Top Masters Programs in Entomology

Entomology is the scientific study of insects. It is a specific branch of zoology. In an entomology program, graduate students will closely study the biology, physiology, and behavior of insects. They will also conduct research on a range of topics, including insect ecology, behavior, morphology, evolution, biosystematics, pathology, molecular biology, genetics, aquatic entomology, pollinator biology, crop protection, and pest management. You are a good candidate for a master’s in entomology if you hold a bachelor’s degree in biology, chemistry, zoology, entomology, ecology, botany, or another similar field.

After obtaining a masters degree in entomology, one is qualified to work in plant health management, public health (including the Armed Forces), research laboratories, agrochemical industries, crop consulting, environmental education, natural resource protection and conservation, and other government agencies. Additionally, one may go on to pursue a doctorate degree and become a specialist or professor.

Cornell University logo
Ranked as:  #17 in Best National University
Tuition:  $30,042 per year
Total Cost:  $60,084 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  New York
Acceptance:  10.71%

The Graduate School at Cornell is organized into “Training Fields,” that span college and department administrative units. Fields draw their graduate faculty from multiple disciplines and departments, so students have access to a diversity of scholarship in their respective areas of study.

Every candidate for the M.S. degree in Entomology is expected to submit a thesis at the end of their degree program. The details of thesis content and construction vary among students. An M.S. degree can be conferred once your thesis has been judged to be "complete" by your Major Advisor and Special Committee

Graduate students in the Field of Entomology have a great deal of freedom in the choice of their classes. We offer courses in a broad array of topics, including introductory courses on insect biology, as well as advanced courses in systematics, ecology, physiology, toxicology, medical entomology, pathology, insect conservation, insect behavior, and applied entomology.

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Master of Science in Entomology

  • GRE Required:  Yes
  • Research Assistantships:  1320
  • Teaching Assistantships:  1455
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details
University of Florida logo
Ranked as:  #29 in Best National University
Tuition:  $30,130 per year
Total Cost:  $60,260 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Florida
Acceptance:  31.13%

The Entomology and Nematology department offers research-based M.S. (thesis) and PhD degrees in entomology and in nematology. Insect and nematode pests cause significant losses to agricultural and horticultural crops and livestock, and are important vectors of pathogens that cause diseases in plants, livestock and humans. Urban pests can affect quality of life and cause significant loss to property. However, these organisms also provide important services through decomposition, pollination of fruits and vegetables, and as natural enemies of other pest species. Our department is uniquely positioned to address these fundamental and applied biological questions because of our strong interdisciplinary research and education programs, from molecular to whole organism and population ecology studies.

In addition to our research based degree programs, the M.S. degree can be taken in a non-thesis format, in Gainesville or entirely with a specialization in either entomology or pest management (with foci on pests of medical, urban or landscape importance).

Certificates, comprising 15 credit hours of specific coursework, are available or to residential students with concentrations in urban pest management, landscape pest management or medical entomology. These certificates document specialization and proficiency in sub-disciplines within entomology for enrolled graduate students and provide evidence of expertise for non-degree seeking students.

Students entering graduate programs in entomology and nematology should have a strong science background, including biology, chemistry, and algebra. Physics and statistics are recommended. Admissions criteria can be found on the Graduate School’s Admission page.

Degrees Offered with a Major in Entomology and Nematology.

ENY 5164: Graduate Survey of Invertebrate Field Biology.

ENY 5 2: Graduate Survey of Urban Vertebrate Pest Management.

ENY 6665: Advanced Medical and Veterinary Entomology I.

ENY 6665L: Advanced Medical and Veterinary Entomology Laboratory.

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Entomology and Nematology

  • GRE Required:  Yes
  • Research Assistantships:  2278
  • Teaching Assistantships:  1317
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details
University of California-Davis logo
Ranked as:  #38 in Best National University
Tuition:  $28,700 per year
Total Cost:  $57,400 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  California
Acceptance:  46.35%

The University of California, Davis Department of Entomology and Nematology is consistently one of the top ranking entomology programs in the United States. The graduate program offers both the M.S and Ph.D. degree. This program draws its strengths from several sources including a teaching and research faculty of some 40 professional entomologists and nematologists, and a full range of laboratory and field equipment for teaching and research.

