Top Masters Programs in Early Childhood Education and Teaching

There are 34 schools offering graduate degrees in Early Childhood Education and Teaching.

Job outlook for Early Childhood Education and Teaching

Early Childhood Education and Teaching is projected to grow 10 percent from 2016 to 2026, faster than average for all occupations Median pay for Early Childhood Education and Teaching in 2018 was 28790$. The number of jobs were 385550.

Jobs, Salaries and Career after Masters in Curriculum and Instruction

Harvard University logo
Ranked as:  #3 in Best National University
Tuition:  $50,654 per year
Total Cost:  $101,308 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Massachusetts
Acceptance:  5.01%

Doctor of Philosophy in Education (Ph.D.) Program Policies.

Part 4: Academic Integrity and Standards of Conduct.

Personalize your HGSE Ed.M. program by choosing a concentration in Early Childhood.

You and your fellow cohort members can select a core course from topics that include a range of child development domains (language and literacy, social-emotional learning, etc.), early childhood policy (in domestic and global contexts), and educator development and support. In addition, you will participate in a seminar where you can interact with experienced professionals and develop opportunities to build your network for important long-term professional action.

Through interactions with peers from diverse backgrounds, networking opportunities, and activities drawn from throughout the university, you will build a robust and vibrant community of next-generation scholars and practitioners, dedicated to transforming the field of education.

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Harvard Graduate School of Education - Early Childhood

  • GRE Required:  Yes
  • Research Assistantships:  864
  • Teaching Assistantships:  1388
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor logo
Ranked as:  #25 in Best National University
Tuition:  $49,548 per year
Total Cost:  $99,096 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Michigan
Acceptance:  26.11%

The Master of Arts in Early Childhood Education prepares students to teach the future of our region, state and country.

The Master of Arts in Early Childhood Education includes three program options for teachers, administrators, other service providers and educators who wish to learn serve young children and their families. One of these options are for those who are already certified teachers. The second option is for those who are either certified teachers or have relevant preschool teaching experience. The third option is for certified teachers or non-certified professionals who are interested in early childhood leadership and administration. Courses are offered with the working professional in mind. Most courses required for the master degree are offered during evening and summer hours and include several online courses.

The Early Childhood Education (MA) currently admits on a rolling basis through Summer 2023 and Fall 2023 admit terms. Effective calendar year 2024, this program will move to a hard-deadline cohort model of admissions review that only admits for the Fall Term where all files are reviewed at once.

Graduates of the Master of Arts in Early Childhood Education program will gain:.

Knowledge of established research and best practices in early childhood early childhood special education.

The GRE is not required for admission to this program.

Valid state of Michigan teaching certificate if seeking the Early Childhood endorsement.

Before exiting from the M.A. in Early Childhood Education, you need to complete two steps:.

The Exit Survey is a requirement for completion of the program. Submit the exit survey.

The Early Childhood Education degree is a 30-credit hour program of study. It provides students with a selection of three areas of concentration.

The Master of Arts in Early Childhood Education for Early Childhood Administration and Leadership program is designed for non-certified professionals who are interested in early childhood leadership and administration. In the Early Childhood field, there is a growing need for administrators and leaders in early childhood.

The Master of Arts in Early Childhood Education with Early Childhood Special Education Inclusion is a non-endorsement program for teachers holding an Early Childhood (ZA ZS) endorsement or having relevant preschool teaching experience. The unique internship opportunities offered in partnership with the Early Childhood Education Center and Beaumont Center for Exceptional Families focus on inclusive early childhood theories and practices. The program provides significant knowledge and skills for teaching children with disabilities using a transdisciplinary inclusive approach.

The following schedule of courses is based on past offerings of the listed classes.

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M.A. in Early Childhood Education

  • GRE Required:  No
  • Research Assistantships:  1965
  • Teaching Assistantships:  2146
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details
New York University logo
Ranked as:  #25 in Best National University
Tuition:  $36,892 per year
Total Cost:  $73,784 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  New York
Acceptance:  21.09%

Build on your existing pedagogical knowledge and prepare to teach young children in special education settings.

Your course work will expand your pedagogical training and help you develop strategies for teaching young children with diverse of needs and abilities, working collaboratively with families, other professionals, and community organizations.

Core content and pedagogical knowledge essential to educating young children.

Immersion in Early Childhood and Special Education Settings.

