Top Masters Programs in Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering

What is Biomedical Engineering Master's program?

A graduate-level academic program called a "Master of Biomedical Engineering" focuses on using engineering concepts and methods to address issues in biology and medicine. It is the application of the principles and problem-solving techniques of engineering to biology and medicine. This is evident throughout healthcare, from diagnosis and analysis to treatment and recovery, and has entered the public conscience through the proliferation of implantable medical devices, such as pacemakers and artificial hips, to more futuristic technologies such as stem cell engineering and the 3-D printing of biological organs.

Graduate degree in Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering is offered by 28 American universities. This is a STEM-designated Graduate program that offers students a unique approach to teaching and learning. University of California-San Diego is having the highest number of enrollment for Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering graduate program.

Princeton University logo
Ranked as:  #1 in Best National University
Tuition:  $56,470 per year
Total Cost:  $112,940 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  New Jersey
Acceptance:  5.63%

The Graduate Certificate in Bioengineering is designed to formalize the training of students specializing in the engineering analysis of living systems. Taken together, these classes provide a coherent educational framework that can take the place of a missing graduate program in bioengineering. The graduate certificate program in bioengineering is intended to recognize the efforts and accomplishments of Ph.D. students in engineering and the natural sciences who have gone beyond the requirements of their own degree programs to acquire training in bioengineering.

Please note, students cannot be admitted to Princeton University through the Bioengineering Interdepartmental Graduate Certificate Program since it is not a stand-alone degree program.

The certificate is based on core graduate courses, a research seminar, and graduate research.

The core curriculum provides rigorous training in the engineering analysis of biological molecules and networks, cells, tissues, organs, and organisms. Students are required to take for credit and pass one course in each of the thematic areas ( molecules cells tissues and organs ) for a total of three courses. This requirement is designed to guarantee that all students, regardless of their thesis area, have a solid foundation in the engineering analysis of living systems at multiple scales.

Cells: CBE 5 : Introduction to the Mechanics and Dynamics of Soft Living Matter PHY 412: Biological Physics MAE 545: Lessons from Biology for Engineering Tiny Devices.

The main requirements are quantitative experiments, rigorous data analysis, and or mathematical and computational modeling of biological processes. The research topic should be approved by the program director Professor Celeste Nelson in Chemical and Biological Engineering.

Students are required to attend the biweekly BioEngineering Colloquium, which serves as a venue for reporting current results and discussing the integration of different research approaches to the analysis and design of living systems. Students will be required to give a research presentation at this colloquium before completing their FPO.

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Graduate Certificate in Bioengineering

  • GRE Required:  Yes
  • Research Assistantships:  733
  • Teaching Assistantships:  655
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details
Massachusetts Institute of Technology logo
Ranked as:  #2 in Best National University
Tuition:  $56,719 per year
Total Cost:  $113,438 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Massachusetts
Acceptance:  7.26%

The BioMedical Sciences and Engineering Area within EECS is composed of EECS faculty and students who work at the cutting edge of engineering and/or medicine. The collective goal is to understand complex biological systems and/or engineer systems that solve important biological problems. They welcome inquiries from graduate students who wish to work at this interface.

In general, Area VII draws graduate students from a broad range of backgrounds, and with a wide variety of objectives for graduate study. It is the culture of MIT to encourage students to take the initiative to tailor their graduate program accordingly.

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BioMedical Sciences and Engineering

  • GRE Required:  Yes
  • Research Assistantships:  2473
  • Teaching Assistantships:  711
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details
Harvard University logo
Ranked as:  #3 in Best National University
Tuition:  $50,654 per year
Total Cost:  $101,308 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Massachusetts
Acceptance:  5.01%

The lack of departmental boundaries makes bioengineering at the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences highly interdisciplinary. Students are free to collaborate and interact closely with other labs, centers and schools across the Harvard engineering and medical campuses.

The mission is to identify and attract the most promising students to form a dynamic and diverse community, and to shape them into visionary scholars, innovative educators, and creative leaders. Within the bioengineering program we focus on bioinspired robotics and computing; biomechanics and motor control; cell and tissue engineering, biomaterials and therapeutics. Graduate education is focused on individualized programs tailored to the interests, needs, and background of the student. Students are integral to the interdisciplinary and integrated approach to design, discovery and innovation. As such, students from diverse technical backgrounds are encouraged and welcomed to join us.

Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences offers a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) degree in Engineering Sciences: Bioengineering, conferred through the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.

