Compare Graduate Certificate Programs, GRE score requirements, admission details, credit requirements and tuition for the Master's Program in Latin American Studies for Princeton University, University of Pennsylvania, Washington University in St Louis

Comparing 3 Schools
Princeton University
University of Pennsylvania
Washington University in St Louis
Course Description
The Graduate Certificate in Latin American Studies, established in 2012, offers graduate students the opportunity to expand their level of academic inquiry while at Princeton. Many such students prepare a generals field in Latin America, but that is not a requirement for the certificate. Note: Students cannot be admitted to Princeton University through the Latin American Studies graduate certificate program since it is not a degree program. The program is open to all Princeton University graduate students currently enrolled in any doctoral program in the humanities, social sciences, engineering, math or natural sciences.
Graduate Certificate in Latin American and Latinx Studies. Students develop rich cross-cultural fluency in Latin American language(s) and culture and acquire specific knowledge the history, social conditions, political challenges, and or environmental issues affecting the region. Graduate students in SP2 who have focused at least part of their academic training on Latin America and Latinxs are encouraged to document their specialization by earning a certificate in LALX in conjunction with their degree. The Certificate documents that the student has developed rich cross-cultural fluency in Latin American traditions and culture and acquired specific knowledge the history, social conditions, political challenges, or environmental issues affecting the region.
To earn a graduate certificate at Washington University, a student must complete all courses required by their department maintain satisfactory academic progress fulfill all academic and residence requirements and file an Intent to Graduate. Graduate certificates are not standalone programs and are only available to current students in applicable graduate programs. Note: Students must be enrolled in 9 graduate credits each semester to retain full-time status. As students complete their course work, if enrolled in fewer than 9 graduate credits, they must enroll in a specific Arts Sciences graduate course that will show 0 units but does count as full-time status.
Programs Details
Ranked as #1 in Best National University.
Ranked as #7 in Best National University.
Ranked as #15 in Best National University.
Princeton, NJ
Philadelphia, PA
Saint Louis, MO
College Type
Latin American Studies
Latin American Studies
Latin American Studies
Program Type
**Graduate Enrollment
Undergraduate Enrollment
Enrollments in Area, Ethnic, Cultural, Gender And Group Studies
No Information Available
No Information Available
No Information Available
No of degrees awarded
No Information Available
No Information Available
No Information Available
**Tuition In State
**Tuition Out State
Gre Required
No Information Available
No Information Available
No Information Available

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