Most Affordable Masters Program in Latin American Studies

Master's degree in Latin American Studies is offered by 176 US universities. The tuition for the Master's degree can range from $16,180 per year at The University of Texas at El Paso to $56,470 at Princeton University.

The tuition at public universities will be lower for in-state students when compared to private universities but you get more financial aid at private universities.

Tuition:  $16,180 per year ; Total Cost:  $32,360 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Texas

The University of Texas at El Paso Tuition Affordability Index: #1 in Texas, #24 in US

With in-state tuition of $6,956 and out-state tuition of $16,180, gives The University of Texas at El Paso university an affordability index of #1 among all universities in Texas.

This engaging and flexible interdisciplinary program focuses on the U.S.-Mexico border and the broader study of Latin America, including transnational connections with the United States. Students learn to relate regional border issues to those of other Latin American borders. Our graduates will be the next generation of professionals who will help build a border zone with a high quality of life.

Graduates work in business, government, education and other fields due to the great interest in borders. Some work for major international nonprofits such as HIAS and Jesuit Relief Services, which serve migrants and refugees at border regions.

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Latin American Border Studies M.A.

    University of New Mexico-Main Campus logo
    Tuition:  $19,890 per year ; Total Cost:  $39,780 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
    State:  New Mexico

    University of New Mexico-Main Campus Tuition Affordability Index: #1 in New Mexico, #51 in US

    With in-state tuition of $7,321 and out-state tuition of $19,890, gives University of New Mexico-Main Campus university an affordability index of #1 among all universities in New Mexico.

    The University of New Mexico has a long and distinguished history of emphasizing Latin American scholarship, research, and teaching. Degree programs in Latin American Studies (LAS) have been granted to and graduate students since as early as 1941, with one of the university first doctoral degrees being granted in Latin American Studies.

    Since 1979 the LAS program has been administered by the Latin American and Iberian Institute (LAII) in partnership with the College of Arts and Sciences, which confers LAS degrees. The LAS program draws on UNM cross-campus longstanding excellence in research, scholarship and teaching on Latin America, and is dedicated to advancing knowledge in, and service to, the field.

    The LAS program is an interdisciplinary program that grants BA, MA, and PhD degrees. In addition to the singular degrees, the LAII also offers an accelerated degree option in which Honors students can earn both their bachelor in honors and master in Latin American Studies in five years. Meanwhile, MA students may pursue dual degree options with five programs (Business Administration, Community Regional Planning, Education, Law, and Public Health), simultaneously earning the MA in LAS and a professional degree.

    Besides the interdisciplinary degrees offered by the Latin American Studies program, students at UNM may pursue disciplinary graduate degrees with a specialization on Latin America. Prospective students interested in a disciplinary degree with a Latin American specialization should contact the appropriate department.

    UNM requires all academic programs to design and make public learning outcomes that provide an intellectual guideline for what students should ultimately gain from their degree program. To help academic programs determine whether or not students are effectively mastering material and achieving the learning goals that have been designed, programs utilize assessment tools to evaluate student performance. For reference, we invite you to review LAS Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) and Assessment for and graduate students.

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    Latin American Iberian Institute

      University of Utah logo
      Ranked as:  #105 in Best National University
      Tuition:  $24,695 per year ; Total Cost:  $49,390 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
      State:  Utah

      University of Utah Tuition Affordability Index: #2 in Utah, #82 in US

      With in-state tuition of $7,824 and out-state tuition of $24,695, gives University of Utah university an affordability index of #2 among all universities in Utah.

      The program requires a total of 30 credits, including 8 elective courses (24 credits), thesis research or project research (6 credits). Disciplinary concentrations can focus on one of the departments participating in the program or can involve creative and practical interdisciplinary combinations of courses that fit with the student career goals.

      Students will be required to take classes or write a thesis that examines at least two of four broad regions in Latin America. The regions are defined as Mexico and Central America, South America (not Brazil), Brazil, and the Caribbean.

      Typically students will satisfy the field or disciplinary concentration requirement by taking a minimum of four classes (12 credits) in a specific discipline or an interdisciplinary area of study (e.g. Environmental Studies).