You will participate in student teaching in a variety of early childhood general and special education settings, from preschools to early childhood centers and Head Start programs.

Each course in the program of study is tied to either fieldwork or student teaching, generating rich and authentic reflections upon theory and practice.

Lead or team teacher in public or private childcare centers, preschools, early childhood centers, and elementary schools.

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MA, Early Childhood Special Education, Birth–Grade 2, Professional Certification

  • GRE Required:  Yes
  • Research Assistantships:  445
  • Teaching Assistantships:  15
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details
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651 universities offer the Master's program in Early Childhood Education and Teaching.

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University of Florida logo
Ranked as:  #29 in Best National University
Tuition:  $30,130 per year
Total Cost:  $60,260 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Florida
Acceptance:  31.13%

Anita Zucker Center for Excellence in Early Childhood Studies.

School of Human Development Organizational Studies in Education.

School of Special Education, School Psychology Early Childhood Studies.

Master of Arts with an Early Childhood Emphasis.

The Master of Arts in Education (MAE) program with an emphasis in early childhood is designed for applicants who have an interest in working on issues of practice or policy as they relate to early childhood. The MAE is offered in three tracks: an on-campus track focused on early childhood and two asynchronous online tracks. The program does not lead to teacher certification and is not an initial teacher preparation program.

The early childhood studies track includes coursework focused on the practice of early childhood education, intervention, and service provision. An applicant who chooses this program track may plan to pursue a future doctorate, may intend to engage in coaching with teachers or parents, or may endeavor to become a better teacher or administrator. This program has a focus on birth through kindergarten.

Special Topics (or Child Development Course).

Early Childhood Seminar for MAE Doctoral Students.

Families Diversity in Early Childhood Studies.

Policy Advocacy in Early Childhood Studies.

Early Childhood Assessment Evaluation.

History, Child Development, Equity in Early Childhood Policy.

Examining Practices, Policies, and Key Issues in Early Childhood Policy.

Early Childhood Policy and Advocacy.

Theory Analysis in Early Childhood Policy.

Internship and Seminar in Early Childhood Policy.

The early childhood practitioner leader track includes coursework focused on the practice of early childhood care and education related to early learning and development. This track is focused on birth through age eight. An applicant who chooses this program track is a current practitioner or has plans to become a practitioner with focused leadership intentions related to curriculum, instruction, and early childhood practices.

Early Childhood Background and Concepts (Fall A) (3 credit hours).

Early Childhood Curriculum (Fall B) (3 credit hours).

Families as a Context in Early Childhood Studies (3 credit hours).

Theory Analysis in Early Childhood Policy (3 credit hours).

The thesis option includes 30 credit hours of coursework plus 6 credit hours of thesis credit. The program does not lead to teacher certification.

The program does not lead to teacher certification.

Admission to the MAE in Early Childhood (EC) is for FALL SEMESTER ONLY. Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit all required application materials to the Graduate School by our priority deadline of December 15. materials in January. To receive full consideration, all application materials must be submitted by our final deadline of February 15.

Application for admission into the Graduate School.

Application fee (can be paid online via the application system or by check or money order).

At least two letters must be from academic and or work related recommenders.

Pursuant to Florida Statute, your application requires inclusion of all post-high school education and employment, as well as information ongoing international affiliations and research funding. Please ensure this information is included on your curriculum vitae (CV) or résumé.

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Traditional Early Childhood Master’s Degree Early Childhood

  • GRE Required:  Register to view the details
  • Research Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Teaching Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill logo
Ranked as:  #29 in Best National University
Tuition:  $30,248 per year
Total Cost:  $60,496 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  North Carolina
Acceptance:  25%

Applying to these Early Childhood Special Education Programs.

There are two off-campus delivery options available for these programs:.

Courses are delivered in a hybrid method. You will spend less time in live class sessions than traditional courses because some of the coursework is completed online. The courses are each 8-weeks long with four Saturday sessions. Face-to-face sessions are held at our Denver Center.

Our goal is to make it easy for you to start this continuous enrollment program.

Because this program features some coursework that begins in the middle of the traditional semesters, there are multiple options for starting the program.

The Online delivery of this program gives you the freedom to plan your coursework around your schedule.

You will complete the UNC Graduate School application and then submit additional materials. Please review the Eligibility section of the Program Summary page prior to application.

U.S. applicants (outside of Colorado) for online programs: please be sure to check your eligibility by state of residence.