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Bioengineering PhD - Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

  • GRE Required:  No
  • Research Assistantships:  864
  • Teaching Assistantships:  1388
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details
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251 universities offer the Master's program in Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering.

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Yale University logo
Ranked as:  #3 in Best National University
Tuition:  $44,500 per year
Total Cost:  $89,000 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Connecticut
Acceptance:  6.53%

The Master degree program typically requires one year. A total of eight graduate courses are required, two of which can be lab rotations (called “Special Investigations”). In addition, there is one required short ethics course, but no other specific requirements. In general, the portfolio of courses should be consistent with a Master’s degree in BME. Graduate School requirement for students admitted for the M.S. degree is an overall grade average of High Pass, including a grade of Honors in at least one full-term graduate course.

There is no thesis option for the BME Master’s program and the Master’s program is a terminal one-year program. However, international students are generally eligible for an extension of up to one year (two terms) as a “Special Student”, after completion of the Master’s degree. In this case, students are charged full tuition.

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Biomedical Engineering (e BME) Master’s program

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Stanford University logo
Ranked as:  #3 in Best National University
Tuition:  $55,011 per year
Total Cost:  $110,022 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  California
Acceptance:  5.19%

The Coterminal Master's Program in Bioengineering option is available to Stanford undergraduates who wish to work simultaneously toward a B.S. one major as well as an M.S. in Bioengineering. The degrees may be granted simultaneously or at the conclusion of different quarters, though the bachelor’s degree cannot be awarded after the master’s degree has been granted.

The University minimum requirements for the coterminal program are 180 units for the bachelor’s degree plus 45 unduplicated units for the master’s degree.

In order to apply for the coterminal master's program students must have completed six, non-summer quarters at Stanford (two non-summer quarters for transfer students), have completed 120 undergraduate units, and must have declared the undergraduate major. They must be accepted into our program one quarter before receiving the B.S. degree.

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University of Pennsylvania logo
Ranked as:  #7 in Best National University
Tuition:  $41,760 per year
Total Cost:  $83,520 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Pennsylvania
Acceptance:  8.98%

The Bioengineering master’s program provides an interdisciplinary education in scientific and engineering fundamentals, with an emphasis on new developments in Bioengineering. The primary goal of this program is to provide students with a customized curriculum designed to prepare them to function creatively and independently in industry, research and development, government or academia.

The program provides rigorous and advanced training in engineering with a focus on biological and medical sciences. The flexible curriculum allows students to select their own graduate coursework in math, biomedical sciences, bioengineering, and other science and engineering disciplines. Students may register for courses from any School in the University our students typically take courses in the Schools of Engineering, Arts and Sciences, and Medicine.

An degree (BSE) in an engineering subject .

An degree from an accredited institution with a physical science, natural science or math major.

Students have access to resources available through Bioengineering’s thirteen research laboratories as well as affiliated laboratories on campus and in the Penn hospitals. Research areas include: Bioengineered Therapeutics, Devices and Drug Delivery Biomaterials Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Cell and Tissue Mechanics Cell Mechanics Cellular and Molecular Imaging Cellular Engineering Imaging Theory and Analysis Injury Biomechanics Interfaces Program in Biomedical Imaging and Informational Medical Imaging and Imaging Instrumentation Molecular Engineering Neuroengineering thopaedic Bioengineering Systems and Synthetic Bioengineering Theoretical and Computational Bioengineering and Tissue Engineering.

Sam DeLucci Voices of Penn Engineering Master’s Alumni.

This is part of our series of articles written by Penn Engineering alums their experiences at Penn and how it shaped their lives. This article is by Sam DeLuccia, who graduated with a master’s in Bioengineering in 2017.

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California Institute of Technology logo
Ranked as:  #9 in Best National University
Tuition:  $56,649 per year
Total Cost:  $113,298 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  California
Acceptance:  6.69%

Bioengineering research at Caltech focuses on the application of engineering principles to the analysis, manipulation, design, and construction of biological systems, and on the discovery and application of new engineering principles inspired by the properties of biological systems. Areas of research emphasis include: bioimaging, bioinspired design, biomechanics, biomedical devices, cell and tissue engineering, molecular medicine, molecular programming, synthetic biology, and systems biology.

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Northwestern University logo
Ranked as:  #10 in Best National University
Tuition:  $56,567 per year
Total Cost:  $113,134 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Illinois
Acceptance:  9.31%

PhD students become leaders within the biomedical engineering community after graduation.

The PhD program emphasizes advanced coursework, hands-on teaching experience, and world class research at the forefront of the broad disciplines of biomedical engineering. Students are trained to become leaders in research and development in industrial and university settings.

