Average GRE Scores for African Studies Masters Program

101 universities offer Master's programs in African Studies.

University of California-Berkeley: The program requires GRE scores , or TOEFL , a statement of purpose, a personal statement, and critical writing samples Writing samples should be in the form of thesis or research paper on a topic relevant to the fields of German literature or linguistics

Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University: Official GRE is required for Africana Studies by the Sociology.

Here are the 6 universities and their GRE and GPA score requirements.
Harvard University logo
Ranked as:  #3 in Best National University
Tuition:  $50,654 per year
Total Cost:  $101,308 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Massachusetts
Acceptance:  5.01%

The Department of African and African American Studies offers a graduate degree in African and African American Studies. The program offers rigorous interdisciplinary training in the humanities and the social sciences, with a focus in a disciplinary field, leading to the PhD.

In their first year, students are advised by the director of graduate studies (DGS), who serves as their mentor until they choose an advisor, generally before the beginning of their second year. After consulting with the DGS, a student may change advisors. Students are encouraged to discuss their interests outside of the primary field with faculty from other departments. This process enables students to develop relationships with various faculty members from whom the student will ultimately select a dissertation committee.

Students must take a combination of fourteen courses of which seven must be courses in a primary field.

The department does not admit candidates for a terminal Master of Arts (AM) degree, but students who have met all the course requirements for the degree may petition to be awarded an AM in African and African American Studies.

The Graduate School of Arts and Sciences - German

Statement of Purpose and Writing Sample

Master of Arts in African and African American Studies
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  • GRE Required:  Yes
  • Research Assistantships:  864
  • Teaching Assistantships:  1388
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details
Brown University logo
Ranked as:  #13 in Best National University
Tuition:  $60,363 per year
Total Cost:  $120,726 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Rhode Island
Acceptance:  7.67%

The Ph.D. program in Africana Studies provides a firm base for graduate students to create new and innovative knowledge within the discipline as well as develop cutting-edge scholarship that contributes to the broader academy and public life.

The department has one of the leading faculties in the discipline.

The Ph.D. program in Africana Studies provides a firm base for graduate students to create new and innovative knowledge within the discipline as well as develop cutting-edge scholarship that contributes to the broader academy and public life. Graduate students in the program receive rigorous training in the discipline of Africana Studies and the theories and methods of interdisciplinary work, with an acute focus on race, class, gender, and sexuality, while being critically conversant with the methods and theories of other academic disciplines. The goal of the program is to prepare students to become skilled and informed scholars and educators poised to make significant contributions to academic and nonacademic communities and initiate cultural and social policies with humanitarian objectives informed by critical thinking and global perspectives on social and human development.

The department Trilateral Reconnection Project offers graduate students the opportunity to research and study at the University of Cape Town, South Africa and the University of the West Indies, Mona.

The Africana Studies graduate program is organized around three areas of emphasis: 1) History, Politics, and Theory focuses on the institutional, theoretical, and material expressions of Africana culture, experience, and thought 2) Literary, Expressive and Performance Cultures focuses on the critical study of visual culture, performance, and the literary arts that critique the contributions and (self) representations of people of African descent in global and contested societies 3) Feminism, Gender, and Sexuality focuses on the cultural, ideological, political, and theoretical implications of feminist consciousness, practices, and theories constructions of gender and critical understandings and analyses of sexuality throughout the Africana world. Within these three areas, Africana Studies graduate students are able to explore the breadth and depth of the discipline while developing capacity and competence in distinct areas of scholarship.

The Ph.D. in Africana Studies requires the successful completion of no fewer than 12 courses, of which six must be in the student chosen area of research emphasis and four in another secondary area of emphasis. Students entering the program with a master degree may petition the graduate program for advanced standing after one year of residency in the program. All doctoral students must take: AFRI 2001: Seminar in Theories, Politics, and Histories AFRI 2002: Seminar in Literary, Expressive, and Performance Cultures AFRI 2003: Seminar in Feminism, Gender, and Sexuality AFRI 2101: Methods in Africana Studies and AFRI 2102: Professionalization Seminar. Students must demonstrate competency in one of the following languages: French, German, Portuguese, Spanish, or another language relevant to their area of scholarly interest. As teaching is a vital part of graduate training, students are also required to serve as teaching assistants for at least two semesters. In addition, all doctoral students must successfully complete a qualifying examination in their chosen field of emphasis and additional examinations in secondary field of research and teaching competence, an oral examination of the dissertation proposal, and an oral defense of the dissertation.