The University Information Technology, Campus Access Point (ITCAP) is excellent and up-to-date, and most faculty have microcomputers connected to Information Technology, Campus Access Point. The College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at Davis is the largest such college west of the Mississippi. In conjunction with the Schools of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine, the Davis campus has one of the largest concentrations of biologists in the country. The excellent spirit of cooperation provides opportunities to our graduate students for interdisciplinary studies.

MS Degree Both thesis and non-thesis options are offered in the department.

PhD Degree The Department offers a PhD degree in Entomology, and many faculty are also members of other Graduate Groups on campus, including Ecology, Animal Behavior, Genetics, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Population Biology, Plant Pathology, Agricultural Chemistry, and Horticulture. Graduate students are welcome to serve to diversify and enrich our graduate program.

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MS and PhD in Entomology

  • GRE Required:  Yes
  • Research Assistantships:  1365
  • Teaching Assistantships:  2331
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details
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47 universities offer the Master's program in Entomology.

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University of Wisconsin-Madison logo
Ranked as:  #38 in Best National University
Tuition:  $25,523 per year
Total Cost:  $51,046 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Wisconsin
Acceptance:  57.25%

The department is a diverse unit of researchers whose work spans the areas of suborganismal, organismal, and applied entomology. Research programs of the faculty are broadly interdisciplinary employing cutting-edge technology in all areas. Individual faculty web pages provide in-depth descriptions of the diversity of research in entomology.

Suborganismal research in the department focuses on insect physiology and population genetics. Areas of specialization include the molecular action of insect hormones and the insect/microbiome interface. Studies of gene flow utilize various molecular methods. Genomic data are used to understand adaptation, gene flow on landscapes, the genetic basis of phenotypes, and the phylogenetic relationships of insect species.

Graduate education in the Department of Entomology provides many opportunities for collaborative research. Faculty members participate in joint instructional programs with other departments on campus and with scientists at other universities, in federal and state agencies, and in industry. Because several entomology faculty members are also adjunct professors in zoology, forest and wildlife ecology, molecular and environmental toxicology, and other departments, they may serve as primary advisers to graduate students majoring in those fields.

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Entomology, M.S.

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University of Georgia logo
Ranked as:  #49 in Best National University
Tuition:  $27,476 per year
Total Cost:  $54,952 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Georgia
Acceptance:  48.38%

Master of Plant Protection and Pest Management (MPPPM).

The Master of Plant Protection and Pest Management (MPPPM) is a non-thesis professional Master’s degree program between the departments of Entomology, Crop and Soil Sciences, and Plant Pathology.

The MPPPM program is not a research-oriented degree, but graduates have successfully pursued Ph.D. degrees related to IPM. There is no thesis requirement in MPPPM, but an IPM-oriented internship is part of the program of study.

What are career opportunities with a MPPPM degree?

MPPPM graduates are trained for employment as IPM professionals in the pest control industry, pesticide and fertilizer services, cooperative extension, and regulatory agencies.

Applicants must have an degree from an accredited institution .

Any deviation from these minimum requirements, e.g. allowing significant job skills to compensate for slightly lower than minimum GRE or GPA scores, etc., must be approved by unanimous vote of the MPPPM Graduate Committee. Students must include a statement concerning the area of pest management they are interested in. Final decisions on admittance will be made by the MPPPM Graduate Committee.

In order to begin the admission process, you must the UGA Graduate School website and look under the Future Students tab. Follow the instructions for your particular category, e.g., Domestic application information.

Area IIIElectives: Select any UGA graduate course related to pest management in the student area of interest. Please check with the Graduate Coordinator for acceptability of courses not in the three departments, CRSS, ENTO, PATH early in the program to avoid the possibility of electives not counting toward the minimum credits.

Since the MPPPM program is a professional degree, an internship is required instead of research for a thesis. The internship is designed to strengthen a student background in integrated pest management and to provide practical experience, such as with a research scientist, a pesticide company, or the Cooperative Extension Service.