UNC Graduate School. You will start a UNC Graduate School Application. The following bullets will support you as you complete the application and material submission process.

On the application, you will choose one of the following programs:.

Special Education M.A. Early Childhood Special Education Concentration (Extended Campus).

Licensure: Early Childhood Special Education Endorsement (Ages 0-8 yrs) (Extended Campus).

All applicants will need to request one official transcript from each regionally accredited college or university where a bachelor degree or higher was earned (or is in progress). Some applicants may need to provide additional transcripts. Directions for having your official transcript(s) sent to UNC are listed in the Application Portal.

Statement of educational philosophy and goals. Your teaching philosophy and why you want the degree is sufficient usually 1 or 2 typed pages.

Proof of valid teaching license, if you have one.

GRE scores are NOT required for this program.

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Special Education

  • GRE Required:  Register to view the details
  • Research Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Teaching Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details
Boston College logo
Ranked as:  #36 in Best National University
Tuition:  $31,930 per year
Total Cost:  $63,860 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Massachusetts
Acceptance:  26.38%

Master of Education (M.Ed.) in Early Childhood Education.

The program stresses a humanistic approach to teaching that is both developmentally appropriate and intellectually challenging. It prepares the teacher to work with a diverse range of children by providing the teacher with knowledge instructional practices, along with perspectives on children, schools, and society.

The program reflects close linkages between current research and best practices in teaching and learning through partnerships with the Boston College Children Center (NAEYC accredited) and Saint Columbkille Partnership school.

15 courses and practicum, for a total of 37 credits.

This course focuses on the education of students with disabilities and other learners from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. The goal of the course is to promote access to the general curriculum for all students through participation in standards-based reform. Universal Design for Learning (UDL) provides the theoretical framework for this course. Through an examination of historical milestones, landmark legislation, systems for classification, approaches to intervention, and the daily life experiences of diverse learners, students acquire knowledge diversity and the resources, services, and supports available for creating a just society through education.

Mathematics and Technology: Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum in the Elementary School.

This course presents methods and materials useful in teaching mathematics to early childhood and elementary school children and the different ways in which technology can be used in the elementary school classroom. The course will consider the teaching of mathematics and the use of technology from both theoretical and practical perspectives.

Offers teacher candidates skills for teaching reading to school age children. Students will gain understanding of reading through a historical, political, theoretical, and practical lens. They will understand the delivery of instruction by learning a balanced approach to teaching reading. They will gain familiarity of how children learn to read by partaking in observations, assessments, and instruction with a school age child. They will recognize reading difficulties and learn ways to differentiate instruction for such readers.

Examines the development of written and spoken language and methods of instruction for oral and written language from the preschool years through early adolescence. Students learn strategies for identifying children areas of strength and weakness and to plan instruction. Addresses the needs of children from non-English speaking s. Expects students to spend at least 16 hours distributed across at least eight sessions in a classroom or other setting where they can work with one or children.

Deals with the practical aspects of the instruction of teaching English Language Learners in Sheltered English Immersion, and mainstream classrooms. Reviews and applies literacy and content area instructional approaches. Includes such other topics as history and legislation related to English Language Learners and bilingual education, and the influences of language and culture on students, instruction, curriculum, and assessment. There are two sections of this course: one for elementary and early childhood education majors and one for secondary education majors.

This course focuses on the development and implementation of curriculum in early education. The Massachusetts Guidelines for Preschool Learning Experiences and the national standards for developmentally appropriate practices will be utilized throughout the semester. This course will highlight each of the curriculum domains (language literacy, mathematics, science and technology, social studies, health, and the arts) while demonstrating build an integrated curriculum in an early childhood classroom. The importance and value of play in the early years will be emphasized, and strategies will be shared to help teacher candidates document student learning.

Focuses on learning (including behavioral, cognitive, and information processing approaches), motivation, and social development, while incorporating the role of play in the learning and development of the young child. Examines individual differences and the effects of special needs on learning and development, as well as program implications.

Examines the role of situational, school, community, peer, and family factors on the education of children. Participants in the course will strive to understand the effects of their own social context on their education, to develop strategies to help students understand their context, and to understand and contribute to what schools can do to improve teaching and learning and school culture for all students regardless of internal and external variables.

Partnering with Diverse Families and Communities in Early Childhood.