Applying to Our Programs

Personal Statement

Graduate Programs
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  • GRE Required:  Yes
  • Research Assistantships:  507
  • Teaching Assistantships:  483
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details
University of California-Berkeley logo
Ranked as:  #20 in Best National University
Tuition:  $29,347 per year
Total Cost:  $58,694 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  California
Acceptance:  17.48%

The program is guided by a leadership team consisting of representatives from the Department, the Center for African Studies, and the Berkeley Language Center.

UC Berkeley offers Amharic, Igbo, and Kiswahili through African American Studies. Arabic is available through the Middle Eastern Languages and Cultures. Students from other UC campuses, California State Universities, California community colleges and select other local higher education institutions may be eligible to enroll in UC Berkeley courses through various programs. Members of the larger community can enroll through concurrent enrollment via UC Extension. We often offer a weekly Kiswahili Table.

Over the years, our students have also studied Afrikaans, Bamana, Lingala, Malagasy, Shona, Xhosa, Yoruba, and Zulu among other languages. There are also options to study these languages in the summer at other Programs and with FLAS fellowships.

African Studies Centers nationwide collaborate to offer a range of summer language study opportunities. The African Studies Association, the African Language Teachers Association and individual universities share the task of administering competitive US Education Title VI Fulbright Group Project Abroad (GPA) Advanced Overseas Intensive Language Projects. Previously, Howard University has offered GPA programs in Kenya for Advanced Swahili and Nigeria for Advanced Yoruba. The University of Pennsylvania has offered one in South Africa for Advanced Zulu. The University of Florida offered several languages through its African Flagship Languages Initiative.

The Center for African Studies will offer Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowships for summer 2023.

Africa South of the Sahara African language web links.

German University of California, Berkeley

A grade point average of B or better .

If the applicant has completed a basic degree from a country or political entity where English is not the official language, adequate proficiency in English to do graduate work, as evidenced by a TOEFL score of at least 90 on the iBT test, 570 on the paper-and-pencil test, or an IELTS Band score of at least 7 on a 9-point scale and.

Applicants with doctoral degrees may be admitted for an additional doctoral degree only if that degree program is in a general area of knowledge distinctly different from the field in which they earned their original degree.

Applicants may apply only to one single degree program or one concurrent degree program per admission cycle.

Unofficial transcripts must contain specific information including the name of the applicant, name of the school, all courses, grades, units, degree conferral

Letters of recommendation: Applicants may request online letters of recommendation through the online application system. Hard copies of recommendation letters must be sent directly to the program, by the recommender, not the Graduate Admissions.

Evidence of English language proficiency:All applicants who have completed a basic degree from a country or political entity in which the official language is not English are required to submit official evidence of English language proficiency. However, applicants who, at the time of application, have already completed at least one year of full-time academic course work with grades of B or better at a US university may submit an official transcript from the US university to fulfill this requirement.

Official TOEFL score reports must be sent directly from Educational Test Services TOEFL and IELTS score reports are only valid for two years prior to beginning the graduate program at UC Berkeley.

The German accepts applications for its degree program beginning in September for admission to the following fall semester. Applicants who hold an MA in German may apply directly to the PhD program.

The program requires GRE scores , or TOEFL , a statement of purpose, a personal statement, and critical writing samples Writing samples should be in the form of thesis or research paper on a topic relevant to the fields of German literature or linguistics

For the purpose of campus-wide fellowship competitions, applicants who submit the statement of purpose or personal history statement in German should also submit an English version of both.

It is recommended that applicant fill in the GSI application section with their online graduate application. All graduate students teach as part of the graduate program, and teaching positions are awarded at the time of admission.

In response to the question the student will write an essay in a three-hour time period.

Center for African Studies
˅ More Details
  • GRE Required:  Yes
  • Research Assistantships:  1754
  • Teaching Assistantships:  3621
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details
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128 universities offer the Master's program in African Studies.

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University of Wisconsin-Madison logo
Ranked as:  #38 in Best National University
Tuition:  $25,523 per year
Total Cost:  $51,046 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Wisconsin
Acceptance:  57.25%


An introduction to current research in African cultural studies, ranging from various literary genres and uses of discourse to diverse media including screen media, music, cartoons, and journalism and to other forms of popular expression like soccer and drama. Through an introduction to these forms, study the diverse methods used by scholars in this field, such as textual analysis, film criticism, ethnomusicology, discourse analysis, and ethnography and to the cultural diversity of Africa and its diasporic cultures.

Course Designation: Breadth Humanities Level Elementary L S Credit Counts as Liberal Arts and Science credit in L S.

Course Designation: Breadth Either Humanities or Social Science Level Elementary L S Credit Counts as Liberal Arts and Science credit in L S.

Survey of African literary traditions and introduction to literary analysis.

Course Designation: Gen Ed Communication Part B Breadth Literature. Counts toward the Humanities req Level Elementary L S Credit Counts as Liberal Arts and Science credit in L S.