Title page: This should include title, name of student, previous academic degree(s), date of internship, name of employer, name of supervisor, degree program.

The report will be typed on 8.5 x 11 paper. The margins and page numbers should correspond to the Graduate School requirements for theses and dissertations. Section headings, tables, and figures should follow the guidelines set forth by a discipline journal. The length of the report should be commensurate with the internship the number of pages is not very significant, but the report(s) should be representative of the nature and variety of activities performed.

The Master Degree of Plant Protection and Pest Management Program (MPPPM) has a final examination requirement of all students. The purpose of the examination is to measure education capabilities that encompass the entire program of the student.

The examination consists of a written exam that is taken after all courses have been completed and will be administered by the student advisor. The written exam will cover specific information and general concepts learned during the overall graduate program, including prerequisites, and core courses in area I. The student must have the internship report approved before taking the final exam to complete requirements for graduation.

The MPPPM coordinating committee is advisory to students. The major advisor and student will develop a program of study and internship. An internship report by the student needs to be approved by the MPPPM coordinating committee prior to taking a final comprehensive exam over the program of study.

Jennifer Klute CRSS Graduate Coordinator Office, Program Coordinator II,.

Sherry Wrona ENTO Graduate Coordinator Office, Administrative Specialist II,.

Kisha Leigh Shelton PATH Graduate Coord.Office, Program Coord. Coordinator Assistant,.

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Master of Plant Protection and Pest Management (Entomology)

  • GRE Required:  Register to view the details
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Ohio State University-Main Campus logo
Ranked as:  #49 in Best National University
Tuition:  $37,141 per year
Total Cost:  $74,282 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Ohio
Acceptance:  68.49%

The Department of Entomology has graduate programs at both the M.S. and Doctoral levels. In addition to the terminal Ph.D. degree, the entry level degree is the M.S., with a thesis (Plan A) or a non-thesis (Plan B). Plan B is offered in Integrated Pest Management and other specialized areas of study designed to meet the student's professional objectives.

They also offer the Master in Plant Health Management program. The aim of this program is to provide hands-on training that includes both technical and professional aspects of plant health management, as the need for qualified individuals in the field increases. Neither the Plan B M.S. nor the Master in Plant Health Management is considered adequate preparation for a Ph.D.

The Ohio State Entomology graduate faculty are based on the Columbus campus and CFAES Wooster campus. Faculty in other departments may serve as advisors, subject to the approval of the Graduate Studies Committee.

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MS and PHD in Entomology

  • GRE Required:  Register to view the details
  • Research Assistantships:  Register to view the details
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Purdue University-Main Campus logo
Ranked as:  #51 in Best National University
Tuition:  $28,794 per year
Total Cost:  $57,588 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Indiana
Acceptance:  67.15%

Mosquitoes and ticks are arthropod vectors of disease-causing agents to humans and have a significant impact on human health throughout the world. A number of new and emerging vector-borne diseases are of public health significance in the United States. Diseases such as West Nile virus and Lyme Disease cause considerable human mortality and morbidity. Public education is the key to the prevention and control of vector-borne diseases. The goal of the Purdue Public Health Entomology Program is to reduce transmission of vector-borne diseases through public education. We offer a variety of educational materials and training opportunities to help the public learn vectors, vector-borne diseases, and their control. We also are participating with local and state health departments in the surveillance and monitoring of vectors and vector-borne diseases in Indiana.

Learn public health entomology activities in the State of Indiana. Results of the Purdue Public Health Entomology Survey of Indiana Public Health Specialists are published.

Hill, C.A., Whitford, F. and MacDonald, J.F. 2009. Assessing and responding to public health entomology needs in Indiana. American Entomologist. 55, 114-121.

Website developed by the Entomology Department at Purdue University An equal access equal opportunity university.

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Public Health and Medical Entomology

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University of Maryland-College Park logo
Ranked as:  #55 in Best National University
Tuition:  $30,885 per year
Total Cost:  $61,770 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Maryland
Acceptance:  50.96%

The Entomology M.S. program provides diverse opportunities for the selection of a thesis question and composition a thesis advisory committee.