      The concentration can be based in any department or academic program at the university including professional programs (e.g. Social Work, Nursing, Urban Planning, Public Administration), or involve creative and practical interdisciplinary combinations of courses that fit with the students' career goals (e.g. Gender Studies or Environmental Studies).

      Students must take at least one core methods course or research seminar appropriate to their discipline or field of concentration.

      All students must demonstrate third-year proficiency in Spanish or Portuguese and first-year proficiency in a second Latin American language spoken. Language proficiency can be demonstrated by one of the following:.

      Through coursework completed as a graduate student in the MA program.

      Overall at least 15 credit hours (five courses) must come from approved LAS content courses. To qualify for the MA, courses must be taken at the 6000-level or higher.

      Students must complete an MA essay and have it approved by their supervisory committee. An MA essay is a substantial research paper on an issue or topic related to Latin America. Typically, students will register for 6 project research credits during their second year in the MA program in order to complete their essay. These credits count toward the overall credit requirement. We encourage students to complete the MA project, although a thesis option is also available upon request.


      Advanced proficiency in one Latin American Language is a program requirement. The first year proficiency of a second Latin American Language does not need to be submitted to the Graduate school and is only a program requirement.

      Applications received by March 1st will have names included in the Spring convocation program.

      The Supervisory Committee is vital to a student graduate program.

      The program requires a total of 30 credits, including 8 elective courses (24 credits), thesis hours (6 credits). Disciplinary concentrations can focus on one of the departments participating in the program or can involve creative and practical interdisciplinary combinations of courses that fit with the student career goals.

      Students must complete an MA essay and have it approved by their supervisory committee. An MA essay is a substantial research paper on an issue or topic related to Latin America. Typically, students will register for 6 thesis credits during their second year in the MA program in order to complete their essay. These credits count toward the overall credit requirement. We encourage students to do the MA essay, although a thesis option is also available upon request.

      Ray academic interests are in ethnic and racial identities in Latin America, democratization, and the Latin American diaspora.

      Corinne is interested in the religious practices and social relations between communities in Latin America, focusing mainly on Brazil.

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      Latin American Studies

        Most affordable master’s program

        188 universities offer the Master's program in Latin American Studies.

        Which one best suits your need?

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        Ranked as:  #58 in Best Regional University in West Coast
        Tuition:  $17,944 per year ; Total Cost:  $35,888 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
        State:  California

        San Francisco State University Tuition Affordability Index: #5 in California, #37 in US

        With in-state tuition of $8,440 and out-state tuition of $17,944, gives San Francisco State University university an affordability index of #5 among all universities in California.

        The Latina/Latino Studies Department (originally Raza Studies) was established in the Fall of 1969, as part of the College of Ethnic Studies, after the longest student strike in the history of the United States. From November 1968 through April 1969 the Black Student Union, the Third World Liberation Front, select staff and faculty, and members from the larger Bay Area community, organized and led a series of actions against systematic discrimination. The College of Ethnic Studies was created as a response to the demands of students as well as community members who called for the creation of academic programs that address the experiences and histories of under-served communities in the San Francisco Bay Area.

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        Welcome to Latina Latino Studies

          San Diego State University logo
          Ranked as:  #148 in Best National University
          Tuition:  $18,658 per year ; Total Cost:  $37,316 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
          State:  California

          San Diego State University Tuition Affordability Index: #7 in California, #43 in US

          With in-state tuition of $9,154 and out-state tuition of $18,658, gives San Diego State University university an affordability index of #7 among all universities in California.

          Binational plants as a means of engaging Hispanic students into plant science, March 1, 2023 at 1 p.m. in AL 379.

          80 years Center for Latin American Studies anniversary 1942-2022.

          The Center for Latin American Studies at San Diego State University has been providing educational opportunities since 1942, and is renowned for program offerings in the indigenous languages of Mexico. We are also proud to offer three concurrent graduate degree programs in professional studies: Master of Arts in Latin American Studies plus a Master of Public Administration (MPA), Master of Public Health (MPH), or Master of Business Administration (MBA).

