Private Scholarships Financial Assistance at Boston University

Categories are  Scholarship /  Financial-aid  tagged  Award /  Need Based /  Educational Scholarship
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Boston University's Private Scholarships Financial Assistance program has been made to provide extra financial support to students pursuing their education. These private scholarships, offered by various donors and organizations, can help students cover the costs of their academic journey. BU supports students by actively promoting and making it easy to help students with private scholarships, this way they ensure that they have access to various resources and opportunities to ease the financial burden of their education. That's how they make sure that students from all backgrounds can afford a good education.

Encouragement of Scholarship: The school wants students to look for and apply for scholarships in their own towns or cities and also from all over the country.

Notification of Private Scholarship Donors: If students get scholarships from private organizations then they should send letters or information about those scholarships directly to a specific office or department at the university. With this, the University keeps everything organized and ensures that the scholarship money is used correctly to support the student's education.

Effects of an Outside Award on Financial Aid: Federal rules say that the total money a student gets for financial aid should not be more than what they are eligible for based on their financial situation. This is to make sure that students don't receive too much financial help, as it needs to be balanced and fair.

Reporting Additional Awards: If students get extra awards or financial help from inside the university or from other sources then they need to let the BU Financial Assistance office know. This way, the financial aid office can make sure everything is fair and adjust the financial aid they're giving to the student accordingly. It's about keeping things balanced and fair for everyone.

Awards to Report: It is mandatory for students to tell the school about all the awards they receive, like scholarships or grants. This helps the school make sure everything is organized properly when it comes to financial aid. So that they avoid giving too much aid to a student.

Effect on Need-Based Aid: If a student gets extra money for their education from somewhere outside the university, the university will only reduce their financial aid if the total aid they're getting from all sources is more than what they should get based on their financial situation. They'll first cut down on things like loans or work-study programs, and if there's still extra money then they'll reduce the grants that the student gets from the university.

Reduction from Awards within Boston University: If a student gets extra money from a different department or group within Boston University, the amount of free money they get from the university will usually be reduced by the same amount as that extra money they received.

Reporting Additional Aid Preferences: If students get extra financial aid and they have a choice about which type of aid they want to reduce like student loans or work-study, they can tell the school their preference when they accept their financial aid. This means they can have some say in how their aid package is set up and choose the type of aid they prefer to use less. By this students get a bit of control over their financial support.

Education Level



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Application Start Date

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Eligibility Criteria

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University Name

Boston University


Not Applicable

Field of Study

Scholarship General




Scholarship Frequency





Not Applicable

Outside State Residents eligible

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International Students eligible

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Online Master Programs eligible

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