master’s program?

                      The cost of the program is not just the tuition. It is the transportation, food lodging etc that can be significant depending on the cities you live and how far you are from the campus. You can definitely save on these costs when doing an online Master’s program but then you miss the campus experience. An online masters program in Biomedical Sciences will always be cheaper? Depends on which universities you are comparing with.

                      23 accredited universities offer an online Master's program in Biomedical Sciences. The tuition for an online master's program ranges from $16,698 to $101,308.

                      Our promise is that we will help you find the accredited college for the online Master's at an affordable price tag. Use our Match me with Online Master's program to find the college that fits your needs and is affordable.

                      How to find research and teaching assistantships opportunities for Graduate programs in Biomedical Sciences?

                      Schools offer Research and Teaching assistantships for full time graduate students, details of which can be found at respective college websites. We have listed the number of teaching and research opportunities offered at each university. Use our Find me Most affordable Master’s program to view the schools and assistantships opportunities offered.

                      Are there affordable No GRE Masters programs in Biomedical Sciences that might accept low GPA?

                      Post COVID, a good number of schools have waived off the GRE and GMAT score requirements and might accept you even if you have a less than stellar GPA.

                      363 universities offer Master's program in Biomedical Sciences. At this time, we do not have any information on online Masters' program in Biomedical Sciences that do not require GRE. Check out these universities offering online Master's program

                      How much more expensive or affordable is an on-campus or part time program in Biomedical Sciences compared to an online masters program?

                      The cost of the program is not just the tuition. It is the transportation, food lodging etc that can be significant depending on the cities you live and how far you are from the campus. You can definitely save on these costs when doing an online but then you miss the campus experience. An online program in Biomedical Sciences will always be cheaper? Depends on which universities you are comparing with.

                      23 accredited universities offer an online Master's program in Biomedical Sciences. The tuition for an online master's program ranges from $16,698 to $101,308.

                      Our promise is that we will help you find the accredited college for the online Master's at an affordable price tag. Use our Match me with Online Master's program to find the college that fits your needs and is affordable.

                      How can I compare the Biomedical Sciences Graduate Programs?

                      Compare the GRE score requirements, admission details, credit requirements and tuition for the Master's Program, from 389 universities offering Graduate School Programs in Biomedical Sciences. Compare Graduate School Programs in Biomedical Sciences

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