          Through active participation in Latin American communities, partnerships with different educational institutions, and multiple transnational collaborations, the Center for Latin American Studies (CLAS) seeks to provide students a unique opportunity to explore Latin America. CLAS supports research, community outreach, conferences, internships, study abroad, and other activities dedicated to teaching students, working professionals, and community members Latin American economies, aesthetics, ecology, society, culture, and languages.

          To me you must understand a culture before you can really aim to help it and that is my main goal throughout this program. To become an advocate for those who cannot make the changes that involve their own communities.

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          Center for Latin American Studies

            Tuition:  $17,032 per year ; Total Cost:  $34,064 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
            State:  Illinois

            Northeastern Illinois University Tuition Affordability Index: #1 in Illinois, #28 in US

            With in-state tuition of $9,242 and out-state tuition of $17,032, gives Northeastern Illinois University university an affordability index of #1 among all universities in Illinois.

            Latina/o and Latin American Studies is an interdisciplinary approach to the histories, cultures, societies, languages and politics of Latin America and Latina/os. It explores the relationship of Latin America and Latina/os to each other, to the United States and to the world.

            Northeastern Illinois University is a four-year public university in the Midwest federally designated as a Hispanic Serving Institution, and as such our Latina/o and Latin American Studies Program (LLAS) builds on the University’s commitment to diversity and community partnerships. We strive to combine classroom learning and active involvement in the community. LLAS classes are taught by faculty from an array of disciplines in education, the social sciences and humanities, who are committed to active learning through discussion, research and community engagement.

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            Latina o and Latin American Studies

              Indiana University-Bloomington logo
              Ranked as:  #72 in Best National University
              Tuition:  $33,338 per year ; Total Cost:  $66,676 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
              State:  Indiana

              Indiana University-Bloomington Tuition Affordability Index: #2 in Indiana, #132 in US

              With in-state tuition of $11,192 and out-state tuition of $33,338, gives Indiana University-Bloomington university an affordability index of #2 among all universities in Indiana.

              The M.A. program in Latin American and Caribbean Studies serves as a foundation for students pursuing a doctorate, as well as careers in government, private business, and the nonprofit sector.

              Our dual degree program allows you to combine an M.A. in Latin American and Caribbean Studies with other graduate programs, which reduces credit hour requirements. As a result, you can complete the program in three years or less.

              As part of the program, students are required to demonstrate reading proficiency in Spanish, Portuguese, Haitian Creole, Maya, or Quechua. This requirement can be fulfilled through passing a proficiency exam in the respective foreign language department, earning a grade of B or better in a graduate literature or language course taught in the respective language, or passing a reading exam prepared by CLACS.

              Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies social media channels.

              Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies.

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              Hamilton Lugar School of Global and International Studies - Latin American Studies

                Ranked as:  #51 in Best Regional University in West Coast
                Tuition:  $24,976 per year ; Total Cost:  $49,952 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
                State:  Washington

                Central Washington University Tuition Affordability Index: #1 in Washington, #84 in US

                With in-state tuition of $11,791 and out-state tuition of $24,976, gives Central Washington University university an affordability index of #1 among all universities in Washington.

                The Center for Latino and Latin American Studies (CLLAS) combines an interdisciplinary academic program with a community partnership initiative to engage CWU and the surrounding community in an intensive study of Latino and Latin American peoples and cultures.

                Emphasizing student success, study abroad, and community-based research, the LLAS minor fuses the usually separate fields of Latino Studies and Latin American Studies and allows students to develop a course of study based on their individual interests and needs. The academic program is enhanced by our community partnership initiative and annual series of sponsored cultural events to solidify and expand the relationship between CWU and the surrounding community, especially Washington State’s booming Latino populations.

                The Center for Latino and Latin American Studies now happily accepts donations.

                LLAS 102 Introduction to Latino Latin American Studies.

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                Center for Latino and Latin American Studies

                  The University of Texas at Austin logo
                  Ranked as:  #38 in Best National University
                  Tuition:  $22,886 per year ; Total Cost:  $45,772 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
                  State:  Texas

                  The University of Texas at Austin Tuition Affordability Index: #3 in Texas, #70 in US

                  With in-state tuition of $12,028 and out-state tuition of $22,886, gives The University of Texas at Austin university an affordability index of #3 among all universities in Texas.