Various topics in African cultural studies and African expressive cultures. Topics will include cultural and or political themes that cut across multiple media and genres, including two or of the following: literature, film, media, music, performance, language use, etc.


Introduction to a special topic in African literature, focused on a specific region or genre.

Course Designation: Breadth Literature. Counts toward the Humanities req Level Elementary L S Credit Counts as Liberal Arts and Science credit in L S.


Special topics related to African languages and or linguistics at the introductory level. Introduction to the diversity of African languages, superdiverse multilingual African societies, and the relationships between language and other societal issues.

The oral tradition and the written word the composition of stories, relationship between performer and audience, and transmission of tradition in various African societies.


Popular culture (such as popular literature, music, television, news media, movies, etc.) will be used to introduce the African continent and its cultures, people, and languages. Explore text from a different regions on the continent, with a focus on differences and similarities across the continent at the level of aesthetics and context.

Explores how HipHop, a quintessential manifestation of African American culture, is adopted and adapted by African youth to fight for social justice and democracy in their local contexts, while at the same time constructing a diasporic African sensibility and cultural citizenship that transcends boarders and oceans. Beginning with the history, culture, and politics of HipHop in the U.S., we compare and contrast HipHop development in Africa with specific attention to Senegal. Explores the the youth culture and politics in Senegal and the ongoing process of cross-cultural flows and hybridity.

Critical interrogation of the relationship between HipHop and social justice. Discussions will develop familiarity with important concepts in Black studies and social theory such as race and colonialism, imperialism and hegemony, structure and agency, identity and strategic essentialism.

Course Designation: Ethnic St Counts toward Ethnic Studies requirement Breadth Either Humanities or Social Science Level Elementary L S Credit Counts as Liberal Arts and Science credit in L S.


Two major characters in African oral tradition as treated in narrative, epic and heroic poetry.

Course Designation: Breadth Literature. Counts toward the Humanities req Level Intermediate L S Credit Counts as Liberal Arts and Science credit in L S.

Course Designation: Level Intermediate L S Credit Counts as Liberal Arts and Science credit in L S.

African society and culture, polity and economy in multidisciplinary perspectives from prehistory and ancient kingdoms through the colonial period to contemporary developments, including modern nationalism, economic development and changing social structure.

Course Designation: Breadth Either Humanities or Social Science Level Intermediate L S Credit Counts as Liberal Arts and Science credit in L S.


Analysis of retention of African elements in African-American oral, written, and material culture. Social, cultural, and political issues regarding race, self-definition, and self-determination in both Africa and North America will be examined.


Examines representations of soccer in sub-Saharan Africa. It is meant to make us think African soccer as a cultural and political practice, while keeping in mind that this is a sport or a game. Briefly cover the history of the game, in the world and in Africa, and its social impact learn both magic and racism in African soccer read novels, discuss paintings, and watch films that represent soccer in meaningful ways and connect it to important issues of the neocolonial world.

Course Designation: Breadth Humanities Level Intermediate L S Credit Counts as Liberal Arts and Science credit in L S.

Course Designation: Frgn Lang 1st semester language course Level Elementary L S Credit Counts as Liberal Arts and Science credit in L S.

Course Designation: Frgn Lang 2nd semester language course Level Elementary L S Credit Counts as Liberal Arts and Science credit in L S.

Course Designation: Frgn Lang 3rd semester language course Level Intermediate L S Credit Counts as Liberal Arts and Science credit in L S.

Course Designation: Frgn Lang 4th semester language course Level Intermediate L S Credit Counts as Liberal Arts and Science credit in L S.

Course Designation: Frgn Lang 5th + semester language course Level Advanced L S Credit Counts as Liberal Arts and Science credit in L S.

Course Designation: Level Advanced L S Credit Counts as Liberal Arts and Science credit in L S.

For beginning learners of a Southern African language emphasis on proficiency through speaking, listening, reading, and writing, and on communication in cultural context.

Requisites: Declared in Arabic, Persian, and Turkish Language Institute and (AFRICAN 9 or 321).

Requisites: Declared in Arabic, Persian, and Turkish Language Institute and (AFRICAN 340 or 322).

Requisites: Declared in Arabic, Persian, and Turkish Language Institute and (AFRICAN 341 or 323).

Requisites: Declared in Arabic, Persian, and Turkish Language Institute and (AFRICAN 342 or 324).

Requisites: Declared in Arabic, Persian, and Turkish Language Institute and (AFRICAN 343 or 329).

For beginning learners of a West African language emphasis on proficiency through speaking, listening, reading, and writing, and on communication in cultural context.