Students in the biomedical engineering doctoral program study equal portions of engineering, life sciences, and mathematics.

Request a customized program guide the phd program in biomedical engineering.

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Biomedical Engineering (PhD)

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Duke University logo
Ranked as:  #10 in Best National University
Tuition:  $59,140 per year
Total Cost:  $118,280 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  North Carolina
Acceptance:  7.74%

PhD and Masters Admissions and Enrollment Statistics.

Statistics Biomedical Engineering: PhD Admissions and Enrollment Statistics PhD and Masters Admissions and Enrollment Statistics PhD Admissions and Enrollment Statistics PhD Completion Rates PhD Time to Degree Statistics PhD Career Outcomes Statistics Master Admissions and Enrollment Statistics Master Career Outcomes Statistics Statistics for Coalition for Next Generation Life Science.

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PhD Admissions and Enrollment Statistics - Biomedical Engineering

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Dartmouth College logo
Ranked as:  #12 in Best National University
Tuition:  $58,120 per year
Total Cost:  $116,240 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  New Hampshire
Acceptance:  9.22%

Biomedical engineering is the broad area of study in which engineers use an interdisciplinary approach to solve problems in the medical field, often associated with the interaction between living and non-living systems. The program is intended for engineers who want to add depth to their knowledge or acquire new specialized knowledge in biomedical engineering. The breadth of solution methodologies requires biomedical engineers to take a quantitative approach to system analysis in “traditional” engineering fields, while simultaneously employing a fundamental understanding of the relevant life sciences. Biomedical engineers should be prepared to design, build, test, and/or analyze biological systems, diagnostics, devices, and treatment modalities.

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MEng: Biomedical Engineering

  • GRE Required:  Register to view the details
  • Research Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Teaching Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details

What kind of scholarships are available for Graduate Programs in Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering?

We have 155 scholarships awarding up to $1,270,915 for Masters program in for Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering, targeting diverse candidates and not restricted to state or school-based programs.

Scholarship nameAmountCredibility
ASNT Fellowship Award$20,000High
Ada I. Pressman Memorial Scholarship$5,000High
GeneTex Scholarship Program$2,000High
ABC Humane Wildlife Women In STEM Academic Scholarship$1,000High
GMiS STEM Scholarships$500High

Find scholarships and financial aid for Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering graduate programs

$500 $20000

Are there any one year masters programs in Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering?

A full-time Master’s program is usually a 2-year program, but there are accredited and Nationally ranked universities that offer 1-year and 18-month Master’s programs. An 18-month program can be completed in one year because if you are able to complete the credit requirements, you can get the degree in 1 year.

12 Universities offer On-campus Masters's Program within One Year - 18 months. The tuition for a Master's can range from $21,962 to $56,567.

On-campus Masters 1 year - 18 months in Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering

Are there universities offering online Master's in Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering?

Best Online Masters Programs in Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering - Updated 2023 Online Master's in Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering

Are there colleges for the Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering Masters program that do not require GRE/GMAT?

Quite a few accredited universities have waived off the GRE score requirements for admissions to Masters programs. 244 offer Graduate programs in Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering. Below are listed 10 universities that do not require GRE/GMAT for admission to Master's program. For viewing the all the schools that have waived off GRE/GMAT for the admission, use Match Me Masters.

No GRE schools for Masters in Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering

Which are the accredited universities that offer phd/doctoral programs offered in Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering?

88 universities offer graduate PHD program in Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering

Best Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering graduate PHD programs

What is the GRE score required for admission to Master's degree in Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering?

Gre score requirements differ from school to school. Most colleges do not publish the cutoff scores. For example 244 universities offer Master's programs in Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering.

University of California-San Diego: The GRE is no longer required for admission

The University of Texas at Austin: We do not use cut-off scores to eliminate applicants from the pool, and we do not require minimum GRE scores to apply.

Gre score requirements for Master's program in Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering

How much does it cost to get a Master's in Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering and how to find the most affordable Masters program?

Master's degree in Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering is offered by 244 US universities. The tuition for the Master's degree can range from $15,618 per year at University of North Texas to $60,363 at Brown University.

The tuition at public universities will be lower for in-state students when compared to private universities but you get more financial aid at private universities.

Most affordable Master's program in Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering

Is it worth getting a master's degree in Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering?

Before you invest 2-3 years of your life and anywhere between $40,000 - $110,00 of your hard earned money, students do ask as to what is the return on investment on the Master's degree. Here are some of the statistics from

What are the differences between Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering Master’s degrees?