                  Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies College of Liberal Arts.

                  LLILAS cooperates with several professional degree programs at UT to offer dual degrees. The dual degree programs are structured so that students can earn the two individual master degrees simultaneously. Dual degree programs broaden the academic experience and enhance career preparation by providing an opportunity to pursue two complementary master degrees. The dual degree programs normally require three years to complete, except for the dual degree program with the School of Law, which requires four years.

                  Both the Latin American Studies Admissions Committee and the corresponding committee of the professional program must accept a student for admission into any of the dual degree programs. Applicants must indicate interest in the dual degree program in writing to both admissions offices.

                  Please refer to our Admissions information page and to each respective department for information applying to the dual degree programs.

                  If you are not admitted to one of the two dual degree programs to which you applied, the other program can still admit you. However, this will be a different program code, which may require transferring or resubmitting an application so the correct program code can be applied.

                  The Latin American Studies Business Administration dual degree (major code 659000) is of interest to Latin American Studies graduate students wanting to pursue a career in business. The McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas is considered one of the best in the United States. Graduates of this program are well qualified for business positions that involve Latin America. The program combines advanced business studies with interdisciplinary area studies and language, responding to an increased need in both public and private sectors for business specialists with a thorough understanding of Latin American politics and cultures.

                  The dual degree program is structured so that students can earn the two individual master degrees (Master of Arts in Latin American Studies and Master of Business Administration) simultaneously in approximately six semesters, or three academic years. For admission, the GRE and GMAT are typically both required. The McCombs School can offer some flexibility in the GMAT requirement.

                  Students spend their first year in the program taking Latin American Studies courses. The second year is dedicated to graduate business core courses and approved electives. The final year of coursework is a combination from both departments.

                  Degree Requirements Students must complete either 30 or credit-hours in Latin American Studies, depending on the plan selected (Plan A or B), including one core course.

                  The Latin American Studies language requirement must be met during the first semester in the program.

                  30 hours of Latin American content courses selected from three disciplines, no fewer than 6 hours taken in any one discipline.

                  One reader will represent Latin American Studies and the other will represent Graduate Business.

                  MA Dual Degree with Community Regional Planning (MSCRP).

                  The joint program in Latin American Studies and Community and Regional Planning (major code 659801) is designed to provide students with the fundamental technical and conceptual skills necessary to effectively address planning issues, while also studying the cultural, socio-economic and geographic challenges and opportunities characteristic of the region. Qualified students will learn the skills necessary for working in local development and planning in Latin America, whether through the public, private, or nonprofit sector, to address development issues that lie at the forefront of contemporary policy concerns in Latin America.

                  The dual degree program is structured so that students can earn two individual master degrees (Master of Arts in Latin American Studies and Master of Science in Community and Regional Planning) simultaneously in approximately six semesters, or three academic years.

                  The Latin American Studies language requirement must be met during the first semester in program.

                  6-hour thesis (LAS 698A and LAS 698B) on a Latin American CRP topic.

                  One reader will represent Latin American Studies and the other will represent Community and Regional Planning.

                  6 hours of electives in CRP courses, including internship.

                  6 hours of elective courses with Latin American content approved by the joint program advisers.

                  The Latin American Studies dual degree program with the Moody College of Communication provides students with the opportunity to pursue graduate work in the disciplines of Communications and Latin American Studies. It enables students to study the interrelationships between the theories and processes of communication and issues pertinent to a precise and disciplined understanding of the societies and cultures of Latin America, their histories, and current policies.

                  The dual degree program is structured so that students can earn two individual master degrees (Master of Arts in Latin American Studies and Master of Arts from the College of Communication) simultaneously in approximately six semesters, or three academic years.

                  Degree Requirements The Latin American Studies language requirement must be met during the first semester in the program.

                  18 hours (24 hours for Report Option) drawn from 2 or 3 disciplines (Anthropology, Art History, Economics, Geography, Government, History, Music, Portuguese or Spanish language or literature, or Sociology), including one core course.