For intermediate learners of a West African language. Four-skills approach (speaking, listening, writing, reading) centered around authentic texts, recordings, and images. Grammar review, concerted vocabulary expansion, and intensive practice.


Approaches to the analysis of African oral narrative performances, heroic poetry, epic, and the genres of written literature: Aesthetic, symbolic, and structural analysis and their interrelationships.

Course Designation: Breadth Literature. Counts toward the Humanities req Level Intermediate L S Credit Counts as Liberal Arts and Science credit in L S Grad 50% Counts toward 50% graduate coursework requirement.


A study of culture and cultural production, circulation, consumption, and meaning making in Africa. Discussions foreground material and imaginative cultural forms and practices-their origins, languages, contents, forms, functions, genres, and audiences. Examines the uses to which particular meanings of culture and its forms are put, by whom, and to what purpose, and how meanings are fought over, reshaped, and reconstituted, and under what conditions those are or can be possible. Surveys the entrenched modes of both conceptual and critical apprehension of the cultural forms and practices (from Negritude to postcolonialism and postmodernism), explores their methods of reading, raises the issue of their linkages to sources in Euro-America, and assesses the extent to which the unique concerns of the biography of culture in Africa (expressed by its creators and scholars) have tried to tame and refashion what are now globally shared critical tools of cultural reading.

Requisites: Sopho standing and 3 credits in AFRICAN.


Examines various mediated cultural forms such as broadcasting, news, performance, music, film, or social media created and used across regions and countries in Africa, addressing issues such as cultural identity, nation building, constraints on expression, access, and reception, and the interaction of global and African cultural forms.

Requisites: Sopho standing and 3 credits in AFRICAN, or graduate professional standing.

Course Designation: Breadth Humanities Level Intermediate L S Credit Counts as Liberal Arts and Science credit in L S Grad 50% Counts toward 50% graduate coursework requirement.

Provides a conceptual focus for the study of various forms of literature from around the African world. Literary forms studied may include novels, drama, poetry, short stories, cinema, and . Depending on the conceptual focus, texts from a particular region, period, or language may be stressed, or they will coalesce around certain themes, such as modernity, cultural identity, nation building, ideology, globalization, and .

Topics in African languages, especially sociocultural linguistics and critical applied linguistics in Africa.

Requisites: Sopho standing and AFRICAN 204, or graduate professional standing.

Course Designation: Level Intermediate L S Credit Counts as Liberal Arts and Science credit in L S Grad 50% Counts toward 50% graduate coursework requirement.


Course Designation: Breadth Literature. Counts toward the Humanities req Level Advanced L S Credit Counts as Liberal Arts and Science credit in L S Grad 50% Counts toward 50% graduate coursework requirement.


Explore African Muslim communities and Black Muslim communities in the US as an under-examined archive of Islamic authenticity and authority. Involves close readings of ethnographies, fiction, films, and other forms of cultural expression and examination of the practice of Islam and representation of Muslims in Africa and Muslims of African ancestry in the US. Through both primary and secondary sources, explore themes of not just authenticity and authority but also related issues of representation, positionality, difference, otherness, essentialism, and normativity. Ultimately, form a deeper understanding of the diversity and complexity of Islam and Muslims of African ancestry.

Course Designation: Ethnic St Counts toward Ethnic Studies requirement Breadth Humanities Level Intermediate L S Credit Counts as Liberal Arts and Science credit in L S Grad 50% Counts toward 50% graduate coursework requirement.

Course Designation: Breadth Humanities Frgn Lang 5th + semester language course Level Advanced L S Credit Counts as Liberal Arts and Science credit in L S.

Surveys the past 20 years of digital technology and communications culture on the African continent, cross-referenced with discourse on technology experiences in other parts of the developing world, through the framework of development studies. Readings include case studies of micro-tech practices as well as political and social use of new media, and government and NGO-led tech interventions. Information Communication Technology for Development (ICT4D) is a key area of focus. Cross-discipline areas include communications and media studies, African, Latin American and International area studies, as well as the social anthropology of technology and science, and design. Think critically technology use in the context of different tech cultures from around the world. Apply this perspective towards new media solutions to social problems.

Course Designation: Breadth Either Humanities or Social Science Level Intermediate L S Credit Counts as Liberal Arts and Science credit in L S Grad 50% Counts toward 50% graduate coursework requirement Sustain Sustainability.


Studies modern African literature, written in English, and covering various genres such as poetry, the novel, drama, and or the short story.

Explores and compares African oral narrative performances and African written literatures.

Language use in African societies multilingualism language in politics, religion, socialization.

Requisites: Junior standing and AFRICAN 204, or graduate professional standing.

Course Designation: Breadth Humanities Level Advanced L S Credit Counts as Liberal Arts and Science credit in L S Grad 50% Counts toward 50% graduate coursework requirement.