Biomedical Engineering is a broader field that encompasses the creation of engineering solutions to biological and medical problems. Biomedical engineering brings together engineering's design and problem-solving skills with medical and biological sciences to improve patient care. Biomedical equipment and instrumentation, biomechanics and biotransport, biomedical optics, neural engineering, and other areas of the subjects are discussed.

Bioengineering, on the other hand, is the application of engineering concepts to live organisms, such as the creation of artificial organs, chemicals, medications, and tissues. Bioengineering is a branch of Biomedical Engineering that focuses on scientific questions, primarily biological ones, rather than translational ones. Bioengineering topics include kinetics, microfludics, physiological modeling, and cell targeting.

What are the benefits of getting a Masters degree in Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering?

The field of Biomedical Engineering offers a wide range of professional opportunities. There is no single road career because it is an interdisciplinary profession where mastering one of the numerous fields might be challenging. As a result, biomedical engineering has one of the highest starting salaries of any field. Aside from being a large topic of study, it also necessitates a combination of healthcare and engineering skills. Obtaining a master's degree in biomedical engineering can lead to a variety of job opportunities.

Masters’ program in Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering: Are they hybrid or in-person?

Due to Covid 19, most universities have suspended the classes but they are running the classes online. As soon as the university reopens, you can attend the class in person.

Is it possible to get an Online Master's degree in Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering from an Accredited University?

Yes, you can earn a master's degree online from a recognized university. For people who are unable to obtain a degree on campus, numerous universities in the United States offer online master's degrees in Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering.

At CollegeHippo, you can easily find Accredited Online Masters degrees in Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering.

Are there Universities that offer Online Master Program for 1 year in in Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering?

Students who want to earn their master's degree online within less period can go to the universities that offer online master degrees in Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering within a year or 18 months.

CollegeHippo is helping you with this by listing the accredited Universities offering Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering Online Masters Program within a One Year - 18 months.

How to pursue a career in Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering?

Individuals interested in pursuing a career as a biomedical engineer should have a strong background in science subjects such as chemistry, biology, and physics. If you're still in high school, focusing on gaining advanced knowledge in scientific courses is a wonderful place to start. If you're pursuing a bachelor's degree, though, you might consider a biomedical engineering undergraduate degree. With this degree, you'll be well on your way to a career in biomedical engineering.

A master's degree in biomedical engineering would be required to expand your understanding. You'll be able to take classes in drafting or mechanical drawing, computer programming, biomaterials, and a variety of other biological sciences and engineering courses as part of your graduate degree. Biomedical engineering graduate programs often incorporate both laboratory and classroom coursework.

Career Outlook

Employment of architectural and engineering managers is projected to grow 4 percent from 2020 to 2030, slower than the average for all occupations. Despite limited employment growth, about 14,700 openings for architectural and engineering managers are projected each year, on average, over the decade. Most of those openings are expected to result from the need to replace workers who transfer to different occupations or exit the labor force, such as to retire.

The median annual wage for architectural and engineering managers was $149,530 in May 2020. Number of Jobs in 2020 was 197,800.

Career Opportunities with master's degree in Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering

Job Title 2020 median Pay Number of Jobs Job Outlook What they do
Bioengineers and Biomedical Engineers $92,620 19,300 Employment of bioengineers and biomedical engineers is projected to grow 6 percent from 2020 to 2030, about as fast as the average for all occupations. About 1,400 openings for bioengineers and biomedical engineers are projected each year, on average, over the decade. Many of those openings are expected to result from the need to replace workers who transfer to different occupations or exit the labor force, such as to retire. Bioengineers and biomedical engineers combine engineering principles with sciences to design and create equipment, devices, computer systems, and software.

How can I compare the Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering Graduate Programs?

Compare the GRE score requirements, admission details, credit requirements and tuition for the Master's Program, from 251 universities offering Graduate School Programs in Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering. Compare Graduate School Programs in Bioengineering and Biomedical Engineering

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1 year ago
The Bioengineering Masters program seamlessly integrates seminars and research ethics into its curriculum to offer students a well-rounded educational experience. Seminars provide exposure to industry experts, cutting-edge research, and interdisciplinary topics, fostering critical thinking. Simultaneously, the program emphasizes research ethics, ensuring students grasp responsible conduct, data integrity, and the societal implications of their work. This approach aims to cultivate technical proficiency alongside a strong ethical foundation, preparing students to navigate the complexities of bioengineering with a comprehensive perspective.
1 year ago
How does the Bioengineering program integrate seminars and research ethics into its curriculum?