Most affordable Masters program in African Studies Springfield, Illinois

Check out our exclusive data on scholarships and financial aid offered by universities for the Master's program in African Studies. There are also 700+ scholarships available from accredited sources with the amount ranging from $1000-$22k.

Northwestern University logo
Ranked as:  #10 in Best National University
Tuition:  $56,567 per year ; Total Cost:  $113,134 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Illinois

Northwestern University Tuition Affordability Index: #5 in Illinois, #120 in US

With in-state tuition of $56,567 and out-state tuition of $56,567, gives Northwestern University university an affordability index of #5 among all universities in Illinois.

PAS hosts sponsored summer programs related to the African continent. ISITA is devoted entirely to the study of Islam in Africa. It connects a vibrant international network of scholars with shared interests in Islam and Africa.

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Program of African Studies

    University of Chicago logo
    Ranked as:  #6 in Best National University
    Tuition:  $61,548 per year ; Total Cost:  $123,096 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
    State:  Illinois

    University of Chicago Tuition Affordability Index: #6 in Illinois, #127 in US

    With in-state tuition of $61,548 and out-state tuition of $61,548, gives University of Chicago university an affordability index of #6 among all universities in Illinois.

    The University of Chicago has a long tradition of training scholars who study Africa. Many of those students earn their degrees from the Department of Anthropology, while others do so from the Departments of Comparative Human Development, History, and Political Science.

    The university do not offer a stand-alone degree in African Studies. Instead, we offer students the opportunity to anchor their study of Africa from the strengths of their chosen discipline. At the same time, the African Studies Workshop, which is a centerpiece of graduate student training at the University of Chicago, fosters rigorous conversations that cut across disciplines. Those discussions expose students to various analytical paradigms and encourage students to develop facility with different sources and methods of scholarly inquiry.

    The African Studies Workshop is organized on the principle that serious intellectual engagement is best achieved by reading and discussing papers, chapters, and articles that have not yet been published. Students who have completed their fieldwork and are writing up their research often present draft chapters of their dissertations. The workshop also gives graduate students in their first and second years an avenue to learn more about the practicalities of grantwriting and fieldwork as well as, most importantly, the larger intellectual questions that drive Africanist scholarship. This engaging and productive environment is unique among programs in African Studies, and the committment of faculty and students to the workshop distinguishes the University of Chicago’s Africanist community from most others.

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    Graduate Studies African Studies

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      What kind of scholarships are available for Graduate Programs in African Studies?

      We have 3 scholarships awarding up to $37,500 for Masters program in for African Studies, targeting diverse candidates and not restricted to state or school-based programs.

      Scholarship nameAmountCredibility
      Graduate Teaching Assistantships in Department of Spanish and Portuguese at IUB$22,000
      Graduate Assistantships for Master of Arts in Spanish program at the UC$8,000
      Mellon Emerging Faculty Leaders Award$7,500Medium

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      $500 $20000

      How can I compare the African Studies Graduate Programs?

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