Introduces foundational texts in the study of modern Africa and the social, political, and economic contexts of the continent cultural production and productivity. Conceptual explorations of interesting issues such as the African encounter with Europe, anticolonialism, race, racialism, and subjectivity, African and European languages and epistemology, transformations in gendered structures, and the environment, and the circulation and consumption of cultural forms and practices. Examines the long histories and theories of cultural production and practices in Africa, the local global provenance of forms and styles, and the contexts of their local, national, and global circulation and consumption. Promotes critical thinking by putting like and unlike texts together and considering rhetoric and implied meanings, all in the context of Africa interactive history with the world in the modern era.

Requisites: Junior standing and (AFRICAN 402, 403, 405, 406, 407, 409, 412, 413, 440, 453, or 471), or graduate professional standing.

Course Designation: Level Advanced L S Credit Counts as Liberal Arts and Science credit in L S Grad 50% Counts toward 50% graduate coursework requirement.


A critical and historical study of selected topics in African literary studies.


Examines critical concepts in the cultural study of racially specified black music as it has developed into a global phenomenon. Pairs major theories in black cultural analysis (postcolonial criticism, diaspora theory, global capitalism, etc.) with a body of literature pertaining to a particular musical topic, geographic area, or tradition. Develops critical skills for undertaking cultural music analysis. Considers the long histories and theories of cultural production and practices in global Africa, the local global provenance of forms and styles, and the contexts of their local, national, and global circulation and consumption.

Special topics across various genres of African Cultural Studies covering cultural production, circulation, consumption, and meaning making in Africa.

Course Designation: Grad 50% Counts toward 50% graduate coursework requirement.

Mentored individual research and study for students completing African Cultural Studies Honors in the Major.

Course Designation: Level Advanced L S Credit Counts as Liberal Arts and Science credit in L SHonors Honors Only Courses (H).

Course Designation: Breadth Humanities Level Advanced L S Credit Counts as Liberal Arts and Science credit in L SHonors Honors Only Courses (H).

Requires development of an individualized study plan, bibliographic and online research, work with conversation partners online or in the community, and regular self-assessments.


Covers the norms and expectations that inhere in academic writing as well as the mechanics of producing original scholarship. Designed to develop a full understanding of the craft of marshaling evidence to support an argument in the humanities, particularly African cultural studies.


Advanced study of a topic in African linguistics. Content will vary with each offering.


Theories and teaching methodologies for second language acquisition plus practical classroom techniques for teaching and directing programs in African languages.


Explores key thematics in the teaching and understanding of African cultural studies. Organized around methodology and pedagogy: what is, how we know, name, and categorize and how we teach, analyze, and communicate.


Through a wide range of theoretical texts and critical reflection, explores the ongoing conversation cultural production and literary criticism in the context of African cultural studies.

Collaborative exploration and discussion of current research and literature on critical approaches to applied linguistics (CALx), including critical discourse analysis (CDA), mostly in African contexts. Develop a large-scale research project (QP or doctoral dissertation), conduct a review of current research, and present work in progress to receive critical feedback.

Historical and critical study of the classics of contemporary African and Caribbean literary drama written in English. Thematic issues include the African encounter with Europe, postcolonial disillusionment and the betrayal of ideals, and also stylistic matters as the relationship(s) between traditional drama and other performance forms, and modern drama written in European languages. Considers theories and critical approaches to understanding the cross-continental drama traditions and their contexts. Examines the long histories of cultural, performance, and theatrical relationships between Africa and the Caribbean and how the relationships have been shaped by race and economics, past and present. Considers and questions conventional claims made by others and your own assumptions stimulates analytical thinking identity.


Special topics in modern African literature, covering various genres (prose, poetry, drama).


Examines various mediated cultural forms such as broadcasting, news, performance, music, film, or social media created and used and across regions and countries in Africa, addressing issues such as cultural identity, nation building, constraints on expression, access, and reception, and the interaction of global and African cultural forms.


Field methods, techniques, and analytical approaches. Topics vary but may include ethnography, narrative analysis, critical discourse analysis, and other research methods.


Asian Languages and Cultures, Ph.D. University of Wisconsin-Madison

Once applicant have researched the graduate program applicant are interested in, apply online.

Admission General does not admit in the spring.

Admission General does not admit in the summer.

Applicants should also review the Graduate School admission process, Graduate School minimum requirements, and program requirements and information prior to submitting the online application and fee. The application fee cannot be waived or refunded.

New applicants to UW-Madison apply to programs through the Graduate School application process.

Applicants must be the students.S. citizens or permanent residents of the United States. Preference will be given to applicants with a high level of academic ability and with previous language training.