                  6 hours of electives that may include courses offered by the College of Communication that have Latin American content to be approved by the LLILAS graduate adviser.

                  Communications Consult with the individual department in the Moody College of Communication: Journalism, Radio-TV-Film, or Communication Studies.

                  MA Dual Degree with Global Policy Studies at the LBJ School (MGPS).

                  The Latin American Studies Global Policy Studies dual degree program (major code 647320) combines advanced studies of globalization with a focus on the politics, economy, and culture of Latin America. Graduates should possess substantial career flexibility and attractiveness to prospective employers in government, private industry, and the nonprofit sector.

                  The dual degree program is structured so that students can earn two individual master degrees (Master of Arts in Latin American Studies and Master of Global Policy Studies) simultaneously in approximately six semesters, or three academic years.

                  The first year of study is in the LBJ School of Public Affairs thereafter, courses can be taken in both Latin American Studies and Public Affairs.

                  The Latin American Studies language requirement must be met during the semester Latin American content coursework is undertaken, normally the second year of study.

                  15 hours of coursework with Latin American Studies content.

                  22 hours of required Global Policy core courses.

                  Additional information from the LBJ School on the Dual Degree Program.

                  The Latin American Studies Information Studies dual degree program (major code 653100) offers students the opportunity to combine specialized study to understand people and their interactions with information, such as how people utilize information, how we can improve access to information, ways in which information is organized and stored, and the relationships between information and identity. This degree program also offers students the knowledge and understanding of Latin America, its characteristics and how they manifest, through education, research, and exchange.

                  The dual degree program is structured so that students can earn two individual master degrees (Master of Arts in Latin American Studies and Master of Science in Information Studies) simultaneously in approximately six semesters, or three academic years.

                  Degree Requirements The Latin American Studies language requirement must be met the first semester enrolled.

                  15 hours of Latin American coursework in the major discipline, including one core course.

                  9 hours of Latin American coursework in the minor discipline.

                  1 iSchool core course totaling 3 credits: INF 380E Perspectives on Information.

                  The Latin American Studies Law dual degree program (major code 760560) is designed for those students who wish to study law and Latin American issues in an integrated and interdisciplinary manner. Students who expect to be involved in government service or legal practices with a Latin American focus could benefit from this program.

                  A student must apply for admission to the JD program of the Law School, the Graduate Admissions Center, and the Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies. The GRE and LSAT are required.

                  Students admitted to the dual program must complete the standard first-year coursework at the School of Law during the first year of the program. This must be done before taking any courses relating to the dual program.

                  The dual degree program is structured so that students can earn two individual degrees (Master of Arts in Latin American Studies and Juris Doctor) simultaneously in approximately eight semesters, or four academic years.

                  Degree Requirements The Latin American Studies language requirement must be met during the semester Latin American content coursework is undertaken, normally the second year of study.

                  24 hours of Latin American content coursework, including one core course, divided among three disciplines.

                  No fewer than 6 hours in courses that are on Latin American topics or that have direct and obvious relevance to Latin America must be taken at the Law School.

                  Law School All Law School requirements applicable to students in the standard JD program must be satisfied. Seventy-two hours are required for graduation. As a general rule, no courses taken in satisfaction of the master degree requirements other than offerings in the Law School itself may be credited toward the JD degree. Students must check with the Law School on their eligibility to take the bar examination.

                  No language coursework or courses pertaining to Latin American Studies (or other coursework beyond the standard first-year coursework of the JD program) may be taken in the first year of Law School.

                  The Latin American Studies Public Affairs (major code 660000) dual degree program combines advanced policy studies with interdisciplinary area studies, responding to an increasing need in both the public and private sectors for policy specialists with a thorough understanding of Latin American politics, cultures, geography, and history.

                  The dual degree program is structured so that students can earn two individual master degrees (Master of Arts in Latin American Studies and Master of Public Affairs) simultaneously in approximately six semesters, or three academic years.

