Compare Graduate Certificate Programs, GRE score requirements, admission details, credit requirements and tuition for the Master's Program in School Psychology for Yeshiva University, Columbia University in the City of New York, Northwestern University

Comparing 3 Schools
Yeshiva University
Columbia University in the City of New York
Northwestern University
Course Description
Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education Administration. We hope this page will provide you with the information needed to help you navigate through your program at Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology. The 2018-2019 (PDF) supercedes all previous printed and online versions of the Ferkauf Catalog and academic regulations and is binding on all current graduate students. The University reserves the right to change tuition, fees, course offerings, regulations, and admission and graduation requirements at any time without prior notice.
The program prepares students to advance their academic careers by providing the type of coursework that top graduate programs require, including research experience. The program provides valuable preparation for Psy.D. and Ph.D. programs, including psychology, education, management, public health, and social work. The Certificate can be completed in two semesters of full-time study, or longer, depending on your schedule. Attend an info session on the Psychology Certificate Program.
The Preclinical Psychology post-baccalaureate certificate program consists of nine psychology courses required for application to most graduate programs awarding either the doctor of psychology in clinical psychology (PsyD) or the doctor of philosophy in clinical psychology (PhD). Find out the Preclinical Psychology Program. In addition to the program requirements, students have the option to take any of the courses offered at SPS to fulfill prerequisites. Elective courses are NOT eligible for financial aid, based upon federal financial aid requirements.
Programs Details
Ranked as #67 in Best National University.
Ranked as #18 in Best National University.
Ranked as #10 in Best National University.
New York, NY
New York, NY
Evanston, IL
College Type
School Psychology
School Psychology
School Psychology
Program Type
**Graduate Enrollment
Undergraduate Enrollment
Enrollments in Counseling and Behavioral Psychology
No Information Available
No Information Available
No Information Available
No of degrees awarded
No Information Available
No Information Available
**Tuition In State
**Tuition Out State
Gre Required
No Information Available
No Information Available

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