If applicant are interested in being a teaching assistant in the university language programs, applicant must submit the TA application and necessary materials through the Graduate School application system by January 10.

Some programs may require an on-campus orientation or residency experience, but the courses will be facilitated in an online format.

Pathway names do not appear in the Graduate School admissions application, and they will not appear on the transcript.

Coursework earned ten years or prior to admission to a doctoral degree is not allowed to satisfy requirements.

Admission General follows the Graduate School Probation policy.

Admission General follows the Graduate School Time Limits policy.

The report comes with recommendations to help graduate students strengthen their ability within each area.

African Cultural Studies University of Wisconsin-Madison
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  • GRE Required:  Yes
  • Research Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Teaching Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University logo
Ranked as:  #62 in Best National University
Tuition:  $30,547 per year
Total Cost:  $61,094 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Virginia
Acceptance:  65.77%

Career and Technical Education M.S.Ed. Program for Provisionally Licensed Teachers.

Students who pursue this concentration will learn to critically assess the present cultural forces, structural forces, and historical conditions affecting the economic, legal, educational, social, and moral status of people African descent.

The graduate program in Sociology at Virginia Tech prepares students to be productive and publicly-engaged scholars, advancing research.

A bachelor degree with minimum GPA 3.25 (4 Scale).

Overall GPA 3.0 (4 Scale) in all Sociology Courses.

The Sociology has a limited number of graduate assistantships and fellowships available for students applying for full time study on the Blacksburg Campus. Entering students can apply for such funding as part of their admissions application. No separate application required.

Find out what loans are available as a graduate student and other opportunities.

Race and Social Policy Research CenterCenter for Peace Studies and Violence Prevention.

Graduate Students Presented Papers at 15th Annual Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy article.

Sociology (M.S.)Women and Gender Studies (M.S. in Sociology).

Virginia Tech

A master degree with minimum GPA 3.25

Overall GPA 3.0 in all Sociology courses previously taken.


Scanned copy of their college transcripts with their online application, then arrange for an official copy to be sent to us after applicant receive an offer of admission.

Three letters of recommendation are required for Africana Studies

Official GRE is required for Africana Studies by the Sociology.

A letter of interest is required by the Sociology along with their latest Curriculum Vitae.

A TOEFL or IELTS test score is the most common way international applicants demonstrate English proficiency. The university require a minimum TOEFL score of 90 or IELTS score of 6.5 for admission.

Veterans and other applicants are eligible for waivers of the application fee.

Students seeking assistantships for funding should submit all required admissions materials by January 15 for full consideration.

Include a scanned copy of their college transcripts with their online application, then arrange for an official copy to be sent to us after applicant receive an offer of admission.

Sociology has a limited number of graduate assistantships and fellowships available for students applying for full time study on the Blacksburg Campus. Entering students can apply for such funding as part of their admissions application.

Admitted applicants who are offered graduate assistantships at Virginia Tech are not required to commit to the assistantship offer until April 15.

Africana Studies Concentration
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  • GRE Required:  Yes
  • Research Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Teaching Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details
Tuition:  $24,211 per year
Total Cost:  $48,422 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Florida
Acceptance:  57.88%

Combined MA in African African Diaspora Studies Ph.D. in Political Science Pathway.

Combined M.A. in AADS PhD In Global Sociocultural Studies Pathway.

Graduate Certificate in African and African Diaspora Studies.

MA in African and African Diaspora Studies Requirements (MA in AADS).

The M.A. degree in African African Diaspora Studies provides interdisciplinary, graduate level education and prepares students to develop and employ theoretical, analytical, and methodological approaches the research of critical issues pertaining to African America, the African and its diasporas. The objective of the M.A. program is to prepare scholars for professional positions in a range of fields and for further study at the Ph.D. level. The M.A. degree can be taken either on-site or online. Multidisciplinary in scope and diverse in approach, the M.A. program in AADS is ideal for candidates interested in a wide array of subjects pertaining to African America, continental Africa and the African diaspora. These include: Social and Public Policy, Cultural Studies, International Relations, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Literary Study, History, Globalization Studies, Education, Religious Studies, Trans-Atlantic Studies, Critical Race Studies, Sociology, and Anthropology. AADS offers both a terminal M.A. and three combined M.A. Ph.D. programs in partnership with International Relations, Atlantic History, and Global Sociocultural Studies. These attract students from around the world interested in subjects that are geographically and disciplinarily diverse, including but by no means limited to: transnational policy analysis African, African American and Caribbean history and culture African environmental politics transnational migrations African and African diaspora nationalist struggles, and the Asian diasporas in Africa and the Caribbean. Our focus on African diaspora cultural studies facilitates research in Gender and Sexuality, Literatures, Popular Culture, and Religious syncretism. The M.A. degree prepares graduates for further study at the Ph.D. level, as well as for professional positions in the public, private, non-profit and international arenas and for employment in education, public policy, public administration, journalism, international organization and other fields.

