Doctoral Programs in Biomedical Sciences offered by Top Universities that don't require GRE

21 universities don’t require GRE for PHD/Doctoral programs in Biomedical Sciences.

Yale University logo
Ranked as:  #3 in Best National University
Tuition:  $44,500 per year
Total Cost:  $89,000 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Connecticut
Acceptance:  6.53%
Predoctoral Program in Cellular, Molecular, and Quantitative Biology. Yale Society for Advancement of Chicanos Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (YSACNAS). The BBS Program, the Yale Graduate School, and the university as a whole strongly encourage students to investigate careers both within and beyond academia. Of the 1,350 students who have graduated since 2001, career data are available for 97% of these graduates.
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Career Outcomes Biological Biomedical Sciences

  • GRE Required:  Yes
  • Research Assistantships:  1565
  • Teaching Assistantships:  1598
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details
Harvard University logo
Ranked as:  #3 in Best National University
Tuition:  $50,654 per year
Total Cost:  $101,308 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Massachusetts
Acceptance:  5.01%
Master of Science in Healthcare Quality and Safety. The Master of Medical Sciences in Clinical Investigation program is designed for the next generation of independent investigators. Medical professionals applying should hold an MD, PhD, MBBS, MBBCh, or comparable degree and be currently working in clinical or translational research. Candidates from all over the world apply to this highly selective program in fact, 80% of our students are from outside the U.S., enriching our program with their varied perspectives and experiences.
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Master of Medical Sciences in Clinical Investigation

  • GRE Required:  Yes
  • Research Assistantships:  864
  • Teaching Assistantships:  1388
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details
Johns Hopkins University logo
Ranked as:  #7 in Best National University
Tuition:  $59,425 per year
Total Cost:  $118,850 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Maryland
Acceptance:  11.06%
Master of Science in Health Sciences Informatics Research Program. Master of Science in Applied Health Sciences Informatics Campus Program. Master of Science in Applied Health Sciences Informatics Online Program.
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Biomedical Informatics and Data Science

  • GRE Required:  Yes
  • Research Assistantships:  2378
  • Teaching Assistantships:  304
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details
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University of Pennsylvania logo
Ranked as:  #7 in Best National University
Tuition:  $41,760 per year
Total Cost:  $83,520 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Pennsylvania
Acceptance:  8.98%
Online: Responsible Conduct of Research BGS 1st Year (via KnowledgeLink). Lecture and discussion during Case Studies and Translational Research (CSTR) seminar (Fall). Online: Responsible Conduct of Research BGS 2nd Year (via KnowledgeLink). Online: Responsible Conduct of Research BGS 3rd Year (via Knowledgelink).
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Biomedical Graduate Studies Responsible Conduct of Research and Scientific Rigor and Reproducibility - MD

  • GRE Required:  Register to view the details
  • Research Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Teaching Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details
Northwestern University logo
Ranked as:  #10 in Best National University
Tuition:  $56,567 per year
Total Cost:  $113,134 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Illinois
Acceptance:  9.31%
And Lucienne Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences is a comprehensive, interdisciplinary PhD program that trains students in biomedical sciences while giving them the flexibility to pursue a variety of research interests and dual degrees.
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Driskill Graduate Program in Life Sciences - Feinberg School of Medicine

  • GRE Required:  Register to view the details
  • Research Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Teaching Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details
Dartmouth College logo
Ranked as:  #12 in Best National University
Tuition:  $58,120 per year
Total Cost:  $116,240 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  New Hampshire
Acceptance:  9.22%
Students entering the PhD program are expected to have coursework in calculus, statistics, and programming, or to have demonstrated their experience in these areas. The QBS PhD degree includes eight core course requirements, expected to be completed in the first two years, and 3.5 units of electives. PhD students take core courses in Computer Science, Biostatistics, Bioinformatics, and Epidemiology, and study topics through journal clubs.
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PhD in Quantitative Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program in Quantitative Biomedical Sciences

  • GRE Required:  Register to view the details
  • Research Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Teaching Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details
Ranked as:  #15 in Best National University
Tuition:  $56,562 per year
Total Cost:  $113,124 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Missouri
Acceptance:  16.02%
To earn a PhD at Washington University, a student must complete all courses required by their department maintain satisfactory academic progress pass certain examinations fulfill residence and Mentored Experience Requirements write, defend, and submit a dissertation and file an Intent to Graduate.
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Biomedical Informatics Data Science, PhD Washington University in St.Louis

  • GRE Required:  Register to view the details
  • Research Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Teaching Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details
Cornell University logo
Ranked as:  #17 in Best National University
Tuition:  $30,042 per year
Total Cost:  $60,084 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  New York
Acceptance:  10.71%
The image captures a group of graduates, standing against a vibrant red curtain backdrop. A young man, wearing a red helmet and a safety harness, is ascending a metal ladder in a ropes course set high amongst the trees. An academic presentation. Two individuals, a young woman and a young man, are the focal point.
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BBS PhD Program

  • GRE Required:  Register to view the details
  • Research Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Teaching Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details
University of Notre Dame logo
Ranked as:  #18 in Best National University
Tuition:  $57,522 per year
Total Cost:  $115,044 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Indiana
Acceptance:  18.99%
The Integrated Biomedical Sciences program offers cross-departmental research and training in biomedical sciences. Students may elect to study in one of eight different clusters, including Biophysics Structural Biology, Genomics Proteomics, Cancer Biology, Immunology Infectious Diseases, Chemical Biology Molecular Pharmacology, Computational Biology Bioinformatics, Cellular Molecular Biology, and Neuroscience. Official transcripts from each post-secondary institution one must show conferral of a bachelor degree.
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Integrated Biomedical Sciences - The Graduate School

  • GRE Required:  Register to view the details
  • Research Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Teaching Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details
Columbia University in the City of New York logo
Ranked as:  #18 in Best National University
Tuition:  $51,194 per year
Total Cost:  $102,388 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  New York
Acceptance:  6.66%
The Coordinated Doctoral Programs in Biomedical Sciences are part of the medical school and the Columbia University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. We also provide a supportive environment which goes beyond academics. Integrated Program in Cellular, Molecular, and Biomedical Studies.
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PhDs in Biomedical Sciences

  • GRE Required:  Register to view the details
  • Research Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Teaching Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details

What kind of scholarships are available for Graduate Programs in Biomedical Sciences?

We have 155 scholarships awarding up to $1,270,915 for Masters program in for Biomedical Sciences, targeting diverse candidates and not restricted to state or school-based programs.

Scholarship nameAmountCredibility
George and Lavinia Blick Research Fund$25,000High
STEM Teacher Graduate Scholarships$2,500High
PCI Women in STEM Scholarship$2,000High
ABC Humane Wildlife Women In STEM Academic Scholarship$1,000High
GMiS STEM Scholarships$500High

Find scholarships and financial aid for Biomedical Sciences graduate programs

$500 $20000

How can I compare the Biomedical Sciences Graduate Programs?

Compare the GRE score requirements, admission details, credit requirements and tuition for the Master's Program, from 389 universities offering No GRE PHD/Doctoral Programs in Biomedical Sciences. Compare No GRE PHD/Doctoral Programs in Biomedical Sciences

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