This course is designed to help early childhood educators establish effective partnerships and reciprocal relationships with diverse families and communities. First, students will learn models of family involvement and important family developmental processes in early childhood such as attachment, maternal responsiveness, and parenting styles. Second, we discuss important social, cultural, and linguistic characteristics which shape the life of families and children and are relevant for understanding diverse families. Third, we present strategies for supporting and working with diverse families through family, school, and community partnerships. At the end of this course, students will have developed an action plan for working with diverse families in early childhood settings including activities for: collecting and providing information, planning for family involvement in the classroom, establishing reciprocal relationships with families, and collaborating with communities.

The main purpose of this course is to encourage early childhood educators to embrace the unique characteristics of young children artistic and musical expression and appreciation of these experiences. By providing a foundational knowledge of young children creative thinking and aesthetic development, the course will teach you effective pedagogical strategies in teaching art and music and integrate art and music across the early childhood curriculum. Students will learn bridge theory and practice through various readings, recorded lectures, and classroom examples. At the end of this course, you will be able to plan effective process-focused art and music lessons, use various materials and medium for artistic and musical expression, maximize the potential of your classroom resources, and use art and music to promote multiculturalism, diversity, and enhance family involvement.

Science Playing and Learning in Early Childhood Classroom.

This course is designed to encourage and prepare early childhood educators for planning and implementing engaging and developmentally appropriate science learning experiences (Pre-K-2nd grade). An overarching focus of the course is instilling in students an appreciation for the wonder of science and the world around them. The course is divided into three science content areas: Earth and Space Sciences, Life Sciences, and Physical Sciences. Students will learn connect their teaching with new science, technology, and engineering standards. Through interactive activities and discussions including the review of video, science lessons, and research in science education, we will explore key elements and challenges of science teaching and provide a foundation for supporting science learning in the early childhood classroom.

The course will coincide with the pre-practicum experience. It is designed to introduce teacher candidates to inquiry as stance and the skills necessary to conduct classroom-based research that leads to pupil achievement and teaching for social justice. The course is designed to help teacher candidates mediate the relationships of theory and practice, pose questions for inquiry, learn through reflection and discussion, learn from their students and colleagues, construct critical perspectives teaching, learning, and schooling, and to improve teaching and learning. The second part of this sequence is 432 which is taken in conjunction with full-time student teaching (EDUC7420).

The primary goal of this capstone seminar is to initiate teacher candidates into the practice of teacher research or collaborative inquiry for action. Collaborative Inquiry for Action is an ongoing, collaborative process of systematic and self-critical inquiry by educators their own schools and classrooms in order to increase teachers' knowledge, improve students' learning, and contribute to social justice. This final project will be presented at a roundtable presentation at the end of the semester and also satisfies the M.Ed., MAT, MST Comprehensive Examination in Education.

This is a pre-practicum experience for students in graduate programs leading to certification. Placements are made in selected schools in the greater Boston area. Students who are accepted into a program after the deadlines are requested to submit the application upon notification.

A semester-long, full-time, five day a week practicum experience for graduate students in early childhood, elementary and secondary education. Students will be guided by a qualified school-based mentor (Supervising Practitioner) and a university-based mentor (Program Supervisor). Department permission required after August December 15.

In order to ensure that all students graduating from the master program have a fundamental understanding of the field which they are to enter, they are required to take a written comprehensive examination covering the broad areas of the core courses.

The teacher candidate will demonstrate an inquiry stance by collecting and reporting data on pupil outcomes for the purpose of assessing, teaching, and modifying instructional practice.

Professional experiences comprise early field experiences, referred to as pre-practicum placements, and an immersive, semester-long full practicum experience.

Graduate students complete a pre-practicum experience, which consists of one school day per week for 10 weeks.

We are an approved teacher preparation program by the Massachusetts Elementary and Secondary Education. Upon successful completion of the Lynch School of Education and Human Development educator preparation program, students earn endorsement from Boston College for licensure in Massachusetts.

Education should level the playing field. We feel the same way financial aid.

The Lynch School of Education and Human Development provides than $8.4 million in financial aid to students each year.

In addition to your academic history and relevant volunteer and or work experience, please include any licenses currently held, any social justice-related experience, any language skills other than English, and any research experience or publications.

In 1,000-1,500 words, describe your academic and professional goals, any experience relevant to this program, and your future plans, expectations, and aspirations.

Two letters of recommendation are required, with at least one preferably coming from an academic source. Applicants may submit one additional recommendation of their choice.

