Most affordable Masters program in Sculpture Boston, Massachusetts

Check out our exclusive data on scholarships and financial aid offered by universities for the Master's program in Sculpture. There are also 700+ scholarships available from accredited sources with the amount ranging from $1000-$22k.

Ranked as:  #87 in Best Regional University in North
Tuition:  $30,153 per year ; Total Cost:  $60,306 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Massachusetts

University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth Tuition Affordability Index: #2 in Massachusetts, #35 in US

With in-state tuition of $16,965 and out-state tuition of $30,153, gives University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth university an affordability index of #2 among all universities in Massachusetts.

The MFA in Sculpture is a 60-credit, 2 to 3-year program of study specifically designed to prepare students for a professional commitment to their art. The goals of the program focus on working toward the evolution of a personal voice, acquiring historical knowledge of sculpture, understanding the art of various cultures, developing critical skills in looking at art and discussing aesthetic issues.

Graduates are prepared for numerous career choices within the field of sculpture. Students who complete the program have developed a clarity of thinking and a process of personal expression that will allow them to assume the roles in society of artist as practitioner, artist as educator, and artist as interpreter of their times.

Academic courses in art history, critical theory, philosophy, and a broad complement of University offerings support the cultivation of the student intellectual and aesthetic maturation.

A limited number of assistantships are available on a competitive basis. This award is subject to the work needs of the position and department, your satisfactory performance of duties, your academic record, and availability of funds, and may be subject to change.

Submit an application via the online portal. Be sure to provide your full legal name and to capitalize the first letter of all proper nouns.

Pay non-refundable $60 application fee (American Express, Discover, MasterCard or Visa) via the online portal. For Nursing applicants, the non-refundable application fee is $75.

Statement of Purpose, minimum 300 words. Unless otherwise indicated in the program requirement details, indicate your graduate study objectives, research interests and experience, and business or industry experience if applicable.

International students: official TOEFL iBT, IELTS, Pearson PTE or Duolingo (if accepted by program) score. Unofficial scores are accepted for admissions application review, once enrolled official scores are required and must be sent by the testing agency (copies scans not accepted). Some programs require higher minimum scores (see program-specific requirements). Most programs also accept the Duolingo with a minimum score of 95. The following programs do not accept the Duolingo: Art Education, Biology Marine Biology, Nursing (MS, DNP, PhD), Psychology: Clinical, and Public Policy.

Candidates must submit the required application materials, university requirements and program-specific requirements, for consideration.

Portfolio of 20 images representing your artwork, process of thinking, implementation of concepts, and studio production. The portfolio is the equivalent of the entrance examinations which other academic areas often require. portfolio to: SlideRoom.

Discover why UMass Dartmouth is the right place to earn an advanced degree or certificate.

MyUMassD is our web portal, a central location for email, notifications, services, and COIN: Corsairs Online Information.

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Sculpture MFA Program

    Boston University logo
    Ranked as:  #41 in Best National University
    Tuition:  $57,666 per year ; Total Cost:  $115,332 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
    State:  Massachusetts

    Boston University Tuition Affordability Index: #4 in Massachusetts, #57 in US

    With in-state tuition of $57,666 and out-state tuition of $57,666, gives Boston University university an affordability index of #4 among all universities in Massachusetts.

    Creative work within the context of an ongoing and immersive critical discourse. Sculpture shares material, process, language, technology, and history with aspects of our social and physical infrastructure and can offer direct access to the complex questions and problems embedded within both. Using this sense of immediate connection to the world as a point of departure, graduate sculpture at BU offers a challenging yet supportive environment for artists who actively envision new potentials for the future of art itself.

    The hallmarks of our program are intimacy and intensity. With a primary emphasis on studio practice, students work across the broadest possible range of fabrication techniques and material production, as well as exploring cross-disciplinary and genre-defying creative possibilities.

    The MFA program in Sculpture remains committed to providing a platform for the incorporation of highly distinctive voices from social, economic, cultural, and geographic positions consistently underrepresented within the field of contemporary art. individual perspectives. Students are encouraged to deepen their relationship to their specific areas of interest and to broaden their creative horizons by engaging with the extensive academic, technical, and human resources available within the University community at large.

    All students graduating with a Master of Fine Arts degree in Sculpture from the Boston University School of Visual Arts are expected to exhibit:.

    The MFA in Sculpture is a 60-credit program that requires an average of four semesters to complete. Students may only enter in September.

    The College of Fine Arts Policies for Graduate Students apply to this program.

    Fundamental to the curriculum of graduate studies in sculpture is a well-rounded studio practice with extensive exposure to a plurality of contemporary perspectives. The program balances individual creative production with a wide range of curricular activities such as: reading and research topical seminar courses critical analysis and interpretation of student work collaborative projects and travel to galleries, museums, and cultural events within the Boston area and beyond. At the end of the fourth semester, graduating students mount a public thesis exhibition in a professional gallery, where the work is reviewed by a thesis panel.

    Graduate Sculpture CFA AR 821, 822, 823, 824 (9 cr each).

    Graduate Seminar Discussion CFA AR 843, 844, 845, 846 (3 cr each).

    Note that this information may change at any time. Read the full terms of use.

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    University of Virginia School of Engineering and Applied Science

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      What kind of scholarships are available for Graduate Programs in Sculpture?

      We have 13 scholarships awarding up to $80,853 for Masters program in for Sculpture, targeting diverse candidates and not restricted to state or school-based programs.

      Scholarship nameAmountCredibility
      Music Assistantships in the Department of Music at University of Mississippi $5,750
      Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago Academic Scholarship$4,000Medium
      The Anne van Biema Fellowship$2,500Medium
      Madison Chautauqua Scholarship for the Arts in Memory of Bob Fourhman$1,100Medium
      Support Creativity Scholarship$1,000High

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      $500 $20000

      How can I compare the Sculpture Graduate Programs?

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