The MA in African African Diaspora Studies is cohort based and only admits students to begin their studies in the fall semester. It is a one-year degree to be completed over three terms: fall, spring, and summer C. The full curriculum comprises 30 credits. Students are expected to enroll in 10 credits of course work per semester, which includes enrollment in the AADS Graduate Colloquium (AFA 6920) each semester for 1 credit.

The statement of purpose should express the applicant academic and professional objectives as well as specific interest in African and African Diaspora Studies. Applicants are strongly encouraged to include examples of academic or other relevant professional work that may support their application.

The application file must be complete before the African African Diaspora Studies Graduate Committee will consider the applicant for admission.

Applicants must have a baccalaureate degree from an accredited college or university. The student must also have a GPA of 3.5 on any previous graduate work.3. Applicants should request that three letters of recommendation from individuals able to judge their academic potential.

Applicants are encouraged to submit examples of written work and other supporting materials. International graduate student applicants whose native language is not English are required to submit a score for the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or for the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). A total score of 80 on the iBT TOEFL or 6.5 overall on the IELTS is required. Applicants should submit a Letter of Intent detailing why they are applying for this program, what their research interests are, what they hope to accomplish with a degree in AADS, and any other pertinent information. Applications should submit an up-to-date Curriculum Vitae or resume.

Each academic year a limited number of graduate students are hired as graduate assistants. Graduate assistantships are allocated on a competitive basis and typically pay a substantial portion of tuition expenses and provide a stipend. Students receiving an assistantship are required to perform approximately (but not than) 20 hours of related duties per week.

Or higher in all courses and achieve a cumulative point average of at least 3.0 (based on a 4.0 scale) and present a satisfactory research paper, proposal or report with scholarly citation styles admitted in the discipline.

The MA in African African Diaspora Studies is cohort based and only admits students to begin their studies in the fall semester. The MA in AADS curriculum unfolds over three terms: fall, spring, and summer C. The full curriculum comprises 30 credits. To graduate on time, students are expected to enroll in courses for 10 credits every term. Such selection must be requested by the third week of the fall semester.

Total: 30 credit hoursTerm 1 (Fall)AFA 5005 African and African Diaspora Studies Theory 3AFA 5855 Research Methods and Scholarly Writing in Africana Studies 3One Elective from the list of Humanities or Social Sciences 3AFA 6920 African and African Diaspora Studies Graduate Colloquium 1.

Term 2 (Spring) One Elective from the list of Humanities or Social Sciences 3One Elective from the list of Humanities or Social Sciences 3One Elective from the list of Humanities or Social Sciences 3AFA 6920 African and African Diaspora Studies Graduate Colloquium 1.

Term 3 (Summer C)One Elective from the list of Humanities or Social Sciences 3One Elective from the list of Humanities or Social Sciences 3One Elective-AFA 6911 Research Paper Proposal Writting in African African Diaspora Studies 3AFA 6920 African and African Diaspora Studies Graduate Colloquium 1.

ANG 6473 Diasporas, Migration, and Globalization ANG 5397 Advanced African Diaspora Cultures and Performativity ANG 5396 Representations of Africa and Africans in Films ANT 6319 The African Diaspor Anthropological Perspectives CPO 5325 Politics of the Caribbean CPO 6350 Seminar in Brazilian Politics CPO 6376 Seminar in Central American Politics CPO 6206 Seminar in African Politics CYP 6766 The Psychology of Crosscultural Sensitization in a Multicultural Context ECS 5406 Latin American Economies ECS 6436 The Economics of Caribbean Migration ECS 7435 Economics of the Caribbean INR 5087 Ethnicity and the Politics of Development INR 5255 Seminar in African Development INR 6936 Seminar in Inter-American Politics SYD 6705 Comparative Analysis of Ethnicity and Race.

Combined M.A. in African and African Diaspora Studies + Ph.D. in IR Degree Pathway

Minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.5 in any prior graduate work.

International graduate student applicants whose native language is not English are required to submit a score for the Test of English as a Foreign Language or for the International English Language Testing System A total score of 90 on the IBT TOEFL is required.

This designation will appear in the menu of programs in the graduate application, and students must indicate their intention to apply for this combined degree pathway.

The letter of application should include a statement expressing the applicant academic and professional objectives. Applicants must include writing samples and other relevant professional work that may support their applications.

The application file must be complete before the African and African Diaspora Studies International Relations Graduate Program Committees will consider the applicant for admission. The university encourage applicants to send their application material sooner.