Students in the Entomology M.S. Program are required to complete 24 credits of coursework, including two core courses and three graduate topic seminars (ENTM798 or equivalent). The three topic seminars must include a Responsible Conduct of Research seminar. In addition, students are required to register for and attend all Entomology Colloquium seminars and complete 6 credits of ENTM799. Please note, M.S. students that hold a Teaching Assistantship must complete a course in TA training, which is currently offered as ENTM701.

Other program requirements include a minimum of one thesis advisory committee meeting per year and submission of an annual progress report. Students in the M.S. program are required to present their final thesis research to the department in a public seminar, such as the Entomology Colloquium Series.

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Entomology, Master of Science (M.S.)

  • GRE Required:  Register to view the details
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Ranked as:  #55 in Best National University
Tuition:  $32,132 per year
Total Cost:  $64,264 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  New Jersey
Acceptance:  66.93%

The Entomology Graduate Program is designed to educate scientists who can function in a wide array of professional endeavors. The requirements are intended to present the student with contemporary thought and methods of entomological research.

Each candidate for the masters in Entomology must demonstrate to the Graduate Student Progress Committee competency in Entomology in the following areas; insect structure and function, and taxonomy. Competency will normally be assured by taking the corresponding courses of the Entomology Core Curriculum; if these are passed with a grade of B or better no additional examination is required. Students receiving a grade lower than B must take a competency exam administered by the Progress Committee.

Transfer of credits for graduate courses taken at other institutions is governed by the policies of the School of Graduate Studies (see Graduate Catalog, "Academic Policies and Procedures, Transfer of Credit"). Transfer of credits accrued while enrolled in other Graduate Programs at Rutgers University is subject to approval by the Entomology Faculty.

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Master of Science in Entomology

  • GRE Required:  Register to view the details
  • Research Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Teaching Assistantships:  Register to view the details
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Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University logo
Ranked as:  #62 in Best National University
Tuition:  $30,547 per year
Total Cost:  $61,094 * This tuition data is based on IPEDS. For the latest tuition amount, refer to the respective college websites.
State:  Virginia
Acceptance:  65.77%

All graduate students (MSFLS and PhD) are required to demonstrate competency in basic insect biology and statistics. Competency in insect biology may be demonstrated by taking courses like insect biology, medical veterinary entomology or another course beyond introductory or general entomology. Entering students are expected to have completed a course in organic chemistry upon admission to the Graduate School. If any of these courses are lacking, the student will be required to correct the course deficiency prior to admission or early in their degree program. All students must complete at least one course in each of three core areas:.

A Graduate Advisory Committee is formed for each student during their first semester. This committee is chaired by the student major professor and has at least two other members. For each student, the Graduate Advisory Committee determines a plan of study according to the student background and desired area of specialization.

For the thesis-based masters, 20 credit hours of course work and 10 credit hours of research are required. With successful completion of both coursework and research (thesis) requirements, masters students will receive a degree in life sciences with a concentration in entomology.

For a non-thesis masters, a minimum of 30 credit hours of coursework is required. In addition to coursework, these students must complete an internship and a project. The advisory committee will supervise the selection and conduct of the internship and project and will conduct a final oral examination. NOTE: a non-thesis masters degree is intended to be a terminal degree and is not a satisfactory prerequisite for continuing on toward a Ph.D.

This committee is chaired by the student major professor and has a minimum of five members, with at least one from outside the department. For each student, the Graduate Advisory Committee determines a plan of study according to the student background and desired area of specialization. Ph.D. students are expected to demonstrate competency in their area of specialization and are required to take a minimum of 27 hours of courses numbered 5000 or higher as part of a plan of study determined by their committee. Candidates must demonstrate breadth of experience in at least one topic apart from the major area of study. This enrichment experience must be approved by the committee and may take the form of foreign language, business, computer science, or other pre-approved topic.

For those seeking a distance learning degree, please consider the Agricultural and Life Sciences Graduate Degree Program. Several entomology courses are available within the five concentration options.

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MSLFS in Entomology

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  • Research Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Teaching Assistantships:  Register to view the details
  • Financial Aid: Register to view the details

What kind of scholarships are available for Graduate Programs in Entomology?