Applicants who have received degrees from institutions outside the United States should view the International Students section for additional credential evaluation requirements.

Please begin your online application before submitting your transcripts. Details on submit transcripts and international credential evaluations can be found within the application.

Submitting GRE test scores is optional for this program for the 2023 entry term(s).

Applicants who have completed a degree outside of the United States must have a course-by-course evaluation of their transcript(s) completed by an evaluation company approved by the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES). Submission of falsified documents is grounds for denial of admission or dismissal from the University.

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Master of Education in Early Childhood Education - Lynch School of Education and Human

  • GRE Required:  Register to view the details
  • Research Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Teaching Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details
University of Rochester logo
Ranked as:  #36 in Best National University
Tuition:  $50,505 per year
Total Cost:  $101,010 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  New York
Acceptance:  35.43%

Warner School of Education at the University of Rochester logo in Header.

Few careers give people the opportunity to impact individuals and their communities like teaching.

Warner will prepare you to become an innovative early childhood educator, committed and able to help all your students learn and grow.

Our teacher preparation programs offer the shortest path to New York State initial and professional teaching certification and a guaranteed 50% tuition scholarship.

If you are interested in other early childhood education programs, check our related programs.

Shortest program: Preservice teachers can complete the program in 15 months of full-time study (if starting in summer) certified teachers seeking additional certification in early childhood may require less time.

Option to add specializations: With only a few additional credits required, you can pursue additional state certification to also teach up to 6th grade or in inclusive classrooms, or advanced certificates that can strengthen your effectiveness with diverse learners and make you marketable see Opportunities for additional specializations.

For Preservice Teachers with No Prior Teaching Certification.

MS Program (TA1):45 credits, including field experiences and two student teaching experiences.

New York Certification in Teaching Students with Disabilities in Early Childhood: Prepares you to better serve students with diverse learning needs while qualifying you to teach in inclusive classes.

New York Certification in Childhood Education: Qualifies you to also teach children from birth to grade 6.

Advanced Certificate in Digitally-Rich Teaching: Prepares you to make the best use of digital technology in your teaching.

Advanced Certificate in Urban Teaching and Leadership: Prepares you to teach highly diverse and disadvantaged students in urban settings.

New York Certification in TESOL: Prepares you to better serve English language learners in your classes and qualifies you to teach TESOL courses.

Licensure in other states.Review certification and licensure requirements for all Warner programs.

For Initially Certified Early Childhood Teachers Seeking NYS Professional Certification.

If you already have your initial teaching certification in Early Childhood Education, and are seeking New York professional teaching certification in the same area, there are several Warner programs to help you achieve this goal. Most of these programs require only 30 credits of coursework and no internships.

Distance option leading to professional certification only (PX2): Taking online courses can reduce trips to campus in half.

Leading also to certification in Childhood Education (SA2):To be able to also teach elementary students up to grade 6 (requires 32 credits including field experiences).

Leading to Certification in Teaching Students with Disabilities Birth Grade 2 (PA3): To be able to better serve your students' diverse learning needs and to teach in inclusive classes (requires 35 credits including field experiences and one student teaching experience).

For Certified Teachers in Areas Other than Early Childhood Seeking Certification in Early Childhood.

Creating effective Early Childhood teachers who can inspire and lead change.

Early childhood teachers are some of the most important teachers as they help young children develop a love for learning during these formative years that impacts their lives for years to come. They directly help to shape how their students develop learning skills as well as social and emotion abilities. And, they believe young children are learning every day and they enjoy every stage of early development.

Our early childhood program will prepare you to work with children from birth to age eight and to play a key role during the formative years in determining their future. Interdisciplinary in both content and process, coursework and field experiences prepare our students to have a deep understanding and strong foundation of early childhood development in the areas of language, cognitive, social emotional, and physical development. Throughout the program, they explore current research on early childhood curriculum in the areas of literacy, science, mathematics, and social studies, and they gain a deep understanding of these subjects they teach and the skills and understanding of teaching, learning, and development needed to help all children develop to their fullest potential. They gain a strong understanding of how children develop within the context of a family, community, and society and what impact this has on development, as well as an in-depth analysis of human development during the early childhood years. These experiences prepare dedicated, creative, and motivated teachers who are capable of supporting the learning and growth of young children at whatever rate they are developing.