African African Diaspora Studies Program
˅ More Details
  • GRE Required:  Yes
  • Research Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Teaching Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details

What kind of scholarships are available for Graduate Programs in African Studies?

We have 3 scholarships awarding up to $37,500 for Masters program in for African Studies, targeting diverse candidates and not restricted to state or school-based programs.

Scholarship nameAmountCredibility
Graduate Teaching Assistantships in Department of Spanish and Portuguese at IUB$22,000
Graduate Assistantships for Master of Arts in Spanish program at the UC$8,000
Mellon Emerging Faculty Leaders Award$7,500Medium

Find scholarships and financial aid for African Studies graduate programs

$500 $20000

How can I find the most affordable universities offering Masters program in African Studies?

Master's degree in African Studies is offered by 101 US universities. The tuition for the Master's degree can range from $17,480 per year at New York Theological Seminary to $56,567 at Northwestern University.

The tuition at public universities will be lower for in-state students when compared to private universities but you get more financial aid at private universities.

Affordable Master’s program in African Studies

How many universities offers on-campus masters program in African Studies?

What do you learn in an African Studies graduate program?African Studies is the study of African society through the lenses of art, history, language, literature, politics, and religion. Additionally, this program often spends a portion of time studying contemporary issues in Africa, including development, health, and the environment. Your program may also allow you the option to study the African Diaspora, therefore expanding your focus to include the societies of African descendents scattered throughout the world. A graduate in African Studies will have a deep understanding about Africa’s central role in world history, especially in relation to colonialism and globalization. This is a largely interdisciplinary degree, as it integrates many different fields into the study of a single continent. With a Master’s in African Studies, you will be prepared for a career as a public relations consultant, international trade policy officer, social policy researcher, reporter, journalist, or foreign service officer. Additionally, you have the option to obtain a PhD in African Studies to become a specialist or historian.

There are 19 schools offering graduate degrees in African Studies. Syracuse University had highest number of international students receiving a Master's degree. Syracuse University had the most women graduates in this program.

Top ranked Master's program in African Studies

Is it possible for me to find the most affordable No GRE online/on-campus African Studies Masters program at one place?

Yes, it is possible. You can use our tool Match Me with Masters Programs to find the programs of your choice. You can easily use the fileters and get the top ranked accredited universities offering Masters programs in African Studies.

Are there accredited universities that don’t have any minimum GRE score requirements for admission to Masters program in African Studies?

If you have taken GRE exam, but your test scores will be low. In this case, you can look for the universities that don't have any minimum GRE scores requirements.

GRE, GPA requirements for admission to African StudiesMasters programs in African Studies which do not require GRE

University of South FloridaRanked 127 in Best National University.

Master of Liberal Arts with a Concentration in Africana Studies

College description: The Master of Liberal Arts (Africana Studies) is an interdisciplinary program that focuses on the study of African, African American, Afro-Caribbean and other African Diasporan history, culture, and society. Students are required to complete 33 hours of graduate study, including the completion of five core courses (15 hours), four electives (12 hours), and a thesis/non-thesis option as their final project.

Official GRE scores

Write and submit a statement of purpose noting their academic experience and their interest in graduate work in Africana Studies.

Submit three letters of recommendation, signed and on letterhead.

African Studies graduate programs at University of South Florida
GRE score required at University of South Florida-Main Campus master's degree programs in African Studies
No minimum GRE for admission to Master's program in African Studies

Are there Online Masters program offered by accredited universities in African Studies?

What is the African Studies Online Masters program? African Studies online master's program focuses on the issues of social, political, economic, and cultural development from pre-colonial Africa to the present day. Majoring in African Studies will encourage the students to grow intellectually beyond the confines of traditional academic learning. From inspiring political leadership to poverty, health issues, economic development, and the challenges associated with it, the students will discover why Africa is a continent of great historical and contemporary global importance.

Best Online Masters Programs in African Studies - Updated 2023Online Master's in African Studies

Where can I find the universities that offer African Studies Masters program without any GRE/GMAT requirements?

For admission to Masters degrees, some accredited colleges have eliminated the GRE/GMAT score requirements.

New York University: Please do not send us GRE test scores.GRE for applicants Africana Studies Museum Studies: GRE general test optional.University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign: The Center does not require GRE scores.The GRE is not required for admission to the African Studies program.

101 offer Graduate programs in African Studies. Below are listed 6 universities that do not require GRE/GMAT for admission to Master's program. For viewing the all the schools that have waived off GRE/GMAT for the admission, use Match Me Masters.

No GRE schools for Master’s program in African Studies

Which are the accredited universities that offer doctoral programs offered in African Studies?

17 universities offer graduate PHD program in African Studies

Best African Studies graduate PHD programs

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