We have 155 scholarships awarding up to $1,270,915 for Masters program in for Entomology, targeting diverse candidates and not restricted to state or school-based programs.

Scholarship nameAmountCredibility
George and Lavinia Blick Research Fund$25,000High
STEM Teacher Graduate Scholarships$2,500High
PCI Women in STEM Scholarship$2,000High
ABC Humane Wildlife Women In STEM Academic Scholarship$1,000High
GMiS STEM Scholarships$500High

Find scholarships and financial aid for Entomology graduate programs

$500 $20000

What is the GRE score required for admission to Master's degree in Entomology?

Gre score requirements differ from school to school. Most colleges do not publish the cutoff scores. For example 46 universities offer Master's programs in Entomology.

Cornell University: Preference is given to interdisciplinary nominees, and there is an expectation of outstanding grades, GRE scores, statements of purpose, and letters of recommendation.

University of Delaware: Application process update: Due to coronavirus , the program of ENWC is waiving the GRE requirement for the university graduate program.

Gre score requirements for Master's program in Entomology

Which are the accredited universities that offer phd/doctoral programs offered in Entomology?

18 universities offer graduate PHD program in Entomology

Best Entomology graduate PHD programs

How much does it cost to get a Master's in Entomology and how to find the most affordable Masters program?

Master's degree in Entomology is offered by 46 US universities. The tuition for the Master's degree can range from $22,121 per year at University of Arkansas to $37,141 at Ohio State University-Main Campus.

The tuition at public universities will be lower for in-state students when compared to private universities but you get more financial aid at private universities.

Most affordable Master's program in Entomology

Are there any one year masters programs in Entomology?

3 Universities offer On-campus Masters Program within an One Year - 18 months. The tuition for Master's can range from $28,686 to $30,885.

On-campus Masters 1 year - 18 months in Entomology

Are there colleges for the Entomology Masters program that do not require GRE/GMAT?

Quite a few accredited universities have waived off the GRE score requirements for admissions to Masters programs. 46 offer Graduate programs in Entomology. Below are listed 6 universities that do not require GRE/GMAT for admission to Master's program. For viewing the all the schools that have waived off GRE/GMAT for the admission, use Match Me Masters.

No GRE schools for Masters in Entomology

Are there universities offering online Master's in Entomology?

Online Master's degree in Entomology is offered by 7 US universities. The tuition for the Master's degree can range from $7,870 per year at University of Florida to $15,750 at University of Florida.

Online Master's in Entomology

Is it worth getting a master's degree in Entomology?

Before you invest 2-3 years of your life and anywhere between $40,000 - $110,00 of your hard earned money, students do ask as to what is the return on investment on the Master's degree. Here are some of the statistics from

Career Outlook

Employment of natural sciences managers is projected to grow 6 percent from 2020 to 2030, about as fast as the average for all occupations. About 6,000 openings for natural sciences managers are projected each year, on average, over the decade. Many of those openings are expected to result from the need to replace workers who transfer to different occupations or exit the labor force, such as to retire.

The median annual wage for natural sciences managers was $137,940 in May 2020. Number of Jobs in 2020 was 79,000.

Career Opportunities with master's degree in Entomology

Job Title 2020 median Pay Number of Jobs Job Outlook What they do Zoologists and Wildlife Biologists $66,350 18,500 Employment of zoologists and wildlife biologists is projected to grow 5 percent from 2020 to 2030, slower than the average for all occupations. Despite limited employment growth, about 1,700 openings for zoologists and wildlife biologists are projected each year, on average, over the decade. Most of those openings are expected to result from the need to replace workers who transfer to different occupations or exit the labor force, such as to retire. Zoologists and wildlife biologists study animals and other wildlife and how they interact with their ecosystems.

How can I compare the Entomology Graduate Programs?

Compare the GRE score requirements, admission details, credit requirements and tuition for the Master's Program, from 47 universities offering Graduate School Programs in Entomology. Compare Graduate School Programs in Entomology

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Himanshu Goswami
1 year ago
Great List of Programs Mentioned in the list. Some of the programs are very well-suited.