At the heart of our work in early childhood education is a commitment to social justice and equity. individual strengths, needs, and interests.

Preparing graduates to thrive in Early Childhood education.

Our programs in early childhood education will help you stand out from other early childhood educators and prepare you to excel in your career.

Leverage the reputation of a leading research university to strengthen recognition of your degree.

Make yourself stand out when applying for teaching positions by pursuing additional specializations for a few additional credits.

Shorten your path to a doctoral degree by earning transferable credits.

Take advantage of online learning options that help reduce trips to campus.

Be ready to teach the school year following enrollment, as the program can be completed in as little as 15 months, even by teachers new to the profession.

Horizons at Warner: Enrichment Program for RCSD Students in Grades K-8.

Horizons at Warner: Enrichment program for students in grades K-8.

Warner hosts a six-week summer enrichment program that engages urban K-8 students in meaningful and authentic learning experiences. The Horizons program creates a unique opportunity for Warner students to interact with young learners in an out-of-school setting. Opportunities for paid teaching experiences in this program are also available after graduation for a limited number of students.

Graduates of a Warner teacher preparation program in early childhood education will have the credentials needed to teach all subjects to children from birth to grade 2 in New York State public schools and other states that recognize our state teaching certification. And with only six extra credits, you will be qualified to also teach at any elementary grade.

A New York State requirement within five years of beginning a teaching job.

At the same time, some of our graduates have chosen to pursue careers other than teaching in K-12 public schools. These include working in daycare centers, community-based organizations, preschools, private schools, and camps.

The Warner School of Education at the University of Rochester is pleased to offer a number of scholarships to eligible students who enroll in teacher preparation programs. These scholarships are made possible by federal grants as well as the generous support of donors, who are committed to the success of future teachers.

Horizons Summer Enrichment Program: A six-week, full-day summer program for K-8 students in the city of Rochester that takes place on the University of Rochester campus, and provides its students with meaningful literacy and math learning opportunities in an informal context.

Take a course: You can also experience Warner as student prior to applying, for a highly discounted price. There are many classes available and some may apply toward your eventual program of study.

Check program-specific requirements for ourMS in Early Childhood Education (GA1) or Combined (GA3).

Check program-specific requirements for ourMS in Human Development (with Specialization in Early Childhood) (HD5).

Warner offers both EdD and PhD programs that can be customized to include a focus on early childhood education, by:.

Choosing early childhood education courses for program core choices and electives.

Constructing independent studies and projects in research methods courses related to early childhood education.

This provides them the opportunity to anticipate some of their graduate coursework and engage in experiences that can help them decide if teaching is indeed for them.

Meliora means 'Ever Better.' To our graduates, it means making a world of difference.

The most important thing I received there was the opportunity to be immersed in the study of education and leadership with very talented people, that think-tank mentality of being surrounded by the best of the best. The intellectual stimulation from both the staff and fellow classmates really did allow me to think things differently.

The admissions team looks forward to assisting you as you explore graduate education at the Warner School.

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Early Childhood PreK Elementary Education

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  • Research Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Teaching Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details
Boston University logo
Ranked as:  #41 in Best National University
Tuition:  $57,666 per year
Total Cost:  $115,332 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Massachusetts
Acceptance:  20.09%

Wheelock College of Education Human DevelopmentProgramsEarly Childhood MA in Leadership, Policy Advocacy for Early Childhood Well-Being.

MA in Leadership, Policy Advocacy for Early Childhood Well-Being.

The Master of Arts (MA) in Leadership, Policy Advocacy for Early Childhood Well-Being provides advanced study for practicing educators, social workers, healthcare professionals, psychologists, administrators, and others. This program prepares early childhood leaders to work with and on behalf of young children and families in policy, leadership, education, human services, health, and other careers.The program is uniquely flexible, with core coursework in child development, international child and family research, racial and cultural identities, understanding and dismantling systems of inequity and oppression, and early childhood policy. Additionally, students will select from identified courses from across the University to tailor their program to their own professional aspirations.

The MA is designed as a 12-month, full-time or part-time program that may begin in the summer or fall semester each year. All students will design and participate in two semester-long field experiences in their professional field.

Demonstrate and apply knowledge and understanding of the physical, neurological, cognitive, language, social, and emotional domains and theories of development applied to young children, prenatal to middle childhood.

Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of a range of texts, concepts, and issues in early childhood, including the intersectionality of categories of difference, the impact of relations of power, oppression, and liberation, and past and present theories and practices designed to promote social justice.