                  Degree Requirements Students must complete a minimum of semester hours in Latin American Studies, including one core course, a master report, and a minimum of 36 semester hours in public affairs, including a summer internship for a total of 69 hours. The first year of study is in the LBJ School of Public Affairs thereafter, courses can be taken in both Latin American Studies and Public Affairs.

                  15 hours of coursework with a Latin American public policy orientation.

                  Summer internship in or related to Latin America.

                  The Latin American Studies Social Work dual degree program at the graduate level (major code 691500) is the first of its kind in the United States. The dual degree addresses the gap in services for U.S. Latinas os and Latin American immigrants. Graduates of the three-year program will earn the Master of Science in Social Work (MSSW) from the Steve Hicks School of Social Work and the Master of Arts in Latin American Studies (MA) from the Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies (LLILAS).

                  Graduates of the dual degree program will combine clinical social work skills with cultural and linguistic competency suited to diverse Latina o and Latin American immigrant populations in the U.S. and abroad. This competency will encompass studies of issues facing Latin Americans and Latina o populations, including immigrants and indigenous groups, with attention to the political, economic, social, and cultural factors affecting their lives.

                  Degree Requirements Dual-degree students must complete 30 credit hours in Latin American Studies and 51 credit hours in Social Work.

                  6-hour thesis (LAS 698A and LAS 698B) written on a Latin American Social Work topic.

                  One reader will represent Latin American Studies and the other will represent Social Work. Students should register for thesis or report hours under the LAS course listing. Once the departmental affiliation of the first reader is determined, the second reader, affiliated with the other department, can be selected.

                  Social Work Students pursuing this degree may view the requirements of either Clinical Social Work or Administration and Policy Practice concentration via the MSSW Requirements page.

                  Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies.

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                  Dual Degrees

                    Ohio State University-Main Campus logo
                    Ranked as:  #49 in Best National University
                    Tuition:  $37,141 per year ; Total Cost:  $74,282 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
                    State:  Ohio

                    Ohio State University-Main Campus Tuition Affordability Index: #4 in Ohio, #141 in US

                    With in-state tuition of $12,425 and out-state tuition of $37,141, gives Ohio State University-Main Campus university an affordability index of #4 among all universities in Ohio.

                    Developed and administered by CLAS and first offered in autumn 2010, the Masters of Arts in Latin American Studies requires 30 semester credit hours of coursework for graduation. To be considered for admission, students must demonstrate advanced proficiency in Spanish or Portuguese, equal to three years university instruction or (near) native fluency.

                    In addition to the courses in their concentrations, students must also take a research methodology course and INTSTDS 5640: Globalization in Latin America. To complete the degree students may elect to research and write a thesis or take written and oral exams in their areas of concentration.

                    This degree is designed to easily fit into existing graduate curriculum, so students have the opportunity to add the MA in Latin American Studies to an existing graduate program as a dual degree.

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                    Latin American Studies Master of Arts

                      What kind of scholarships are available for Graduate Programs in Latin American Studies?

                      We have 3 scholarships awarding up to $37,500 for Masters program in for Latin American Studies, targeting diverse candidates and not restricted to state or school-based programs.

                      Scholarship nameAmountCredibility
                      Graduate Teaching Assistantships in Department of Spanish and Portuguese at IUB$22,000
                      Graduate Assistantships for Master of Arts in Spanish program at the UC$8,000
                      Mellon Emerging Faculty Leaders Award$7,500Medium

                      Find scholarships and financial aid for Latin American Studies graduate programs

                      $500 $20000

                      How to find Research and Teaching Assistantships opportunities for Graduate programs in Latin American Studies?

                      Schools offer Research and Teaching assistantships for full-time graduate students, details of which can be found at respective college websites. We have listed the number of teaching and research opportunities offered at each university. Use our Find me Most affordable Master’s program to view the schools and assistantships opportunities offered.

                      How do I find the Best universities for the Master's program in Latin American Studies

                      There are 25 schools offering graduate degrees in Latin American Studies. Georgetown University had 7 international graduate students in its 25 program, which is one of the highest counts in the country. Georgetown University had the most women graduates in this program.

                      Top ranked Master’s program in Latin American Studies

                      How can CollegeHippo help me find the accredited, most affordable Graduate programs in Latin American Studies?

                      There are 176 universities that offer Master’s degrees in Latin American Studies. It can be an on-campus, hybrid or online. CollegeHippo’s team collected data from all the trusted sources like IPEDS, colleges website, for job and salary information.We have verified and added 700+ Masters’ scholarships which you can avail of with an amount ranging from $1000 - $22,000. We are the only website that has the Graduate programs data from all the US universities and we do not want to sway your opinion through sponsored listing. If there is no data for a college, then it is not an act of omission on purpose. If you let us know, we will be more than happy to fix the mistake.

                      How much more expensive or affordable is an on-campus or part-time program in Latin American Studies compared to an Online Master’s program?

                      The cost of the program is not just the tuition. It is the transportation, food lodging etc that can be significant depending on the cities you live and how far you are from the campus. You can definitely save on these costs when doing an online Master’s program but then you miss the campus experience. An online masters program in Latin American Studies will always be cheaper? Depends on which universities you are comparing with.

                      176 universities offer Masters's program in Latin American Studies. At this time, we do not have any information on the cheapest and online Masters' program in Latin American Studies.

                      Check out these universities offering hybrid and on-campus master's program program

                      Is there an option for one year online Master's program in Latin American Studies

                      4 Universities offer On-campus Masters Program within an One Year - 18 months. The tuition for Master's can range from $0 to $0.

                      On-campus Masters 1 year - 18 months in Latin American Studies

                      Are there affordable No GRE Masters programs in Latin American Studies that might accept low GPA?

                      GRE and GMAT are becoming optional in admission requirements for Master’s programs.

                      University of Miami: Applicants are not required to submit a GRE score, but may do so if they wish.University of Utah: Please The GRE is not required for application to the Latin American Studies MA program.

                      176 offer Graduate programs in Latin American Studies. Below are listed 5 universities that do not require GRE/GMAT for admission to Master's program. For viewing the all the schools that have waived off GRE/GMAT for the admission, use Match Me Masters.

                      Tulane University of Louisiana: All applicants to Stone Center Graduate programs, including applicants to any of the university joint degree programs as well as non-native English speaking applicants, must take the GRE and should direct ETS to send their official GRE score reports to the Tulane School of Liberal Arts.Vanderbilt University: Recent GRE examination scores

                      176 universities offer Master's program in Latin American Studies. At this time, we do not have any information on online Masters' program in Latin American Studies that do not require GRE. Check out these universities offering online Master's program

                      How to find research and teaching assistantships opportunities for Graduate programs in Latin American Studies?

                      Schools offer Research and Teaching assistantships for full time graduate students, details of which can be found at respective college websites. We have listed the number of teaching and research opportunities offered at each university. Use our Find me Most affordable Master’s program to view the schools and assistantships opportunities offered.

                      Are there affordable No GRE Masters programs in Latin American Studies that might accept low GPA?

                      Post COVID, a good number of schools have waived off the GRE and GMAT score requirements and might accept you even if you have a less than stellar GPA.

                      176 universities offer Master's program in Latin American Studies. At this time, we do not have any information on online Masters' program in Latin American Studies that do not require GRE. Check out these universities offering online Master's program

                      How much more expensive or affordable is an on-campus or part time program in Latin American Studies compared to an online masters program?

                      The cost of the program is not just the tuition. It is the transportation, food lodging etc that can be significant depending on the cities you live and how far you are from the campus. You can definitely save on these costs when doing an online but then you miss the campus experience. An online program in Latin American Studies will always be cheaper? Depends on which universities you are comparing with.

                      176 universities offer Masters's program in Latin American Studies. At this time, we do not have any information on the cheapest and online Masters' program in Latin American Studies.

                      Check out these universities offering hybrid and on-campus master's program program

                      How can I compare the Latin American Studies Graduate Programs?

                      Compare the GRE score requirements, admission details, credit requirements and tuition for the Master's Program, from 188 universities offering Graduate School Programs in Latin American Studies. Compare Graduate School Programs in Latin American Studies

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