Demonstrate the capacity to play a leadership role in promoting best practices in early childhood development and family support in programs, organizations, and systems.

Previous academic and professional backgrounds, as well as their desired future aspirations and professional roles upon graduation. Elective courses may be selected from offerings within BU Wheelock or at participating colleges and programs across BU to provide a range of multidisciplinary opportunities to students. Up to 12 credits may be taken outside of BU Wheelock.

Field Experience Seminar in Early Childhood Leadership, Policy and Advocacy I (4 cr).

Field Experience Seminar in Early Childhood Leadership, Policy and Advocacy II (4 cr).

Previous academic and professional background as well as their desired professional role upon graduation).

Bilingual Education Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages.

Note that this information may change at any time. Read the full terms of use.

Boston University is accredited by the New England Commission of Higher Education (NECHE).

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University of Virginia School of Engineering and Applied Science

  • GRE Required:  Register to view the details
  • Research Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Teaching Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details
University of Washington-Seattle Campus logo
Ranked as:  #55 in Best National University
Tuition:  $30,294 per year
Total Cost:  $60,588 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Washington
Acceptance:  55.86%

The Early Childhood Special Education Program (ECSE) is a two year program that offers field and course work for students interested in working with young children (birth – age eight) with special needs and their families. This program is designed to prepare teachers to be leaders in the field, school, and community. Graduates may apply for Washington teacher certification in Special Education and an endorsement in Early Childhood Education (P-3).

Graduates of this program work in a variety of early learning programs, early intervention programs, and public schools, with a diverse groups of students and families.

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Early Childhood Special Education (MEd/Cert)

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  • Research Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Teaching Assistantships:  Register to view the details
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Florida State University logo
Ranked as:  #55 in Best National University
Tuition:  $26,707 per year
Total Cost:  $53,414 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Florida
Acceptance:  32.45%

Graduate degrees in Curriculum and Instruction: Early Childhood Education prepare future educators for leadership roles in education. Our graduates go on serve as master classroom teachers and staff specialists in public or private school systems. Additionally, an early childhood education degree enables you to work at colleges or universities and in governmental or professional organizations.

Our teacher education program is a model service-learning program for the entire state of Florida. We regularly receive recognition for the quality and preparation of our graduates. feel while providing the benefits of a major university.

GREtest scores. Official test results are required from the General Test of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). Examinee copies are not considered official. The Educational Testing Service (ETS) do not retain scores longer than five years. If your test scores are older than five years, you may have to retake the test to have official scores sent directly to FSU from the testing agency.

Should describe your purpose for pursuing a degree, qualifications and long-term career goals.

The C I degree requires a minimum of 32 credit hours. All students completing the C I degree must complete either a classroom-based action research project OR pass the comprehensive exam.

Core Program Categories (taken by all masters candidates) 12-15 semester credit hours.

This category addresses considerations and decisions addressing the needs of learners, selection of teaching methods, and the social interactions necessary to enhance the quality of the learning environment. Tenets of learning theory applied as best practice (e.g., Universal Design for Learning, Response to Intervention, et.

This category addresses considerations, decisions, and critical issues relevant to enhancing instructional effectiveness and efficiency through the use of web tools, social media, and immersive environments, productivity tools, project-based learning, et al. Consideration is also given to effective online asynchronous teaching and learning best practices.

This category broadly addresses the interpretation, use, and conduct of research. Masters candidates will design studies, collect relevant information in a field-based environment, and interpret results that lead to instructional improvement and enhanced student achievement. Candidates specifically interested in continuing studies at the doctoral level will, in addition, complete EDF 5481 (Methods of Educational Research, 3 SCH).

Major (18-21 Semester Credit Hours) Specialization courses in Early Childhood Education.

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, job outlook for early childhood teachers is expected to grow 10.5% through 2026, which equates to approximately 50,100 new jobs. The job outlook for instructional leaders coordinators is expected to grow up to 10.5% through 2026. That translates into over 17,000 new jobs nationwide. The median national annual salary range for instructional leaders coordinators is $64,450 per year. The median national salary is $64,780 per year.

A career in education can be very rewarding, and a typical path offers ample opportunities for professional development and growth. Educators make a difference in the lifelong learning experience of their students, as well as, the quality and standards of the programs they teach.

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Early Childhood Education

  • GRE Required:  Register to view the details
  • Research Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Teaching Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details

What kind of scholarships are available for Graduate Programs in Early Childhood Education and Teaching?

We have 9 scholarships awarding up to $54,037 for Masters program in for Early Childhood Education and Teaching, targeting diverse candidates and not restricted to state or school-based programs.

Scholarship nameAmountCredibility
George Washington Carver Program for Graduate Students in Higher Education$8,000High
Woodrow Wilson Higher Education Media Fellowship$5,000High
Intercollegiate Studies Institute Graduate Fellowships$5,000High
NYS Masters in Education Teacher Incentive Scholarship$4,239High
Delta Kappa Gamma Society Scholarships$1,000Medium

Find scholarships and financial aid for Early Childhood Education and Teaching graduate programs

$500 $20000

What is the GRE score required for admission to Master's degree in Early Childhood Education and Teaching?

Gre score requirements differ from school to school. Most colleges do not publish the cutoff scores. For example 624 universities offer Master's programs in Early Childhood Education and Teaching.

New York University: As with all materials applicant submit, their GRE or MAT test scores will be viewed in a holistic light, and will not outweigh other indicators of their academic and personal qualifications to be a teacher or school leader.

Concordia University-Nebraska: The university program does not require applicant to have a teaching certification or GRE scores, and it is eligible for the TEACH grant.

Gre score requirements for Master's program in Early Childhood Education and Teaching

Which are the accredited universities that offer phd/doctoral programs offered in Early Childhood Education and Teaching?

13 universities offer graduate PHD program in Early Childhood Education and Teaching

Best Early Childhood Education and Teaching graduate PHD programs

Are there any one year masters programs in Early Childhood Education and Teaching?

A full-time Master’s program is usually a 2-year program, but there are accredited and Nationally ranked universities that offer 1-year and 18-month Master’s programs. An 18-month program can be completed in one year because if you are able to complete the credit requirements, you can get the degree in 1 year.

6 Universities offer On-campus Masters's Program within One Year - 18 months. The tuition for a Master's can range from $14,549 to $50,505.

On-campus Masters 1 year - 18 months in Early Childhood Education and Teaching

How much does it cost to get a Master's in Early Childhood Education and Teaching and how to find the most affordable Masters program?

Master's degree in Early Childhood Education and Teaching is offered by 622 US universities. The tuition for the Master's degree can range from $8,650 per year at Concordia University-Nebraska to $57,666 at Boston University.

The tuition at public universities will be lower for in-state students when compared to private universities but you get more financial aid at private universities.

Most affordable Master's program in Early Childhood Education and Teaching

Are there colleges for the Early Childhood Education and Teaching Masters program that do not require GRE/GMAT?

Quite a few accredited universities have waived off the GRE score requirements for admissions to Masters programs. 624 offer Graduate programs in Early Childhood Education and Teaching. Below are listed 10 universities that do not require GRE/GMAT for admission to Master's program. For viewing the all the schools that have waived off GRE/GMAT for the admission, use Match Me Masters.

No GRE schools for Masters in Early Childhood Education and Teaching

Are there universities offering online Master's in Early Childhood Education and Teaching?

Online Master's degree in Early Childhood Education and Teaching is offered by 29 US universities. The tuition for the Master's degree can range from $5,000 per year at Walden University to $36,315 at St. John's College.

Online Master's in Early Childhood Education and Teaching

Is it worth getting a master's degree in Early Childhood Education and Teaching?

Before you invest 2-3 years of your life and anywhere between $40,000 - $110,00 of your hard earned money, students do ask as to what is the return on investment on the Master's degree. Here are some of the statistics from

How can I compare the Early Childhood Education and Teaching Graduate Programs?

Compare the GRE score requirements, admission details, credit requirements and tuition for the Master's Program, from 651 universities offering Graduate School Programs in Early Childhood Education and Teaching. Compare Graduate School Programs in Early Childhood Education and Teaching

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9 months ago
The Master of Arts in Early Childhood Education program at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor offers three program options tailored for teachers, administrators, and other service providers. The program is designed to accommodate working professionals, with most courses available in the evenings, during summer, and online. It includes a focus on inclusive early childhood education, with specialized tracks for early childhood administration and leadership, and special education inclusion.
9 months ago
What are the key features of the Master of Arts in Early Childhood Education program at the University of Michigan-Ann Arbor?

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